
作者&投稿:厍霭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A:Do you have a sister?B:Yes,I do.Her___ C.name __is Nancy.A:She is 10.B:What is her__B.hobby ___A:She likes piaying tennis.B:What does she want to do in the__A.future___A:She___ F.would__like to be a tennis player.A:Is your new e-friend from ...

Dear Jack,What sports ( do )you like?I like ( football ).I often( play )it on TV.My( favourite )club is Real Madrid.Beckham is in it.I'm his fan.But I'm not a good player.I'm( good )at ( play )the piano,so I join the ( piano )club in our school.How ...

A:About 10 o'clock. Please come on time.B:I'm afraid I can't come so early. I have a lot of homework to do. I must finish first.A:Sure. Study must come first. You may come a little later. But don't be too late .B:OK!

英语 补全对话
Can I help you?What colour do you want?Here you are. Is that all?Yes, how much is it?You are welcome.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不会的欢迎再继续问我(*^__^*)

为你解答。1、C. Why do you look so worried? 干嘛这么忧虑?2、E. Oh, don’t worry. 别担心。3、D. I like this CD very much. 我很喜欢这张CD。4、F. Does she like music?她喜欢音乐吗?5、G. How about this scarf? 这条丝巾怎么样?希望能解决您的问题。

A:what are you 【going to do】 this afternoon?B:i'm going to 【plant】some flowers 【in】the garden.A:【How】do you that?B:first,dig the【soil】.【then】put the seeds【into】the soil.A:【What】should you do then?B:water them.in several【days】,you can see it has...

A:Hello!May I( speak to )Bill , please?B:Speaking!A:Hi , Bill!This is Jane speaking.B:Hello!What's up?A:I called you yesterday,but nobody( answered ).Where did you go?B:I went to the World on Water with my parents.A:Really?( how is it )B...

你好 I am reading a book It is about animals I like tigers What do you think we should do?Good idea ~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

A:Good afternoon.Welcome to our restaurant.Please come this way.B:( Thank you. )A:Will you please sit here?B:( OK. \/ All right. )A:Here's the menu for you.(a few minutes later)( May I take your order,please? )B:All right.I'd like to try some roast chicken and...

2.instead of 3.changed to 4.As soon as 5.The whole 七,B:What can I help you?B:Practise a song.B:How to sing this song?A:Can you help me?A:That's a good idea.

大狐急18381039605问: 初三英语补全对话A Excuse me,Sir.I'm a tourist here.B Nice to meet you.A Could you tell me how to get to the museum,please?B - ______________________.... -
船山区头孢回答:[答案] 1.Sure 2.Not yet 3.I see 4.It's kind of you 5.You're welcome

大狐急18381039605问: 初三英语 - 完形填空加补全对话I'm thinking about what I'm going to do this summer.Maybe I'll get a job.If I get a job,I'll have - _(1)__money to buy some new things.... -
船山区头孢回答:[答案] 完形答案 dcaab cbadcwhat are you going to doyou went shopping yesterday,why are you going again.buy some presents who is going to her birthday party/i'd like to.

大狐急18381039605问: 英语补全对话初三水平A:Hi,Linda.You seem to be in a burry.①(……)?B:Hi,Steven.I am going to a computer show.A:Sounds interesting.②(……)?B:Yes,I have ... -
船山区头孢回答:[答案] 1.Where are you going? 2.Have you ever learned about it? 3.But can the computers give benefit to us? 4.Someone even can work at home with the help of a computer. 5.Would you go to the show with me? 我是英语专业的,单词应该都是初中学到的吧,

大狐急18381039605问: 初三Unit 8英语补全对话A:Hi,Dennis.I an Anna.I an from the school newespaper.1.__________?D:Sure.Go ahead,please.A:2________?D:About two years ... -
船山区头孢回答:[答案] A:Hi,Dennis.I an Anna.I an from the school newespaper.1.Can I have a word with you_________?D:Sure.Go ahead,please.A:2How long have you been a journalist________?D:About two years ago.A:3.What happene...

大狐急18381039605问: 初三英语补全对话The children always q_______ - over the little things.Grade 9 is going to c________ - their graduation tomorrow.Tom hurt badly and had to go ... -
船山区头孢回答:[答案] 能力有限,只能如此 The children always [quarrel_] over the little things.Grade 9 is going to [celerate_] their graduation tomorrow.Tom hurt badly and had to go to the[ clinic_]_.The panda is one of Chi...

大狐急18381039605问: 英语十道初中年级级别的补全对话,1.根据上下文用适当的句子补全对话.A:Hello!This is Mike speaking.May I speak John?B:1 - ___A:I'm sorry to trouble you.... -
船山区头孢回答:[答案] 这是第10道,实在是打不进去了 10.根据上下文用适当的句子补全对话. A:Hello,I'm so glad to see you again.How are you? B:1 ____ A:Very well.Thanks.But you look worried. 2 ____ B:I got a “C” in my English exam. A:3 ____ B:I think English is too ...

大狐急18381039605问: 英语适合初三做的补全对话 -
船山区头孢回答: 根据下面提供的对话情景,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使其意义连贯、完整.David: Hello, Office Center.Susan: Hi, is that you, David? _________(1) David: Fine, thank you, and you? Susan, I'm so glad that you phoned. How is your ...

大狐急18381039605问: (急)九年级英语补全对话,球速解~A:Excuse me ,sir.B:Yes?A:1_________?B:The post office? Oh,go down the street and turn right at the first turning. It's just ... -
船山区头孢回答:[答案] 1where is the post office2then you can see it 3is that far away4yes,you can5that's ok

大狐急18381039605问: 英语补全对话,九年级10单元的hi,Emily.how are you?hi,BOb,I've___a bad day.__ - happened?this morning I overslept .When I got to the stop,the bus had__ - .... -
船山区头孢回答:[答案] quite what left left were not went such chance 这个不知道 bring

大狐急18381039605问: 初中英语补全对话.补全对话.A: Hi,Gina.The new term is coming.Do you have any resolutions?B: - ________________.I am going to work harder at history and ... -
船山区头孢回答:[答案] A: Hi, Gina. The new term is coming. Do you have any resolutions? B: (Yes, I do). I am going to work harder at history and geography.【针对上文的问句 Do you have any resolutions(你有决心吗)以及下文的打算 I am going to workharder at history ...

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