
作者&投稿:荆瑶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

6. have a haircut 理发7. go shopping 去买东西8. be at work 在工作9. in front of 在……前面10. for a few days 几天11. all the year...Let me help you,please.请让我帮你吧。Let us go to school.让我们去上学吧。make sb do 使某人做某事He makes she cry. 他把她弄哭了。The ...

~ some sleep小睡~ a promotion晋升Go and ~ a haircut.去 (让人) 理发吧He got a scolding for being late.他因迟到而被骂2 得到【同义字】get 得到,与有无意志或是否努力无关gain 努力或逐渐地取得对自己有益之物或所需obtain 努力工作或勤奋而得到所需之物acquire 长期努力而获得a. (努力...

worst 最坏的 worth 值得 air chair 椅子 fair 公正的 hair 头发 haircut 理发 pair 一对 stairs 楼梯 ear ear 耳朵 dear 亲爱的 tear 眼泪 hear 听见 near 在……附近 year 一年 clear 清除 bear \/bɛr\/ 熊 pear \/pɛr\/ 梨 wear \/wɛr\/ 穿 希望我能帮助你解疑释惑。

例:charge ten dollars for a haircut 理一次发要价十美元 New Words credit n. card n. income n. available adj. popular a. charge vt.;n. cost n. purchase vt.;n. extra a. sponsor vt. bill n. pioneer n. respectively adv. matter n. replace vt. individual n. business n. 单词 信任,...

没想到吧,原来女孩也能够用 handsome 来形容,而且绝对是褒义词。这样的美女往往是女孩比较 爱好 的,在...But I notice that you’re complimenting people on their haircut and on how they’re dressing,

5.Are you going to cook some food\/shop for clothes\/get a haircut?你打算煮食物\/买衣服\/理发吗?No. I’m not.不,我不是。(否定回答)6.I’m going to ask you questions.我准备回答你的问题。Unit 6: It’s a vacation! 重点单词、词组:1.have a picnic去野餐 2.visit relatives探访亲戚3.help...

查理和巧克力工厂 经典台词
Willy Wonka:Because you see,a few months ago,I was having my semiannual haircut and I had the strangest revelation.In that one silver hair I saw reflected my life's work,my factory,my beloved Oompa-Loompas.Who would watch over them after I was gone?I realized in that moment...

Smash Hits Best Haircut [Nicky] (UK) Top Of The Pops Best Pop Act (UK) Capital Awards - Best International Group (UK) Clear Top 10 ...劝你去西城联盟http:\/\/bbs.westlifecn.com\/?fromuid=54查找吧,资料比西城中文站全,MV也比西城中文站的清晰,还有………总之你去看看吧! 已赞过 已踩...

he is like his dad和he like his dad哪个对
he is like his dad - 他像他的爸爸 he likes his dad - 他喜欢他的爸爸 like verb (ENJOY) 喜欢 › to enjoy or approve of something or someone 喜欢,喜爱 I like your new haircut.我喜欢你的新发式。Do you like fish?你爱吃鱼吗?I like it when a book is so good ...

帮忙英文翻译 小短句 谢谢
You should get a haircut. You should cut your hair. You need a hair cut. 你也一起来吧? Won't you join us? *Won't you...? 表示“……好吗?”,是一种表达建议的较随便的方式。 Why don't you come along? (我们一起去吧?) 你有什么建议吗? What do you suggest? What is your ...

辕肢15659437603问: Haircut是什么意思啊? -
开封县泰宾回答: 名词 理发 I had a haircut yesterday.我昨天剪头发了 另一种说法 I had my hair cut yeaterday. 这两句话都表示我昨天剪头发了,第一句里haircut合起来作名词,第二句里分开 cut作动词

辕肢15659437603问: haircut中文是什么意思 -
开封县泰宾回答: haircut ['hεəkʌt] n. 理发,剪发;(女子头发的)修剪 (尤指男式)发型,发式 短语: get(或have) a haircut 1\理发 2\被女人欺骗

辕肢15659437603问: Haircut是什么意思? -
开封县泰宾回答: haircut 英[ˈheəkʌt] 美[ˈherkʌt] n. 理发; 发型; 发式; 全部释义>> [例句]Did he talk about his new neo-nazi haircut?有提到他新的纳粹式发型吗?更多例句>>

辕肢15659437603问: haircut是什么意思?
开封县泰宾回答: 是发型的意思吧

辕肢15659437603问: 雅思词汇:理发时要用到哪些英语表达 -
开封县泰宾回答: 打薄剪刀thinning 乱发shock 修剪trim 平顶头crop 分发 part hair 做发型 cutting&styling 电烫 permanent wave 点烫药水 setting lotion 烫发机 electric hair cer hair clay发泥 假辫子 coronet braid witch 前刘海 bang 理发haircut

辕肢15659437603问: haircut的过去式是什么? -
开封县泰宾回答: 这是一个名词,没有过去式,如果要表达已经剪发了,用had a haircut

辕肢15659437603问: haircut的意思是什么 -
开封县泰宾回答: n.理发;发型;发式 复数:haircuts 动词是 :cut hair 例:A stylish haircut is essential to a professional image.时尚发型是一个必不可少的职业造型.

辕肢15659437603问: 理发英文是什么 -
开封县泰宾回答: have someone's hair cut (剪)/done(造型等)

辕肢15659437603问: 急需一些理发店的常用语 -
开封县泰宾回答: 1、 I"d like a regular haircut, please.请帮我理普通发型.2、 Haircut and shave, please.请剪发和刮脸.3、 I"d like shampoo and blow dry.我想理发和吹风.4、 Just a haircut and shampoo, please.我只要剪发和理发就可以了.5、 Don"t ...

辕肢15659437603问: 理发的英文拼写怎么读 -
开封县泰宾回答: 理发: haircut[ heəˌkʌt]

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