
作者&投稿:笃左 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语作文以"初中三年在学校的美好回忆"写一篇作文80词 带翻译_百度知 ...
I like my school very much.I belive,my school will be better and better in the future. 初中三年,你变化很大。根据提示写一篇英语作文 My good friend zhang ming has changed a lot in the past 3 years.Before he always late to the class.he like talking when the teacher is speak to everyone...

...三年多的初中生活,相信你各方面都有很大的变化。请你以How I’ve...
略 试题分析:这是一篇命题作文,写一写自己初中三年的变化。由于在要点中只给出了写作的大致方向,需要自己发挥的地方较多。动笔前要围绕要点组织材料,确定时态主要词汇等问题,根据要求可知本句主要是过去时态,人称是第一人称。写作中,应注意描述的全面性;语言的表述应该符合语法的结构,造句应该符...

ZhangMing is tall、strong and handsome and who is my friend.His favorite color is red.He likes writing ahd drawing very much.He also liks to help others.because he thinks if he helps others.he can very happy.he has a kind-hearted.He won the first prize in the essay contes...

How time flies!After three years of study,I was finally enrolled to the university.At the moment,i have spent some years in the college campus.Looking back the history,it seems happend yesterday,and i have really changed a lot..Today,i consider myself as a real adult, i coul...

其实工作仅仅3年是无法成为职场精英的,三年仅仅说是熟悉了工作流程,成为了公司能干的一员,但是想要成为精英独当一面,差不多要5年的时间,沉淀下来,不急不躁,才能真的成为人人口中的精英。心态的变化是很明显的:一:不该说的话不说,不该做的事情不做 一开始刚刚进职场,更多的冲动和激情,...

是为了迎接好这初中三年的生活.然而,我觉得我在六年里的努力并没有白费,因为我考上了培英,虽然我不是最高分,但我也以我自己为荣,因为我知道,只要努力,就一定会得到收获. 初中是既辛苦而又快乐的,学习新的知识,对每一个学生来说都是充满着无限乐趣.虽然有六科,也许会辛苦,不过假如能在这辛苦中...



但是在这漫长的学习生涯中,我不敢肯定我的理想会不会再改变。但是我敢肯定的是,我始终不变的,就是要做一个对社会、对全人类有贡献的人。我的理想 尽管我还是小学生,但我有自己的理想。"一个没有理想的人,就像是一只没有翅膀的小鸟",所以,我们都在考虑要有自己的理想。我的理想是当一名...

再见我的高中三年 中译英
再见我的高中三年 Farewell, the three years of my senior high school.

桐贤15146939718问: how i change 英语作文初中三年的改变 谈谈过去相比发生哪些变化 说说自身感受 字数八十左右 -
桑日县金鸡回答:[答案] How I ChangeMy life has changed a lot in the past three years.I was fat and short when I came to the middle school.At that time I was interested in computer games and I spent most of time on it.My par...

桐贤15146939718问: 英语作文初中三年来的变化,要提到appearance,hobbies,study,abilities这四个方面,以the changes to me为题,100词左右 -
桑日县金鸡回答:[答案] The Changes to MeIt is threeyears since I was a student at junior middle school.Along with the increase with age,I have changed a lot.First of all,I am growing taller and stronger and have a good ...

桐贤15146939718问: 英语作文 你上初三后有什么变化 -
桑日县金鸡回答: i am a graduating third junior students. .During the three years ,,i find it i have a great change .For example,i used to be very thin and extremely cute . but now,i get fatter and get higher .Besides,i used to be intersted in watching TV, At present ...

桐贤15146939718问: 求一篇英语作文 关于初中三年来我的变化 急!!!!
桑日县金鸡回答: 6

桐贤15146939718问: 请写一篇关于初中三年里你的变化从外貌心里和感悟和结交了许多朋友的英语作文自己写的要 -
桑日县金鸡回答: ZhangMing is tall、strong and handsome and who is my friend. His favorite color is red.He likes writing ahd drawing very much. He also liks to help others.because he thinks if he helps others.he can very happy. he has a kind-hearted.He won the first prize in the essay contest.He is really great

桐贤15146939718问: 英语作文 关于初中三年收获和感悟的三年中你在生活,学习,友谊方面的收获与感悟 生活上学会自理 养成好习惯 学习上学会学习,习得丰富知识,辛苦却充... -
桑日县金鸡回答:[答案] Three years in your life,learning,friendship aspects of learning on harvest and the feeling life care on the good habits learning how to learn,acquisition rich knowledge,tired but enrich friendship le...

桐贤15146939718问: s写一篇介绍你的初中学习生活和以前相比有什么变化的英语作文, -
桑日县金鸡回答: 3 years ago, i was a primary student. Now i am in the grade three in the junior school. i learned a lot. i am happy, because i grew up after these 3 years. i knew that i should learn hard. And i knew a lot of new friends. we are very good friens now. We ...

桐贤15146939718问: 英语作文:现在你是初三的学生,学习与生活与以前有不同之处,请根据自己的体会,介绍一下不同之处, -
桑日县金鸡回答:[答案] 要是整篇都光写初三如何如何拼命,如何如何枯燥,就太没意思了吧.到了该分别的时候,也写点对初中回忆的感想吧. As we all known,during the last term--Grade Three,everyday is full of hard working and a lot of practise.It's really a speical time ,we ...

桐贤15146939718问: 初中英语作文介绍自己变化介绍自己变化.比如说以前短头发现在长头发之类的.80字左右 -
桑日县金鸡回答:[答案] After entering the mid-school,i found i have changed a lot !Some of my friends told me that they could not recognize me at all. i used to be very short and fat ,but i am tall and thin now.i think i became very handsome!i aslo used to have long hair ,but i am ...

桐贤15146939718问: 初中三年我的变化 英语作文 -
桑日县金鸡回答: If you were a tear-drop; In my eye, For fear of losing you, I would never cry And if the golden sun, Should cease to shine its light, Just one smile from you, would make my whole world bright 如果你是我眼里的一滴泪;为了不失去你;我将永不哭泣;...

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