
作者&投稿:鄂蒋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

关于介绍公司的英语对话 要求3分钟左右。 写得好的+分
In this conversation, Sally Fraser, a Human Resources officer for a medium-size hotel on the West coast, is interviewing Victoria Jones for a position as night manager. Sally: I see from your resume that you certainly have the educational background and work background to handle ...

简短英语口语对话:Lily: Ann,I want to learn the financial accounting, what do you think?安,我想学财务会计,你觉得怎样?Ann: Not bad, it is a good profession.不错啊,这是不错的行业。Lily: But you know I am not majored on accounting, everything has to start from scratch,I ...

3. 取款 DRAW Clerk: yes?职员:您好.Customer: excuse me, Can you help me?顾客:对不起,能帮我个忙吗?Clerk: it is my pleasure. Please tell me what I can do for you.职员:很高兴为您效劳,请告诉我能为您做什么。Customer: I want to withdraw 8000RMB from my deposit account....

关于财务的英语对话三 莱恩:Brent, I also need you to go through the books later.布伦特.我还需要你之后仔细看看这些账簿.布伦特:Which books?什么账簿?莱恩:The financial records for last month.上个月的财务账本.布伦特:What do you want me to look for?你需要我核对什么呢?莱恩:I need ...

Jones先生: 我刚来。希望以后多多见面。能认识你,真的很高兴。回答者:13760551 - 一派掌门 十二级 12-15 13:08 参考资料:http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/16775693.html

—那天是9号礼拜三,对吧?NICK: That’s right. Good, well, I’ll do that and I look forward to seeing you next week.尼克: 没错。好,嗯,我会的,我期待着下礼拜和你们见面。HELEN: Same here. See you next week. 海伦: 我也是。下礼拜见。 来源:考试大-商务英语考试 ...

在飞机上的英语对话三 T:Hello, miss. Can you bring me something to drink?你好,小姐。能给我拿点喝的吗?S:Sure, sir. But there is a charge for alcoholic beverages in economy class. Would you please refer to this price list? And then give me your order.好的,先生。经济舱...

yourself in there.(好的!广州有许多的名胜古迹。我祝你在那里玩的愉快。)A:The same to you!There goes the bell.Let's go to have the clss.(你也要玩的愉快!上课铃声响了 。让我们一起去上课吧)B:OK!Let's go!(好的!我们走!)自己写的 大概就是高中或初中的对话了 ...

3.银行英语情景对话 4.在银行英语对话Atabank 5.常用英语口语100句 关于银行业务情景对话 下面我为大家带来金融英语关于银行业务情景对话,欢迎大家学习! 关于银行业务情景对话一: JohnAndersonandBettyRogerscontinuetheirdiscussionabouttheoperationandorganizationofherbank. 约翰·安德森和贝蒂·罗杰斯继续谈论有关贝蒂所在银...

工作中需要简单的英语办理业务日常对话,劳烦大家帮我总结一下,急求_百 ...
What can I do for you?我能为您效劳吗?What kind of serives you need?请问你需要什么服务?Please sign your name here.请在这里签名。It costs\/needs 10 yuan to transfer.过户需要10元。You can pay at the cashier over there.您可以在那边的收银台付款。Here's your change\/receipt.这是...

洪婵18851154564问: 帮忙找一段英语对话 两个人说的不需要太长3分钟左右的就行~商务英语关于外贸方面的有中英文对照的最好 -
治多县脂溶回答:[答案] Dialogue 1 A: If you are staying here for a few days, we'd be delighted to see you at our factory. B: It's very kind of you to say so. My associate and I will be interested in visiting your factory. A: Let us know when you are free. We'll arrange the tour for ...

洪婵18851154564问: 急求一份关于经贸商务英语方面的口语对话(对话要完整,两人对话时间大概三分钟到五分钟)我要两人对话,不要太长也不要太短,中等就OK了~ -
治多县脂溶回答:[答案] Business NegotiationA:The seller Miss Lin representing Huaxin Trading Co.,Ltd.B:The buyer Mr.Cai representing James Brown&Sons Co.,Ltd.A:Good morning,Mr.Cai.Glad to meet you.B:Good morning,Miss Lin.It...

洪婵18851154564问: 求一段商务英语对话!求一段关于一个公司向另一个公司推销产品的对话,两个人的,最好简单点,句数少一点, -
治多县脂溶回答:[答案] A:these are our newest products,please have a look.这是我们的最新产品,请看一下.B:they looks good,他们看起来挺不错A:yes.they are popular in asia market.是的,他们在亚洲市场很受热销.B:how about the qual...

洪婵18851154564问: 写一篇三分钟左右的英语对话(商务性的) -
治多县脂溶回答: --what do you think about the trade fairs? how it works to benifit the exhibitors?--To exhibitors the first advantage is that a trade fair provides them a chance to meet a big volum of clines with low costs. sencondly, they can work efficiently. they could ...

洪婵18851154564问: 求一段商务英语两人对话 -
治多县脂溶回答: A:it will be necessary for us to ask you to change rooms for the last two nights.You see,we have already let your room to another gentle-man.Is that acceptable to you? B: Yes, that's no problem at all. A: Let me see… room 1111 Will be vacant. How ...

洪婵18851154564问: 英语三分钟二人情景对话三题英语三分钟二人情景对话!1.A and B are a couple.They are making their plan to take a vacation.A actually expresses a negative ... -
治多县脂溶回答:[答案] 1. A:I am so happy that you are able to have a month holiday!In this case,we will be able to chose a further vacation spot. B:I ...if he is able to come. A:Exactly.He is always the joker among us.Wihtout him,there will be less fun in the party. 如果你觉得对话...

洪婵18851154564问: 两个人三分钟左右的英语对话点餐的,商量去旅游的,看医生的,面试的都可以,请谁有相关的就告诉我一下,明天就要用了, -
治多县脂溶回答:[答案] 看医生的, Doctor:Come in,please.I'm Dr.Evans. Peter:I'm Peter Mathews. Doctor:Have a seat.What seems to be the problem? Peter:I've lost a little weight recently,and I don't seem to have as much energy.My head and stomach were killing me ...

洪婵18851154564问: 求一篇两人的英文口语对话,2至3分钟Work in pairs.One of you acts as a Chinese business person,the other as an American who has sold you 2,000 personal... -
治多县脂溶回答:[答案] Work in pairs.One of you acts as a Chinese business person,the other as an American who has sold you 2,000 personal computers.When the goods arrived,12 days behind schedule,the Chinese found that ther...

洪婵18851154564问: 急···编写英语情景对话(2人讨论,时长需三分钟)场景随意,每个对话都需要三分钟!1.What's the fastest way to become rich?Whether it's legal or ... -
治多县脂溶回答:[答案] A:Ladies and gentlemen,today we are glad to invite the famous chief executive officer of the J company to our programma.Welcome Mr.BB:Thank youA:Many people longto know the fastest way to become rich,...

洪婵18851154564问: 求一段长约三分钟的二人英文对话 -
治多县脂溶回答: A:hI,Tom,Ihaven't seen you for quite a long time. Where have you been recently?B: I have been to the USA to attend a meeting.A:Did you have a good time there?B: Sure. We visisted many famous attrations there.A: Wow!That's great.B: What's more...

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