
作者&投稿:娄茗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  于是后来我们又学会了另一个词——Pretty。 Julia Roberts 主演的美国电影《Pretty Woman》让咱们很好的记住了这个词。不过pretty 也是我们最容易用错对象的词,当面嘉奖女孩时尽量不要说她看上去 pretty,因为这个词固然意思上是漂亮,但内涵却是说这个人长相只是个别程度的好看,不是特别有吸引力。所以我们还是在和猪朋狗友一起对女孩评头品足时用它吧:

  -How’s the girl you dated last night?

  -Well, she’s certainly pretty, but I wouldn’t call her beautiful.

  性感美女 VS. Gorgeous

  说一个人性感,让你 sexually interested,我们首先想到的便是 sexy,这个词好多女孩听了都感到很难为情,实在美女们大可不必这样,在老外看来,夸一个人sexy是对她“有女人味”的最好评估,她会非常高兴的对你说句“Really? Thanks a lot!”不过国情不同,为了避免中国美女们对想卖弄一下英语的男孩子曲解甚至报警,我们还是有必要学会其余一些表白方式用以防身:

  Attractive 漂亮并且性感,足够吸引异性。这个词诚然很常用,但在美女面前完全显示不出你的英语水平,搞不好在你脱口而出“Wow, you look attractive today!”的时候,美女会回敬一句:“你四级刚过吧?”

  Striking 俊秀的可能激动你的心,尤其是她的眼睛或是其余身材某个部位特别丢脸,让你难以忘却。这个词用得好,说明你仔细地观察了对方,并且还找到了她身上最大的优点,每个女孩子都喜好这种细心的男孩,推荐!

  Gorgeous 书面语中最常用的词,意思跟 attractive 差不久,但用途相当广泛。在路上看到意识的女孩,对她来一句 Hey, gorgeous!(嗨,美女!)不管你是不是真心的,保留让她乐不可支。强烈推举!

  极品美女 VS. Stunning

  Stunning 是用来形容极品美女的,它的本意是“令人晕倒的”,这样的美女走到街上回想率得是200%,是无数男子可望不成及的对象。你见过这样的美女吗?如果有的话别忘了告诉朋友你的收获:“Yesterday I saw an absolutely stunning girl in the street! ”

  Ravishing 原意是“令人销魂的”,有一点戏谑的语气在里面,和友人聊天说笑时倒是不妨一用。

  优雅美女 VS, 英语学习 网站. Elegant

  Elegant 优雅的美女,这样的女子衣着讲究,打扮得体,举动端庄,经常出入高雅场合。好莱坞的女明星们在缺席各种颁奖典礼时的着装就是 elegant 的最好注解,英语培训。

  可恶美女 VS. Lovely

  形容可恨型的美女畸形咱们都知道 lovely,比来还有一个词也很火,就是来自日语“可憎”的 kawaii。这里要留心的是褒奖女性尽量不要用 cute,由于 cute 一般只用来形容小孩的可恶或者男人的难看,而 lovely girl 则给人一种清纯可人的感到,男孩见到了定会发生想要去关心保护她的冲动。

  帅气美女 VS. Handsome

  没想到吧,原来女孩也能够用 handsome 来形容,而且绝对是褒义词。这样的美女往往是女孩比较 爱好 的,在朋友中有很好的人缘,因为一个 handsome girl 往往是因为个子高,长相酷,或者性格坚强,不是那种假小子的味道,而是给人以帅气的觉得,见到这样的女孩大略好多男孩都会自卑到望而却步了吧,所以把这票投给春春,因为我的众多女同事可都把她当作自己的偶像呢!


  简单的“You are nice.”跟“You are hot.”

  HOT, 不比这个更常用的了, PRETTY只指脸蛋美丽, HOT是几乎包括了所有方面的英俊, 特殊是身材, 前面那位询问形容身体好怎么说的友人, 这个词是最恰当不过的. 男生们私下念叨女生漂亮的浮现率最高的一句话: Man, she's so hot!!

  夸奖和赞美的 英语口语 表达

  What a lovely dress!


  A:Look at me!


  B:What a lovely dress!


  It looks great on you!


  A:How about this necklace?


  B:It looks great on you!


  You did a great job!




  B:You did a great job!


  Keep up the good work!


  A:Keep up the good work!


  B:Thank you very much,Professor Young!


