
作者&投稿:道叔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




A:Who is your best friend, Connie?
B:Because she likes to do the same things as I do. (1)_We are both good at drawing__.
(因为她喜欢做和我一样的事。 我们都很擅长画画)
A:Are you good at drawing, but I think (2)_______ than me.
(你擅长于画画吗?但是我认为 比我。)
A:(3)_Are you popular than her__?
B:No, I'm not. She's more popular than me. However, we're both outgoing. (4)_Who's your best friend_?
(不。她比我更受欢迎。不过,我们都很开朗 你最好的朋友是谁?)
A:My best friend is Harry.
B:Is he the same as you?
A:No, he isn't. (5)_______. He always makes people laugh. But I'm more serious. However, people say that we look the same.
(不。 他经常使我笑。但是我更严肃。然而,人们说我们看起来像。)

2.instead of
3.changed to
4.As soon as
5.The whole

B:What can I help you?
B:Practise a song.
B:How to sing this song?
A:Can you help me?
A:That's a good idea.

2.rather than / instead of
3.changed ...into
4. As soon as
5. The whole family

instead of

Hi, Sweetie!嗨, Sweetie!Hi, Winni! What's up?嗨, Winni! 怎么了?Nothing special, hey, you changed hairstyle!没什么特别的啦,喂,你换了发型啊?How do you feel?你觉得怎么样?That looks great!看起来很不错!Thank you.谢谢。Where did you have your hair waved?你在哪烫的头发...

matter Let's All better 他怎么了?他生病了。我们一起去看他吧。好的。我希望他吃过药之后可以好一点。希望可以帮到你。

Good morning, Madam 1)_What can I do for you?B Yes,I am afraid my handbag is on a taxi .A 2)How much dollars are there in your bag?B About 500 dollars.A 3)Anything else?B Yes,my ID card,I think.A What is your name?B Betty White.A 4)I think this handbag is ...

【大学生买化妆品英语对话】Saleswoman: Welcome. How can I help you?专柜小姐:欢迎光临,请问你们要些什么?Julia: We want to look at some of your products.茱莉娅:我们想看看你们的产品。Saleswoman: This way please. We have a full range of products from cosmetics to skincleansers.专...

1: Do you remember reading Grimm's Fairy Tales when you were little?2:The Brothers Grimm?Yes,of course!My favorite was Hansel and Gretel,about the children who are abandoned in the woods by their wicked step-mother.1:My favorite is Rapunzel(莴苣姑娘),about the princess with ...

A: Hi, guy! How is it going!嗨,家伙!过得如何!B: Oh, well. You know I am busy all the time.B:哦,很好。你知道我一直都很忙。A: The college entrance examination has come to an end, which 答:高考已经到了尽头,这 recalls me much of the days brought to me. Now, ...

John:Hello,Mike!Mike:Hi,John!It's a nice day,isn't it?John:Yeah,and where are you going?Mike:I'm going shopping,and you?John:I'm going to my granny's.What do you want to buy?Mike:I want to buy some eggs and vegetables.What are you going to your granny's for?Jo...

用英语写对话(small talk),反义疑问句
第一个情景:A:This book is good.Isn't it?B:Yes, it is.A:Who is your favorite writer?B:XXX A:Oh,me too.I think he is really great.B:I think so.第二个情景:A:The elevator is really slow.isn’t it?B:Yes,it is.A:Which floor do you go?B:6th.第三个情景 A:...

喂,Tom你好,我是Peter。Hello, Tom hello, I'm Peter.你好Peter,有什么事吗?How are you Peter, what's the matter?是的,我想请你吃晚饭,不知道你有没有空。Yes, I'd like to invite you to dinner, I don't know if you have the time.噢,那太好了。Oh, that's too good....

A:Hello, Tom! 汤姆,你好!B:Hello, Lily! 莉莉,你好!A:Tomorrow is my birthday,would you like to come to my birthday party?明天是我生日,你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?B:Oh, really? I'd like to!真的吗,我当然愿意。A:That’s great!太好了 B:But when will your party ...

闻喜县18519365595: “补全对话”用英语怎么说? -
西莘酪酸:[答案] 如果属于题目的项目名称,如同 Comprehension(阅读理解)Selection(选择填空)那样,可以用 Dialogue Completion;如果是叙述题目要求,可以用 complete the dialogue

闻喜县18519365595: “补全对话”用英语怎么说??? -
西莘酪酸: 如果属于题目的项目名称,如同 Comprehension(阅读理解)Selection(选择填空)那样,可以用 Dialogue Completion;如果是叙述题目要求,可以用 complete the dialogue

闻喜县18519365595: 英语补全对话 -
西莘酪酸: 补全对白1. Really2. have to3. How is4. No, we can't. 这里用we因为后半句也是we5. I only 这句话说说学校要他们学法语,但是她只想学西班牙语 句子翻译1. be late for2. have to wear3. Don't run4. don't have to 有问题可以问哦

闻喜县18519365595: 超简单英语补全对话
西莘酪酸: 1.You'd better not wear jeans in some formal places. 2.The poor old man made a living by making kites. 3.He will get weak if he doesn't take enough exercises. 4.Can you remember locking the door? 5.These wonderful days seemed a dream to him

闻喜县18519365595: 一、看图补全对话 (英语的)一、看图补全对话图一:桌子上放着三把连起来的钥匙.A:Where - _____ - the keys?B:They're - ______ - the - _______.图二:一... -
西莘酪酸:[答案] 1、yours,it 2、pencil box spell it Is it No保证对,

闻喜县18519365595: 英语补全对话 -
西莘酪酸: 1 what were you doing 2 did you take your own shopping bag ? 3 what will you do tomorrow ? 4would you like to join us ? 5 when and where shall we meet ? 望采纳^_^

闻喜县18519365595: 英语(补全对话) -
西莘酪酸: A:Can I help you? B:Yes,( please ).Today is mother's day.I'm looking for a present( for )my mother,but I have no( idea )what do buy. A:Maybe you can buy her some flowers. B:Great!But( which )flowers shall I buy,roses or carnations? A:I think ...

闻喜县18519365595: 英语的补全对话
西莘酪酸: A: Good morning,Sir. Would you like to take an order? B:Yes.Let me see the menu. A:OK.Here you are. What would you like to eat? B:I'd like to have a small cheese pizza,please. A:Anything to drink? B:A glass of tea,please. A:OK.Wait a minute. 这个应该是餐厅里的对话,吃的东西是我自己瞎编的.... 也不晓得我填的全不全,希望可以帮到你哦~

闻喜县18519365595: 补全对话,英语!~ -
西莘酪酸: 我可以这样填吗?a.shoppingb.clothes衣服b.money

闻喜县18519365595: 英语补全对话答题技巧 -
西莘酪酸: 答题步骤:(1)通览全文、领会大意、揣摩话题.解题时应先跳过空格通览全文,了解对话大意,根据对大意的把握,判定语境,揣摩话题.(2) 根据语境、细读选项、选择答案.在把握话题和语境的基础上,针对对话的每一空白处,细读...

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