
作者&投稿:掌桑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

中国对经济危机的十大措施 10 Measures Taken by China to Cope With the Financial Crisis 一是加快建设保障性安居工程。1. To accelerate the construction of Comfortable Housing Project 二是加快农村基础设施建设。2. To accelerate the construction of the infrastructure in rural areas 三是加快铁...

铁路尚未完工 The works of railway have not been completed yet.

中铁六局集团北京铁路建设有限公司 Beijing Railway Construction Co.,LTD of China Railway 6th Roup

railway in middle east(中东的铁路)railway to middle east(到中东的铁路)railway from middle east(来自中东的铁路)专用名词 Middle East Railway

高铁的英文是:G-series high-speed train。高速铁路在不同国家不同时代有不同规定。中国国家铁路局的定义为:新建设计开行250公里\/小时(含预留)及以上动车组列车,初期运营速度不小于200公里\/小时的客运专线铁路。特点:新建的,时速不低于250及客专性。区别:欧洲早期组织即国际铁路联盟1962年把旧线...

常见50种交通工具英文如下:1. Train:"Train" 是表示 "火车" 的常用英文词汇。它是一个名词,用来指代由车厢和车头组成的陆地交通工具。火车通常在铁轨上运行,通过电力、柴油或蒸汽等方式推动车辆前进。火车的车厢可以用来运送乘客或货物,它们在世界各地的铁路网上运行,连接城市和地区,提供便捷的长途和...

希望可以帮到你。译文如下:Abstract: With a large number of key projects have built, the Chinese construction productivity have developed rapidly, and the ability to build have being continually improved. The supper-high and big span housing construction technology, large-span prestressed ...

高铁的英语怎么说 高铁的英语是什么
in the construction of high-speed rail infrastructure to improve transportation efficiency.(政府在高铁基础设施建设上进行了大量投资,以提高交通效率。)注意,"bullet train" 是高铁的常用简称,特别指代日本的高速列车系统,但它也常被用作一般性的高速铁路的代名词。以上就是关于高铁的英语表达。

天兴州大桥(高速铁路)的标准英文如下:Tianxingzhou Bridge (High-speed Railway)

The railway plays a very important role in the development of national economy. With the development of technology of the railway, the train has been improved a lot on the running speed and ability of carrying. In order to guarantee the traffic safety, guarantee railway transportation...

濮朗15861766223问: 他非常忙因为他要修建铁路 英文怎么说 -
临邑县枸橼回答:[答案] He is very busy,because he should be build railway. He is very busy because he wanted to build the railway

濮朗15861766223问: 增修铁路用英语怎么说 -
临邑县枸橼回答: to build more railways upgrading是升级改造的意思

濮朗15861766223问: 劈什么筑什么四字词语 -
临邑县枸橼回答: 劈山筑路. 劈山筑路的拼音[ pī shān zhù lù ].英文翻译:blast cliffs to build highways. 劈:强力破开,筑:修筑.把山劈开,修筑公路或铁路.劈山筑路可以在句子当中用作形容词. 用劈山筑路造句的示例如下:“九骡马铃声永留青山,八儒...

濮朗15861766223问: 这个铁路正在被建造的英文翻译 -
临邑县枸橼回答: this railway is on construction this railway is being constructed / built

濮朗15861766223问: 汉译英1.去年的这个时候,我们正在修铁路2.去年的这个时候铁路正在被我们修建 -
临邑县枸橼回答: 1This time last year,we were building the railway2This time last year the railway was building by us.

濮朗15861766223问: 高速铁路用英语怎么说 -
临邑县枸橼回答: 高速铁路 [词典] high-speed railway; rapid transit railways; [例句]预计英国政府不会考虑为修建一条新的高速铁路提供国家补贴的设想. The British government is expected to reject the idea of state subsidy for a new high speed railway

濮朗15861766223问: 火车英文读什么 -
临邑县枸橼回答: train 英 [treɪn] 美 [tren] n. 火车; 行列; 一系列相关的事情; 拖裾; v. 训练; 培养; 教育; 修整; [例句]The train pulled into a station 列车驶入了一个车站. [其他] 第三人称单数:trains 复数:trains 现在分词:training 过去式:trained 过去分词:trained

濮朗15861766223问: 欣赏这个词的英文怎么写? -
临邑县枸橼回答: appreciate appreciate [E5pri:Fieit] vt.赏识, 重视; 鉴赏, 欣赏; 珍惜 正确评价, 鉴别 感谢, 感激 意识到, 懂得 提高(价值), 抬高...的价格 appreciate English poetry 欣赏英诗 appreciate good food 品尝美味 appreciate sb.'s friendship 珍...

濮朗15861766223问: 英语翻译1从北京到天津需要多长时间 how long - ________get to tianjin from beijing?2在当时建一条铁路是很不容易的 it - ______a railroad at that time.3球迷... -
临邑县枸橼回答:[答案] does it take to is difficult to build are looking forward to watching what think 祝学习进步!如有帮助 请尽快采纳 O(∩_∩)O谢谢!

濮朗15861766223问: 被动语态 的八大语态 英语 -
临邑县枸橼回答: 一般现在时现在进行时现在完成时一般将来时am/is/aretaken am/is/arebeing taken have/has been taken will/shall be taken一般过去时过去进行时过去完成时过去将来时was /weretaken was/werebeing taken had been taken would/shouldbe taken ...

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