  I'm flattered.


  A:My goodness,your accent is perfect!


  B:I'm flattered


  Look at Niki.she's stunning!


  A:Wow!Look at Niki.she's stunning!


  B:Yeah!I can't get my eyes off her.


  Hey,control yourself,a fly just flew into your mouth!


  A:Hey,control yourself,a fly just flew into your mouth!


  B:Who's he?He's stunning!


  Thank you so much,you're my guardian angel!


  A:Thank you so much,you're my guardian angel!


  B:You're more than welcome.



  Hello, this is Jessica from Shenzhen China. I like this programme very much. Would you please give me some idea about how UK people to praise people for their looking or figure? Is it common to say some guy handsome, as like saying you are a handsome guy or pretty or beautiful for a girl? Thanks a lot. Jessica

  Li: 听上去Jessica 想了解英国人有没有称赞一个人外表的习惯,如果回答是肯定的,那么,在赞许和夸奖别人时又该如何表达呢?现在我请我的同事William Kremer 为大家做一次演示,看看被称赞的人如何反应。环顾四周,谁最抓William 的眼球呢? I wonder who will catch his eye?

  William: So I’m joined now by my colleague Michelle. Hello Michelle.

  Michelle: Hello Will.

  William: And Michelle, I’ve got something to say to you. I just wanted to say, I don’t know if anyone has told you this recently but, you’re a very good-looking person. You’re a beautiful girl.

  Michelle: Well, I do try. I did blow-dry my hair especially for you today, actually.

  William: Thanks Michelle. Now the reason I’m telling you this now is that we have an email from Jessica in China, who says, “Is it common to say that some guy’s handsome, like for example saying you’re a handsome guy or pretty or beautiful for a girl?” Would we normally sort of say to people, you know, you’re a good-looking girl, you’re a good-looking guy, you’re a pretty girl?

  Michelle: Erm, I probably wouldn’t actually, because I think some people, especially in Britain anyway, feel quite uncomfortable when you make comments like that, really, like I did when you made that comment!

  William: So you felt uncomfortable.

  Michelle: Yeah. I think people in Britain sometimes find it hard to take compliments. And also it’s kind of as if you’re trying to flirt with them and I just think there are more subtle and better ways to do it.

  Li: Michelle 说,她对赞赏感到不太舒服uncomfortable. 她还说,有时英国人found it hard to take compliments 对赞誉和表扬感到难以接受。

  Michelle: I think some people, especially in Britain anyway, feel quite uncomfortable when you make comments like that, really, like I did when you made that comment!

  William: So you felt uncomfortable.

  Michelle: Yeah. I think people in Britain sometimes find it hard to take compliments.

  Li: People in Britain sometimes find it hard to take compliments. 这到底是为什么呢? 为什么听到别人的称赞会让英国人感到不舒服uncomfortable?原因之一可能是英国人不太习惯主动去称赞别人,因此接受称赞也就困难了。下面William 就此话题和中国组的同事Finn 进行了探讨。

  William: Do you think that British people actually like giving and receiving compliments?

  Finn: I think British people do give them but quite rarely, so when you do get a compliment from a British person, perhaps it’s quite valuable, maybe it means more than from another culture where compliments are perhaps given more freely.

  Li: 在英国人们很少去称赞别人,所以获得称赞时就非常宝贵了valuable.

  Finn: I think British people do give them but quite rarely, so when you do get a compliment from a British person, perhaps it’s quite valuable, maybe it means more than from another culture where compliments are perhaps given more freely.

  Li: Maybe it means more than from another culture where compliments are perhaps given more freely. 物以稀为贵嘛,也许在英国赞美的话更为珍贵吧。真心实意地称赞会被珍视的,不过如果仅仅是对一个人的外表进行夸奖,恐怕就会让人很不舒服了!经过一番探讨,我们了解了英国人对赞美之辞的看法,具体说就是,最好不要称赞一名女子多么漂亮或夸奖一名男子多么英俊,这会让对方感到尴尬,不过有什么 方法 让对方容易接受赞美呢?

  Finn: For me, personally, if I notice that one of my colleagues or friends has a new item of clothing or a new haircut I generally like to comment on it. Even if I don’t think it looks great I think it’s important to give that person a little boost and say “Oh you look great today, that’s a really nice haircut, it suits your face”, that kind of thing. Although Will, I’ve noticed yourself, your facial hair has changed and it makes you look really young and perhaps even taller.

