
作者&投稿:说友 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

30)be busy doing (with) 忙于做……(忙于……) 由come、do、get、give、go、have、help、keep、make、looke、put、set、send、take、turn、play等动词构成的词组 31)come back 回来 32)come down 下来 33)come in 进入,进来 34)come on 快,走吧,跟我来 35)come out出来 36)come out of...

it can be后来为什么不能加doing
1.It can be…句型翻译为“这可能是……”,can 在这里为情态动词,表推测,而 be 则因为在 can 后必须用原形。2.be doing 是现在进行时的结构,同时在有些情况下现在进行时可以表示将来,例如:I am coming.3.所以我认为,如果你将be doing 理解为进行时态,在表推测的句型中逻辑上很显然是不...

1、It takes sb+ 一段时间+ to do sth 2、sb spend + 时间或金钱 + on sth\/(in) doing sth 词汇解析:1、take 英文发音:[teɪk]中文释义:vt. 拿,取;采取;接受(礼物等);买,花费;耗费(时间等)例句:Even if it take me ten year, I am determined to accomplish the ...

I’m for doing nothing till the police arrive.\/I’m against doing anythingtill the police arrive...be out(intr)短时间不在家\/不在某个建筑物里,但并不在外过夜 be over(intr)结束: The storm is...call for到一个地方去取物或接人: I am going to a pop concert with Tom.He is calling for ...

...deeply impressed后面接什么,就是说後面接什麽to do或者doing...
be impressed 后即可跟 with 也可跟by at 等 with跟事情,对……有印象。 with+sth.比较多 by跟人,给谁留下印象,有by就是被怎么样,只能是人才可以impress吧 at跟具体的,在……上留下印象 感觉都差不多意思,关键咱们中文不这么说,你怎么翻译都行,大概是那个意思啦 ...

区别如下:一,experience of 时,接名词或者Ving动名词,【这时experience是名词】,而后面接的名词或动名词,一般是具体的表示经历的事物。例:She had no experience of life at all.她毫无生活经验。Have you had any experience of teaching English? 你有过教英语的经验吗?二,experience in 接...

The organizer thanked the staff for being so cooperative. 这句...
回答:for(表示原因)是介词,其宾语必须是名词、代词、动名词。cooperative是形容词,不能作宾语。若形容词前加上动名词being就构成了动名词短语,就可以作介词宾语了。如:Excuse me for coming late.I am sorry for being late.本句翻译:组织者对全体职员的同力合作表示感谢。

“have trouble in”和“have trouble with” 有什么区别?
have no trouble in doing sth 做某事没困难。have some trouble in doing sth 在做……方面有困难。3.have trouble in doing 做某事有困难。二、have trouble in 1.have trouble( in 可以省略)doing sth 在做某事方面有困难, 费事,后面习惯接动名词作宾语。2.I have some trouble in ...

如:I have made great progress since I was ill. 我自病愈以来取得了很大的进步。4.since前有ever,或从句谓语动词是be且后接表示人成长过程中的某个阶段或年龄的名词、形容词时,仍然按字面意思理解。如:I have lived here ever since I was a child. 我从还是个孩子时就一直住在这儿。

27.How are you doing? 你好吗? 28.How long are you staying ? 你要呆多久? 29.I am crazy...这里的There’s nothing good playing.是接着问句而来的,指的是“没有好电影可看。”同样的,若是...for crying out loud这个词组从字面上看,好像有大喊大叫的意思,不过在使用上,for crying out loud就...

道孙18956266562问: 归纳后面接doing的短语 好的还会追分 -
惠济区疏风回答:[答案] 常见的后面跟动名词(也就是doing)的有:finish(完成) doing/ keep(保持)/ practise(练习)/ mind(介意)/ enjoy(喜欢)/ spend (花费)/suggest(建议) +doing can't stop doing; 忍不住去做某事 或是情不...

道孙18956266562问: 列举动词后接doing的动词短语,越多越好,如suggest doing sth,越多越好 -
惠济区疏风回答: feel like, enjoy, have fun, have difficulty, spend time/money, admit, consider, miss, complete, imagine, mind, delay, practice, risk, stand, keep. go on, insist on , risk, resist, escape, deny, appreciate

道孙18956266562问: 什么英语短语后加doing? -
惠济区疏风回答: 1)通常只接动名词作宾语的动词:★ admit (承认,接纳), appreciate (感激,评价), avoid (避免,逃避), delay (推迟,延误), deny (否认,), enjoy, finish, miss, postpone (推迟,延期), put off (拖延), practice, quit ...

道孙18956266562问: 哪些短语,动词后面加doing形式 -
惠济区疏风回答: 哪些短语,动词后面加doing形式 enjoy 、mind、 finish 、 excuse 、 imagine 、 keep 、 practise、 suggest、 miss 、 consider 等等

道孙18956266562问: 要20个后加动名词(doing)的短语 -
惠济区疏风回答: Advice, admit, appreciate, avoid, delay, deny, dislike, doubt, anticipate, ensure, encourage, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, complete, imagine, miss, postpone, practice, quit, prevent, risk, suggest, understand, favor, mind, resist, cannot help, give up, keep from, put off, set about....

道孙18956266562问: 有什么单词或短语后面是加doing的 -
惠济区疏风回答: 一些固定句型回定词组: be tired of doing sth. be thirsty for doing sth be cry for doing sth remember doing sth be terrible at doing sth 一般进行时中;主语+系+动词ING形式.

道孙18956266562问: 后面接doing形式的短语有那些?中学阶段这样的短语主要有哪些? -
惠济区疏风回答:[答案] admit to,prefer…to,be used to ,lead to,devote oneself to,object to, stick to ,no good ,no use ,be fond of,look forward to,be proud of, be busy ,can't help,be tired of,be capable of ,be afraid of ,think of , burst out,keep on,insist on,count on,set about , put off ,...

道孙18956266562问: 后面跟doing的动词,例如like doing有多少来多少啊! -
惠济区疏风回答:[答案] 接doing的动词 单词: mind,escape,practise,enjoy,finish,miss,consider,stand,suggest,keep,imagine,fancy,mention,admit,avoid,delay,dislike,deny,risk,appreciate,recommend,resist,resume,forgive,report,include,excuse,understand,complete,endure,...

道孙18956266562问: 总结哪些动词后接doing形式,至少举5个动词及短语,各造两个句子一定要造句短小精炼 句意简单明确 -
惠济区疏风回答:[答案] 1:enjoy doing sth.2:practise doing sth.3:avoid doing sth.4:finish doing sth,5:like doing sth.6:keep doing sth.造句:1:I enjoy climbing mountain.我喜欢爬山 Do you enjoy sunning?你喜欢跑步吗?2:I'm pr...

道孙18956266562问: 后跟doing和to do的短语 -
惠济区疏风回答: like doing,enjoy doing,love doing,look forward to doing,be good at doing,do well go doing,have to do,need to do,help sb to do.

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