
作者&投稿:锺征 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

a: hi,ligang ,i am sorry to tell you that i lost your book.
B:what? really?oh.i can't believe my ear !!The book is my father bought from beijing.
a: i am very sorry for that ,but how can i do now?
B: i think you must to buy one for me ,becaus my father will 责备me .
A:oh,that is ok,I will buy another one for you .
B:en .thanks .and dou you have other things ?
A:no ,bye!



A:Hello!Long time no see!What were you doing these
B:I stayed at home,and I help my mother to do some housework.(我呆在家中,帮我妈妈做家务.)
A:How kind of you!By the way,the summer vacation
is coming soon.What are you going to do in the summer vacation ?(你真是太好了!顺便问一下,暑假很快就要来了。在暑假里你打算干什么)
B:I plan to go to the Beijing to watch the Olympic Games with my parents.(我计划和我的父母一起去北京去看奥运会。)
A:Wonderfui!You know,Beijing Rost Duck is very delicious.(太棒了!你知道的,北京烤鸭非常的美味。)
B:Yeah!I will go shopping in the Wangfujing shopping Center,and I will buy beautiful clothes little sisrer.(对!我会去王府井购物中心去购物,然后我会买许多漂亮的衣服送给我的小妹妹)
A:How nice!I will go to Guangzhou for travel.Guangdong Food is my favorite.(太好了!我会去广州旅游。广东菜是我的最爱)
B:Good!There are many places of interest in Guangzhou.I hope you will enjoy yourself in there.(好的!广州有许多的名胜古迹。我祝你在那里玩的愉快。)
A:The same to you!There goes the bell.Let's go to have the clss.(你也要玩的愉快!上课铃声响了
B:OK!Let's go!(好的!我们走!)
自己写的 大概就是高中或初中的对话了

A:Hey,what's up 好啊(打招呼,么啥特别涵义)
B:Hi,long time no see 嗨,好久不见
A:yeah,i'm working on my final exam,kinda busy.是啊,最近一直在准备考试,有点忙
B:yeah,me too,by the way,how's your new apartment?我也是,对了,你新租的公寓怎么样?
A:fine,welcome anytime.when did you buy the shirt?it's cute.还不错,随时欢迎你来,你什么时候买的这件衬衫?很不错。
B:last week,it cost me a fortune.Hey,I found a good restraunt yesterday,I am on my way to it,would you like to join me?The beaf there is really good.
上周,花了好多钱啊- -!对了,我昨天发现了家不错的餐馆,我正准备去呢,那的牛排很不错。
A:i wish i could,but i got so much work to do,maybe after the exam.我也想啊,不过我还有很多功课要做,等考完的吧
B:ok,good luck 好啊,好运!
A:so call me after the exam,i'll show you my new apartment,then we go for the beaf,ok?
B:ok,i'll see you around。 好啊,到时见
A:cool,see you later.很好,到时间。

A: Oh,come on! Are you going to stay in front of your mini_TV,eating a lot of drank food for another day?
B:Yeah,oh I mean that,exactly I don’t know what to do except that,and you know,recently I feel tired out,I really have no idea what’s wrong of me.
A:Haha,really? In my opinion,the reason why you are tired out is that you are too free!
B:But free should make me comfortble,I think.
A:You know everyday you do the same regular thing,but you never go outside the door,that could make everydody tired and boring.
B:you mean I should come out?
A:Absolutely! What is more,you’d better have more exercise,that is important for our health.
B:Exercise? You know that...
B:Lazy worm,you can do some simple sports,that is easy for you ,for example walking after a meal, runinng in the morning, study swimming,you know summer is coming,swimming is a best choice for you, hehe,it can help you loose weight.
A:Ah,yeah,maybe you are right,I will take your sugesstions,and..thanks a lot, my genious!


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