  William: Thanks Finn. I don’t need to be any taller than I am. I’m already quite tall enough! But I notice that you’re complimenting people on their haircut and on how they’re dressing, but you’re not saying “You’re a handsome guy” or “You’re a beautiful girl”.

  Finn: I wouldn’t naturally walk up to a guy and say “You’re handsome”, unless I had a good reason to. I don’t know what that would be.

  Li: Finn 说,他喜欢称赞一个人的新发型或新款服装以便给对方提升一下自信a little boost 提升自信心。

  Finn: I think it’s important to give that person a little boost and say “Oh you look great today, that’s a really nice haircut, it suits your face”, that kind of thing.

  Li: You look great today; that’s a really nice haircut. 现在我们把话说回来,如果是好朋友的话,那情况就会不同了。柯•威廉向Michelle 提出了一个问题。问他,如果看到女友穿上一件漂亮的连衣裙准备晚上出去玩的时候, Michelle会怎们对这位女友说呢?

  William: What would you say to her?

  Michelle: I’d probably say, “You look gorgeous” or “You look stunning” or you know, “You look like an absolute babe tonight” or something like that. So I think to compliment your friends is definitely quite normal; in fact, I do it quite often.

  Li: 大家听清了吗? Michelle 说了什么?我们再来听一遍。

  Michelle: I’d probably say “You look gorgeous” or “You look stunning” or you know, “You look like an absolute babe tonight”.

  Li: You look gorgeous! 好了,今天我们探讨了一个非常有意思的问题,再次感谢Jessica. 最后我想提醒听众朋友随时有问题随时给我们发电子邮件,能录音就更好了,我们的邮箱是chinaelt@bbc.co.uk. 希望早日收到你的问题。Bye bye!


1. 100句夸女孩子的话

2. 夸奖女生漂亮的句子

3. 夸奖女生的语句

4. 赞美别人的英文句子大全

5. 赞美人的英语句子大全

6. 夸奖用英语怎么说

7. 夸女孩子的经典语录

1、comely 词义:标致的, 清秀的, 美丽的 例句: Though not comely, she possessed a lively mind and exuded a kind of sparkling charm.释义:虽然不是很漂亮,但她拥有活泼的头脑,并散发出一种闪耀的魅力。2、goodliness 词义:美丽, 美好, 美貌 例句:These activities need money, goodliness...

1、beautiful, 漂亮的 2、 pretty 美丽的 3、lovely可爱的 4、charming有魅力的 5、attractive迷人的 6、elegant优雅的 7、sexy性感的 8、hot身材火辣的 9、pulchritudinous貌美如花的 10、tasteful品位高雅的 11、cute伶俐的 英语:英语(English)属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,由古代从欧...

用英语夸女朋友的句子(15句)1、You can experience in my life, and the most profound feeling。2、If you fall in love with you can be considered a mistake, I am sure it would be the fault of life s most beautiful, I prefer the wrong life 。3、Want to see your mood is...

如何用英语准确夸奖女孩子 1. 用"Attractive"来形容女孩子,这个词足够吸引异性,而且在美女面前也显得你英语水平不一般。2. 如果想夸奖女孩子漂亮,可以用"Pretty",但要注意这个词的含义是漂亮,但可能只是个别程度的好看。3. 如果你想夸奖女孩子性感,可以用"sexy",这个词在很多情况下都是表达“有...

美女(尤指女艺术家, 女模特儿等)漂亮的东西 pulchritude n.美丽, 标致 beautiful adj.美丽的, 很好的 pretty adj.漂亮的, 可爱的, 优美的, 机灵的, 恰当的 handsome adj.英俊的, 大方的, 慷慨的, 美观的, 堂皇的 attractive adj.有吸引力的 漂亮的 beauteous adj.美丽的(多用于文学作品中)fai...

1. Hey, look at the chick over there. Chick这个词代表的就是女孩子,它念起来就像是chicken 前面的几个音。 一般而言 chick 和 girl 是可以交互使用的,例如Sheis athirteen-year-old chick. 2. 要懂得适时地称赞女孩绝对是每个男士必修的功课。 一句简单的 You are pretty! 或是 You areso...

