it can be后来为什么不能加doing

作者&投稿:海邰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
It can be~

宇多田光唱过的歌么Ticket For Two

Ticket 4 two to the Caribbean
Go to places noone's ever been before
Fills me with delight
Take your time
There's so much more tonight
You are the only one for me
Nobody else can see
It's all about the things you see in me
We can sleep out in the open
Roam the Caribbean shore
Take shelter underneath the sky
Fallin' stars go by
Ticket 4 two to the Caribbean
Go to places noone's ever been before
Fills me with delight
Take your time
There's so much more tonight
Ticket 4 two to the Caribbean
Go to places noone's ever been before
Fills me with delight
Take your time
There's so much more tonight
Thank the lord he sent you to me
And together we are free
I have you right next to me
We can sleep out in the open
Roam the Caribbean shore
Take shelter underneath the sky
Fallin' stars go by
Ticket 4 two to the Caribbean
Go to places noone's ever been before
Fills me with delight
Take your time
There's so much more tonight
Ticket 4 two to the Caribbean
Go to places noone's ever been before
Fills me with delight
Take your time
There's so much more tonight
It can be
It can be
You and me
It can be
You and me
It can be
You and me
You've really got to see
How your love's effecting me
Oh Baby
Just hold me in your arms tonight
Peaceful as the ocean floor
Roam the Caribbean shore
Take shelter underneath the sky
Fallin' stars go by
It can be
Ticket 4 two to the Caribbean
Go to places noone's ever been before
Fills me with delight
Take your time
There's so much more tonight
Ticket 4 two to the Caribbean
Go to places noone's ever been before
Fills me with delight
Take your time
There's so much more tonight
It can be
Ticket 4 two to the Caribbean
Go to places noone's ever been before
Fills me with delight
Take your time
There's so much more tonight
It can be
Ticket 4 two to the Caribbean
Go to places noone's ever been before




动词的分词形式类似于形容词,其中进行时也可相当于名词,所以be 后面严格上说只跟形容词和名词

1.It can be…句型翻译为“这可能是……”,can 在这里为情态动词,表推测,而 be 则因为在 can 后必须用原形。 doing 是现在进行时的结构,同时在有些情况下现在进行时可以表示将来,例如:I am coming.
3.所以我认为,如果你将be doing 理解为进行时态,在表推测的句型中逻辑上很显然是不成立的。
4.但如果这样理解:形式上为 It can be doing… 我认为是可以的。即例句如下:
——What is Mary's favorite housework?
——It can be sweeping the floor.Because she does it every day without any compliants.
但用在这里sweeping the floor 已成为名词短语。这也就回答了你的追加问题:It can be 后加名词或名词性的短语。或:
——Where can his car be?
——It can be there.(后加副词或副词短语)
上面4条均为将 It can be… 作为推测来考虑。正如三楼所说,如果 It can be… 不表示推测的话,那么 can 就解释为“可以”。就可以有这样的句子:
This is life. It can be beautiful. 这就是生活。它可以很美好。
这样,be 后就可以加形容词了。
6. 综上,我认为 It can be… 在表推测时后面加名词或名词性短语或副词及副词性短语,而 can 译为“可以”时, 则根据 be 及具体语境决定。


单以 It can be ... 来说
後面可以是 ~ing的

It can be running well.

应当是 以 be 这个字为准
be 字後面可以有什麼

原帖提及不可以加 doing




万年县15311746380: it can be后来为什么不能加doingbe后面不是可以加doing的吗那it can be后面可以加什么? -
文固亦欧:[答案] 供参考 单以 It can be ...来说 后面可以是 ing的 例如 It can be running well. 至於后面该是些什麽 应当是 以 be 这个字为准 be 字后面可以有什麽 便可以有什麽 原帖提及不可以加 doing 请提供多些资料(语境) 也许能够补充一些意见

万年县15311746380: 为什么是it can also be 不是it can be also,就像i am really -
文固亦欧: 1 also用于实义动词之前eg.They also agree with me. 2 also用于be动词之后eg.I was also there. 3 also用于第一个助动词之后eg.His sister has also gone to town. 4 also有时放在句首 eg.Also, some students were tempted to add written comment ...

万年县15311746380: be 后面只能跟形容词吗?例如 it can be sent.是不是不能跟动词?那will be后 -
文固亦欧: 动词的分词形式类似于形容词,其中进行时也可相当于名词,所以be 后面严格上说只跟形容词和名词

万年县15311746380: can后面为什么加be -
文固亦欧:[答案] 因为can是情态动词, 后来必须跟动词原形,而be 就是am,is,are的动词原形,所以can后面要加 be. 希望我的回答能帮到你,呵呵

万年县15311746380: 为什么can be better中间要加个be呢? -
文固亦欧: 因为can 是情态动词,后面只能跟动词原形,better 是形容词good 的比较级,所以不能直接跟在can 的后面,better 做表语之间就用了个be.

万年县15311746380: can't ... but后面什么时候加do什么时候加to do? -
文固亦欧: but是转折连词,正规的书面语当中,but左右要对称 can 后面要接动词原形 你说的can't...but并不是固定用法,完全可以分开说的.也就是说,并不像one...another;so...that;too...to这种常用句式…… 所以需要分开说,如果but后面接了to do,but前面...

万年县15311746380: 为什么can要加be再加形容词? -
文固亦欧: can只是情态动词,不能单独作谓语,必须与其他动词一起充当谓语.

万年县15311746380: it can be在什么情况下加done
文固亦欧: 这是被动语态,be动词后面的动词要是done形式, 例如:The Window is broken by me 这扇窗户被我打破了

万年县15311746380: 请问 It can be ture?? 中为什么用be ,还有什么情况下be 的原形?????谢谢 -
文固亦欧: 首先ture的词性是adj.be动词+adj.构成系表结构 其次can是情态动词,情态动词后面接动词(be动词)原形,所以无可厚非这里用be咯 至于甚么情况下用be,情况很多

万年县15311746380: every women can be beautiful为什么有be -
文固亦欧: 因为在情态动词can的后面,按照语法规定,都是动词原形,所以就是be,情态动词不是系动词,不能直接加形容词,所以在beautiful前面加一个be.举例一:It can be seen clearly in a ray of sunlight or under a lamp.它在阳光或灯光下清晰可见.举例二:These doughs can be rolled out while you wait for the pastry to chill.在等油酥糕饼凉的时候,可以把这些面团擀薄些.

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