
作者&投稿:包胃 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用英语写关于中秋节的单词 越多越好`也要节日的单词
中秋节 Mid-autumn festival 农历 lunar calendar 象徵 symbolize 灯笼 lantern 阖家团圆 family reunion 祭拜 worship 祖先 ancestors 赏月 watch and admire the moon 月饼 moon cake 秋高气爽 the sky is high,the weather is cool 皎洁 (of moonlight) bright and clean 明亮 bright 名胜 scenic ...

Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, April Fool's day, international labor day, mother's day, father's day, Mid Autumn Festival, Wan Shengjie, Thanksgiving, Christmas

2011年09月05日 04时52分,《英语:中秋节相关的英语单词和短语》由liuxue86.com英语我整理.中秋节就快到了,为了应景英语资源频道特别整理了一些与中秋节相关的英语单词和短语,希望大家喜欢。中秋节相关的英语单词和短语 Mid-autumn day \/ -autumn Festival 中秋节 Moon Festival \/ Mooncake Festival ...

中秋节 Mid-autumn festival 农历 lunar calendar 象徵 symbolize 灯笼 lantern 阖家团圆 family reunion 祭拜 worship 祖先 ancestors 赏月 watch and admire the moon 月饼 moon cake 秋高气爽 the sky is high, the weather is cool 皎洁 (of moonlight) bright and clean 明亮 bright 名胜 scenic...

中秋节 Mid-autumn festival 农历 lunar calendar 象徵 symbolize 灯笼 lantern 阖家团圆 family reunion 祭拜 worship 祖先 ancestors 赏月 watch and admire the moon 月饼 moon cake 秋高气爽 the sky is high, the weather is cool 皎洁 (of moonlight) bright and clean 明亮 bright 名胜 scenic...


The Mid-Autumn festival 中秋节 The Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 The Lantern Festival 元宵节

中秋节英语单词:the Mid-autumn Festival ; Moon Festival ; Mooncake Festival; Zhongqiu Festival 中秋节常用词汇:moon 月亮Autumn 秋季 reunion 团聚the Chinese lunar calendar 中国农历Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! 中秋节快乐!official holiday 法定假日goddess in the moon嫦娥The Goddess Chang's fly ...

关于中秋节的单词卡如下:1. 中秋节(Mid-Autumn Festival):中秋节是中国传统的农历节日,通常在每年农历八月十五日庆祝。在这一天,人们会举行各种庆祝活动,包括赏月、吃月饼、品茶、猜灯谜等。2. 月亮(Moon):中秋节的最大特色之一就是赏月。在这一晚,人们会一家老小聚在一起,仰望天空,欣赏...

the Mid-Autumn Festival the Moon Festival

谏达13585729978问: 写10到20个与中秋节有关的英语单词! -
万宁市呋喃回答:[答案] 中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival月饼 Moon Cake合家团圆 Family Reunion灯笼 lantern 祭拜 worship 祖先 ancestors 赏月 watch and admire the moon 秋高气爽 the sky is high,the weather is cool 皎洁 (of moonlight) ...

谏达13585729978问: 5--10个有关于中秋节的单词或短语 -
万宁市呋喃回答:[答案]mid-autumn festival 中秋节 traditional festival 传统节日 full moon 满月 Jade Hare-the moon 玉兔 goddess in the moon 嫦娥 sweet-scented osmanthus wine 桂花酒 joyfully celebrate 欢庆 moon cake月饼 a reunion dinner 团圆宴 enjoy the glorious full ...

谏达13585729978问: 中秋节有关英语单词 要5个 -
万宁市呋喃回答: moon 月亮 moomcake 月饼 mid-autumn festival 中秋节 Family reunion 全家团圆 The eighth full moon 第八个满月

谏达13585729978问: 关于中秋节的英语词汇如题 -
万宁市呋喃回答:[答案] 中秋节 Mid-autumn festival 农历 lunar calendar 象徵 symbolize 灯笼 lantern 阖家团圆 family reunion 祭拜 worship 祖先 ancestors 赏月 watch and admire the moon 月饼 moon cake 秋高气爽 the sky is high,the weather is cool 皎洁 (of moonlight) ...

谏达13585729978问: 关于中秋节的英文单词急用! -
万宁市呋喃回答:[答案] 中秋节:the Mid-autumn Festival(15th day of the 8th lunar month) 月亮:moon 月饼:moon cake 团圆:reunion 祝福:blessing 回家:go home 中秋节快乐 Happy Moon Festival

谏达13585729978问: 关于中秋节的英文单词 -
万宁市呋喃回答: goddess in the moon嫦娥 The Goddess Chang's fly to the moon嫦娥奔月 moon cake月饼 the Mid-autumn Day中秋节 打字不易,如满意,望采纳.

谏达13585729978问: 关于中秋节的英文单词,20个!! 急~~~ -
万宁市呋喃回答: Autumn 秋天, 也可以用Fall Mid- Autumn Festival 中秋节, 也可以用Moon Festival The eighth full moon 第八个满月 Lunar calendar 农历 Moon cake 月饼 Family reunion 全家团圆 Dessert 甜点 Traditional 传统的 Holiday 节日 dinner 晚餐(正餐)...

谏达13585729978问: 关于中秋节的英语单词 -
万宁市呋喃回答: 赏月 watch and admire the moon 中秋节 Mid-autumn festival 月饼 moon cake 嫦娥奔月 Chang E flying to the moon 吴刚伐树 Wu Gang chopping the tree 玉兔捣仙药 jade hare making heavenly medicine

谏达13585729978问: 用英语写关于中秋节的单词越多越好`也要节日的单词 -
万宁市呋喃回答:[答案] 中秋节 Mid-autumn festival 农历 lunar calendar 象徵 symbolize 灯笼 lantern 阖家团圆 family reunion 祭拜 worship 祖先 ancestors 赏月 watch and admire the moon 月饼 moon cake 秋高气爽 the sky is high,the weather is cool 皎洁 (of moonlight) ...

谏达13585729978问: 谁知道有关中秋节的单词?.. 写得越多越好!~ -
万宁市呋喃回答: 展开全部 中秋节 Mid-autumn festival 农历 lunar calendar 象徵 symbolize 灯笼 lantern 阖家团圆 family reunion 祭拜 worship 祖先 ancestors 赏月 watch and admire the moon 月饼 moon cake 秋高气爽 the sky is high, the weather is cool 皎洁 (of ...

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