
作者&投稿:莫毛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英语:The winter vacation is coming to an end, and finish the homework. I heard a story, so that the origin of the Spring Festival: long long ago, there was a call in strange monsters, the annual New Year's day will come, years of strange people afraid of fire and cannon...

1、 "Night even two years old, five points two days", the New Year's eve, the family reunion together, eat the New Year's eve dinner, lit a candle or oil lamp, sitting around the fire chat, waiting for the old year and the new moment, an all-night vigil, a symbol ...

春节的故事英语如下:According to legend, there was a man-eating wild monster "Nian" with an extremely large mouth, capable of swallowing several people in a single bite.This beast appeared in a country village, towards the end of winter when there was nothing to eat it would vis...

1.The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Beginning of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coordination with the changes of Nature). Its origin is too old to be traced. Several explanations are hanging around. All ...

I and my brother and sister go out the fireworks. The elder brother opened lighter, lit the fuse. Listen to "as pa" several voice, a dragon directly impactsyunsiao, a beautiful "chrysanthemum" open. They are colorful, for a while to become red, becoming yellow; For a while,...

【春节系列绘本·二】《The Legend of Nian》年的故事
一部讲“年”的英文绘本!Long Ago in China, people were afraid of Nian, the dragon beast.很久以前的中国,人们很害怕一种长得像龙的野兽,叫“年”。Nian had a sharp horn and a huge mouth.年有锋利的角和一张大嘴。He could eat five people in one big bite! Glump!他一口就可以...

关于春节的英语小故事如下:But there is a story behind all the celebration, below is the legend of how the Chinese New Year celebration began.据传,有一个食人野兽叫“年”,有一张能一口吃掉好几个人的血盆大口。这个怪物在山上找不到吃的的时候,就会下山到附近村庄,攻击和吃掉所有能...

我的春节,英文小作文如下:My Spring FestivalMy Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai. My family were very happy to keep the Spring Festival with them. And it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals.On New Year’s Eve, my father...

an elderly man with white hair appeared in the village and claimed he could drive away the beast if he spent the night at someone's house.3. Initially, the villagers were skeptical and advised the elderly man to join them in fleeing to the mountains. But the old man was pers...

关于春节方面的英语故事,介绍等.(Spring fastival)
The Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China, which falls on in late January or early February.The historical reason for beginning the new year in such a time is that it is the time between autumn harvest and spring ...

茆韵13015081371问: 英语春节小故事带翻译短 -
黄梅县养阴回答: The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Beginning of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coordination with the changes of Nature). Its origin is too old to be traced. Several explanations ...

茆韵13015081371问: 关于春节的英语小故事 -
黄梅县养阴回答: Ther sprui fastboll…… Ther sprui fastboll…… Ther sprui fastboll…… Ther sprui fastboll…… Ther sprui fastboll…… Ther sprui fastboll…… Ther sprui fastboll…… Ther sprui fastboll…… Ther sprui fastboll…… Ther sprui ...

茆韵13015081371问: 有关春节的英语小故事 -
黄梅县养阴回答: Three Little Pigs is a fairy tale featuring talking animals. Published versions of the story date back to the late 18th century, but the story is thought to be much older. The story was assured its place in world's folklore thanks to an immensely popular ...

茆韵13015081371问: 过春节为主题写一个英文小故事短 -
黄梅县养阴回答: 我的春节,英文小作文如下:My Spring FestivalMy Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai. My family were very happy to keep the Spring Festival with them. And it was the most exciting festival of all the ...

茆韵13015081371问: 我急需一个关于新年的由来的故事(英文)不要很长,不要很短,要用英文哦中文是从前有一个叫年的怪物...要它的英文版 -
黄梅县养阴回答:[答案] Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying ...

茆韵13015081371问: 关于英语春节的短故事(4~5句就可以)急求!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
黄梅县养阴回答: 这里有一个流传很广的故事.传说,古时候有一种身黑手白的小妖,名字叫"祟",每年的年三十夜里出来害人,它用手在熟睡的孩子头上摸三下,孩子吓得哭起来,然后就发烧,讲呓语而从此得病,几天后热退病去,但聪明机灵的孩子却变成...

茆韵13015081371问: 有关新年的英语故事 -
黄梅县养阴回答: The Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China, which falls on in late January or early February. The historical reason for beginning the new year in such a time is that it is the time between ...

茆韵13015081371问: 关于的新年英语小故事,带翻译
黄梅县养阴回答: A MISER sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold, which he buried in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall and went to look at daily. One of his workmen observed his frequent visits to the spot and decided to watch his movements. He ...

茆韵13015081371问: 一篇关于春节的英语故事 -
黄梅县养阴回答: I'm Trying to Stop It "Boy, why have you got cotton-wool in your ear? Is it infected?" "No, sir, but you said yesterday that everything you told me went in one ear and out the other , so I am trying to stop it." “孩子,你为什么用棉花塞住耳朵?它感...

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