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高考英语语法填空考点一 若两句(一个主谓关系算一个句子)之间没有连词也没有分号或句号,一般是填连词:Eg. He envied the farmers who hadthe beautiful night stars to give them light ___ his family hadonly expensive lanterns.(答案:while\/because\/as)(2009 广州普通高中毕业班综合测试一...

请问第1个空为什么填who而不是to或者其他?不是有have sb to do的搭配么?第2个空为什么填engaged 而不是engaging?答:你的问题提得很不错。粗看,确实有have sb. (to) do 的结构。但这里为什么一定要填who呢?倒不是因为to太多,而是句子本身表达的需要。这句话主要想表达的是:我认为。。。

语法填空是高考必考题型,整理了语法提空的答题技巧,希望对大家有所帮助。 一、语法填空的考查范围: 1.语境(上下文); 2.语法:动词(时态、语态、主谓一致、非谓语形式)、名词、代词、冠词、介词、连词固定搭配、情态动词、复合句、形容词和副词的比较级最高级及构词法、倒装等。 语法填空的能力要求: 1.阅读\/理解...

which,与 that-,who-\/whom,都属于“关系代词”,关系代词是与复合句有关的,是用来引导定语从句的.them,与 he\/she,it,you I me,us等属于同一的概念范畴,是普通的人称代词,代替前面提到的人或物,避免重复提及前面已经提过的相同的名词.所以,判断的关键,是要从句子的结构入手,看这个句子:1、简单句...

语法填空题作为一种新型题目,重点考察的是学生的词汇掌握能力、词语辨析、单句理解能力,这就对学生英语综合能力的应用提出了更高的要求。要下面是我为大家推荐的2017高考英语语法填空分类试题,仅供大家参考!高考英语语法填空分类试题 一、考查词形转换 1. He must be (mental) disabled.2. His teacher ...

导语:语法填空是近年高考英语推出的一种新题型,这种题型能全面检测学生在英语词汇、语法,甚至是句法上的运用能力,能更科学地反映学生的英语综合水平。换句话说,语法填空题还是有一定难度的,接下来我给大家介绍老师总结的做题技巧,希望对大家有所帮助。 高考英语语法填空的做题技巧 一、已给单词提示题型的技巧 此类题...

一:(1)to (2)amazing, excited (3)calling (4)that (5)recommended (6)bigger (7)stood (8)to (9)the (10)to help (11)shouldn't permit (12)a 二:(1)On the top of the mountain stood (2)is twice heavier than (3)think twice (4)up to (5)...

高考英语语法填空答题技巧 语法填空又称为开放式语篇填空,这一题型的测试是根据德国心理学家的格式塔心理学原理和英语语言学家布朗的语篇分析理论等,英语语法填空应该掌握哪些技巧?下面由我为整理有关高考英语语法填空解题技巧的资料,供参考!高考英语语法填空解题技巧 无提示词一般考查:冠词、介词、连词、...

情态动词练习 1. May I stop my car here?No, you____. A A. can't B. mustn't C. needn't D. don't have to 一般现在时练习 1 Jenny ___ in an office. Her parents ___in a hospital. D A work works B works work C work are working D is working wo...

这个是语法规定),就错了。所以是found their new car stolen.望采纳,谢谢~如果是一个从句,则是: a middle-aged couple found that their new car was stolen.可以省略。其实你要理解为一个宾语从句也可以,只是说一般情况下,我们遇到这样的选词填空,都会用find +双宾的结构。

驹蕊18087401400问: 求详细解答:单句语法填空. 1 单句语法填空. 1. By the time he got home, his wife - ____ - (do) all the housework. 2. In the United States, lunch - _____ - (offer) ... -
扎囊县吡硫回答:[答案] 1. had done 2. is offered 3. protecting 4. was sweeping 5. to show 6. have eaten 7. frequently 8. to 9. enrich 10. so

驹蕊18087401400问: 单句语法填空. 1. By the time he got home, his wife - ____ - (do) all the housework. 2. In the United States, lunch - _____ - (offer) to students for free at school. ... -
扎囊县吡硫回答:[答案] 1. had done 2. is offered 3. protecting 4. was sweeping 5. to show 6. have eaten 7. frequently 8. to 9. enrich 10. so

驹蕊18087401400问: 语法填空题的练习,It's not - _______ - good idea to drive for hours whitout - _________ - break.第一个空呢我知道是填a或an,我认为good,是用元音u来发... -
扎囊县吡硫回答:[答案] 第一个填a.good首字母g是辅音,所以用a不用an. 第二个填a.表示泛指,休息.

驹蕊18087401400问: 小学英语第十一册复习专项练习(语法训练)选择填空:( )1.I like dumplings - ___ - I will bring some pork dumplings tomorrow.A.but B.so C.and D.or( ) 2.I ... -
扎囊县吡硫回答:[答案] 1-5 CADBD 6-8 CBD 9.ugly 很高兴为你解答,欢迎追问~

驹蕊18087401400问: 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分).I felt upset when I 1 - -------- - (tell) that I would h -
扎囊县吡硫回答: 1. was told 2. a 3. and 4. in 5. found 6. who/ that/whom 7. excited 8. talking 9. him 10. entirely 略

驹蕊18087401400问: 一句英语语法填空
扎囊县吡硫回答: 应该填“should”,原文是:One evening, a passer by asked to stay for the night. Seeing that he had an honest Face, she let him in and gave him a nice treat. The next morning the stranger, actually a sorcerer (巫师), thanked her by granting ...

驹蕊18087401400问: 单句语法填空 -
扎囊县吡硫回答: 1 stomachs 2 had come 3 sign 祈使句 4 is, is, is 5 belongs 6 Found 7 To save 8 Comparing 9 turning 10 has been built 11 to blame 12 bought

驹蕊18087401400问: 高一英语单句填空10题 -
扎囊县吡硫回答: of; while when as in in to do on/for On up

驹蕊18087401400问: 英语单句语法填空 -
扎囊县吡硫回答: 填betrayed是可以的,但是should have done有一种用法是 表示"竟然,居然"带有一种不敢相信的意思. 例如: I'm amazed that he should have done something so stupid 我很惊讶他竟然能做出如此愚蠢的事所以这里最佳答案是should have done建议你可以百度里面搜索一下“should have done - 你有所不知的那些用法” 这个文档进一步了解一下should have done 的用法望采纳😊

驹蕊18087401400问: 英语语法填空 -
扎囊县吡硫回答: 1. activities2. contribution3. yourself4. are built5. spent6. lucky7. that8. a 9. with10. to serve

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