
作者&投稿:姜天 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

母亲节Mother's Day
父亲节Father's Day
愚人节April Foul's Day
圣诞节Christmas Day

(1)父亲节: Father's Day
(2)母亲节: Mother's Day
(3)愚人节: April Fools' Day
(4)感恩节: Thanksgiving Day

Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, April Fool's day, international labor day, mother's day, father's day, Mid Autumn Festival, Wan Shengjie, Thanksgiving, Christmas

(非机器翻译)压岁钱:red pocket of money 庙会temple fair 元宵:rice dumpling 元宵节:Lantern Festival 春节联欢晚会:the New Year‘s programme 年夜饭:dinner 因为这是作文,不是默单词,所以不一定一个字一个字地翻译。比如你想说我们全家一起吃年夜饭会可以说:The family get together ...

春节在元宵节之后结束。用英语表达是:The Spring Festival ends after the Lantern Festival.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

“中国有许多传统节日,如:春节、端午节、元宵节等”用英文怎么说?_百 ...
中华民族的喜庆节日(Chinese Festivial)国庆节 National Day 中秋节 Mia-Autumn Festival 春节 Spring Festival 元宵节 Lantern Festival 儿童节 Children’s Day 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 妇女节 Women’s Day 泼水节 Water-Splashing Day 教师节 Teachers’ Day 五四青年节 Youth Day ...

Spring Festival(春节)、Tomb-sweeping Day(清明节)、International Worker's Day(劳动节)、Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)、Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)等。中秋节,又称祭月节、月光诞、月夕、秋节、仲秋节、拜月节、月娘节、月亮节、团圆节等...

放鞭炮 Touch off the firecracker 吃饺子Eat dumpling 猜灯谜 Riddle solving\/Find the answers to the riddles written on lanterns 吃元宵 Eat Tang-yuan

“中国有许多传统节日,如:春节、端午节、元宵节等”用英文怎么说?_百 ...
1. China boasts a rich array of traditional festivals, such as the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, and Lantern Festival.2. The National Day is a grand celebration of China's independence and sovereignty.3. Mid-Autumn Festival heralds the mooncake season and the full moon, ...

元宵节的英语:The Lantern Festival。元宵,原意为“上元节的晚上”,因正月十五“上元节”主要活动是晚上的吃汤圆赏月,后来节日名称演化为“元宵节”。元宵之夜,大街小巷张灯结彩,人们赏灯,猜灯谜,吃元宵,将从除夕开始延续的庆祝活动推向又一个高潮,成为世代相沿的习俗。元宵在早期节庆形成过程之...

3、年画 a New Year picture 4、守岁 Shousui :to stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve; to see the Old Year out and the New Year in 5、爆竹 Firecrackers 6、拜年 New Year:to pay someone a courtesy call on New Year's Day or shortly thereafter 用英语说元宵节习俗...

双节词语有很多,以下是一些常见的双节词语:春分、清明、谷雨、立春、冬至、霜降、春节、元宵。双节词语解释:1. 春分与冬至:春分和冬至都是二十四节气中的节气,分别标志着春季和冬季的开始。双节,可以理解为两个具有特定含义或特定时间的节日。在中国文化中,节气对农业和日常生活有着深远影响。2. ...

there are many activities during spring festival,such as Lantern Festival,playing fireworks,eating dumplings and watching the Spring Festival Gala.I'm not sure if it is a proper time for you to visit china during spring festival,because people go back home to rest especially those ...

北宁市19618067261: 常见的节日英语单词 -
柘赖赛扶: 常见的节日英语单词: New Year's Day 元旦(1月1日) the Spring Festival 春节(农历一月一日) the Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历一月十五日) International Working Women's Day 国际劳动妇女节(3月8日) Arbor Day 植树节(3月12日) ...

北宁市19618067261: 各个节日的英语说法每个节日 -
柘赖赛扶:[答案] 西方节日 (只是基本的节日,每个国家还有很多自己的节日) 1 January - New Year's Day - 新年 14 Febuary - Valentines Day - 情人节 1 April - April Fool's Day - 愚人节 2nd Sunday of May - Mothers Day - 母亲节 Easter Day - 复活节 3rd Sunday of ...

北宁市19618067261: 中国所有传统节日英语单词 -
柘赖赛扶:[答案] 春节 the Spring Festival ( New Year's Day of the Chinese lunar calendar) 农历正月初一 元宵节(灯节) the Lantern Festival 农历正月十五 端午节 the Dragon-Boat Festival 农历五月初五 元旦(1月1日)New Year's Day 春节(农历一月一日)the ...

北宁市19618067261: 1月.2月.3月.4月里的所有节日[英语] -
柘赖赛扶:[答案] New Year's Day元旦节 New Year's Eve除夕 Spring Festival春节 Lantern Festival元宵节 Valentine's Day情人节 International working Women's Day妇女节 Arbor Day植树节April Fools' Day愚人节 Tomb-sweeping Day...

北宁市19618067261: 关于中国节日的英语单词,春节,元宵节,端午 -
柘赖赛扶:[答案] 春节(the Spring Festival),元宵节(Lantern Festival) ,端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival),中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival),重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival),腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival)

北宁市19618067261: 所有节日的英文和日期 -
柘赖赛扶:[答案] 节日 日期 英文名称 元旦 1月1日 NEW YEAR'S DAY 春节 阴历一月一日 SPRING FESTIVAL (CHINESE NEW YEAR) 情人节 2月14日 ST.VALENTINE'S DAY (VALENTINE'S DAY) 元宵节 阴历1月15日 LANTERN FESTIVAL 狂欢节 巴西,二月中、下旬...

北宁市19618067261: 愚人节,万圣节,情人节,感恩节,劳动节,复活节,春节,元宵,用英语怎么说啊???急啊…… -
柘赖赛扶: April Fool's Day - 愚人节 Halloween - 万圣节 Valentines Day - 情人节 Thanksgiving Day - 感恩节 Labour Day - 劳动节 Easter Day - 复活节 Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) - 春节 Lantern Festival - 元宵节

北宁市19618067261: 英语单词:春节、元宵节、愚人节、国际劳动节、母亲节、父亲节、中秋节、万圣节、感恩节、圣诞节 -
柘赖赛扶: Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, April Fool's day, international labor day, mother's day, father's day, Mid Autumn Festival, Wan Shengjie, Thanksgiving, Christmas

北宁市19618067261: 请问英语“农历”、“过年”、“除夕之夜”、“年初一”、“元宵节”、“正月十五”这些单词怎么写? -
柘赖赛扶:[答案] 关于春节的单词: 春节 The Spring Festival 农历 lunar calendar 正月 lunar January; the first month by lunar calendar 除夕 New Year's Eve; eve of lunar New Year 初一 the beginning of New Year 元宵节 The Lantern Festival 过年 Guo-nian; have the ...

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