-Well, she’s certainly pretty, but I wouldn’t call her beautiful. 性感美女 VS. Gorgeous 说一个人性感,让你 sexually interested,我们首先想到的便是 sexy,这个词好多女孩听了都感到很难为情,其实美女们大可不必这样,在老外看来,夸一个人sexy是对她“有女人味”的最好评价,她会非常高...

graceful---优雅 gentle---温柔的,温和的

1.she is a ten.有的同学看到这句就一脸茫然:她是个十?我只能捂脸了。这句话的意思就是她的长相可以打十分,十分完美,非常漂亮的意思。例句:She's a perfect 10.她长得超好看。2.As pretty as a picture.这句字面上的意思就是美如画,形容对方像画里走出来的一样,仿佛...

如何用英语准确夸奖女孩子 于是后来我们又学会了另一个词——Pretty。 Julia Roberts 主演的美国电影《Pretty Woman》让咱们很好的记住了这个词。不过pretty 也是我们最容易用错对象的词,当面嘉奖女孩时尽量不要说她看上去 pretty,因为这个词固然意思上是漂亮,但内涵却是说这个人长相只是个别程度的好看,不是特别有吸...

南宁市18098215613: 如何用英语准确夸奖女孩子 -
滑婕绿脓: Goodness me! You really are a quite splendid looking filly aren't you… Hat's off to you.Goodness me! 意思是:“我天啊!” Really quite splendid looking 意思是: “真极其好看的” Filly 意思是:”女孩“ (比较古老的说法) Hat's off to you 意思是: “为你的美貌我把我的帽子摘下” (在过去,所有的英国男人都戴帽子,为了对别人表示敬意,人们会把自己的帽子摘下) 请采纳

南宁市18098215613: 用来赞美对方帅或美用英语的通常口语表达方式 -
滑婕绿脓:[答案] nice 名词

南宁市18098215613: 要赞美别人的美丽有哪些英文的表达法?有什么区别呢? -
滑婕绿脓: You're so beautiful/pretty/handsome/cute/charming! 前两个只能形容女性,第三、四个形容男性,第五个一般形容男性.它们的一般意思依次是:美丽,漂亮,英俊,可爱,迷人.说女生可以说“She's a dish!"or "What a dish!",这是习语.还有一个词comely,意为“标致的,秀丽的;(举止等)合宜的,恰当的”. very 是“非常”:你真漂亮!你非常漂亮!so是“你这么漂亮!”用这两个词语气会更强烈一些.

南宁市18098215613: 要赞美别人的美丽有哪些英文的表达法?有什么区别呢?very和so是通用的吗,不使用这两个词也是可以的吗 -
滑婕绿脓:[答案] You are so beautiful.很美丽 You are very pretty.美丽 You are very lovely.可爱 You are so cute.可爱 You are very adorable.可爱 You are gorgeous.你美丽极了

南宁市18098215613: 用英文写作一个漂亮的女孩不少于三个句型 -
滑婕绿脓: 写作一个漂亮的女孩不少于三个句型 Write a beautiful girl with no less than three sentences

南宁市18098215613: 求几句向女孩子表示爱意的英语句子! -
滑婕绿脓: 1) You look more beautiful every time I see you. 每次见到你,你都更漂亮. 2) I love you with all my heart. 我全心全意爱你. 3) I love you for you. 我真心爱你.(简单吧!当你想表示爱的是对方的人,而不是其他如钱财,权势等, 就可以这样说. 4) For...

南宁市18098215613: “很好”用英语怎么表达 -
滑婕绿脓: good,fine,very good,pretty good,nice,terrific,perfect,cool,super,great,excellent,marvellous,awefully good,

南宁市18098215613: 夸女孩子,应该怎么夸 -
滑婕绿脓: 怎么夸女孩子的优点?喜欢一个女孩子的时候,会觉得她身上哪哪都是优点,但很多男生不善于表达,明明是想夸女孩子,说出来的话却不走心,显得很浮夸,让女孩子听心里不舒服.那应该怎么夸女孩子的优点呢?下面给大家啊分享真诚走心...

南宁市18098215613: 美好用英语怎么形容,多种方法也可以
滑婕绿脓: nicety

南宁市18098215613: “亲爱的”用英语有几种表达方法?
滑婕绿脓: 1、affectionate 2、darling 3、lief 4、loving 5、mavourneen 6、mavournin

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