
作者&投稿:左侍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear sir or Madam,
We are very pleased to acknowledge your expectations on our products. Therefore, we are writing this letter in hope of making a business relation. Our company, which locates at Shen Zhin, China, has been in the industry of leather sheo making for a long time. Our products are high quality and fairly priced, and we accept large quantity commissions. We believe our products will satisfy your company's expectations. We are more than happy to negotiate about a price and a due date.
For more information or if you have questions, please let us know.
Thank you very much, and we are looking forward to your reply.

The degree theses to research the use of ground-probing radar to detect disease railway roadbed, tracks and sleeper effects of ground-probing radar signals and the elimination approach. At the same time, understanding of the underground railway roadbed disease empty radar profiles in the unusual characteristics.
The first, through indoor simulation experiments in the use of ground-probing radar detection understanding railway roadbed disease, and the sleeper tracks the impact of radar signals; Analog switches and other materials to simulate real sleeper rail, respectively, without using ground-probing radar dug empty, not filled dug empty, tearing holes filled gravel, tearing holes backfill slurry four cases, Experimental sites radar detection profiles. Later, the collection of radar profiles for late data processing and analysis. A comparison of data and discussion will draw on the tracks and sleeper effects of ground-probing radar signals, such as empty underground railway roadbed disease profiles in the unusual features of the radar experiment conclusions. The railway roadbed provides testing for the actual rationale, and to eliminate tracks and sleeper radar signal interference to propose practical solutions; Clearly different roadbed unusual disease characteristics, and enhance the use of effective methods. Finally, on the basis of the conclusions of the study to identify sleeper railway tracks and roadbed disease elimination of the effects of ground-probing radar signals approach and solution, and the judge railway roadbed disease its 24-hour basis and methodology for determining the location of the distribution.

The railway plays a very important role in the development of national economy. With the development of technology of the railway, the train has been improved a lot on the running speed and ability of carrying. In order to guarantee the traffic safety, guarantee railway transportation is safe and smooth, at the time of operating safe protection to train has put forward very high requirement. Guarantee there are a lot of normal running technological means of train, among them the circuit of track ensures one of the train normal running important means. The rule of the circuit of track of our country is mainly to move the circuit of track frequently, including domestic 18 information move frequently track circuit and introduce France UM71 type and ZPW-2000 type that domesticize move circuit of track frequently.
This text have insulating track circuit composition and principle of system carry on the systematic explanation to ZPW-2000A type mainly, combine peaceful to stand ZPA-2000A move and hard to get engineering design automatically frequently, to stop up and set up through the semaphore automaticallying especially, block move cupboard, comprehensive cupboard, association sets of apparatus assign frequently, stop up dividing into area close the circuit of sector, N 1 redundant circuit, make relay type up, electric light isolate voltage transformer and block comprehensive cupboard zero mix line,etc. knowledge makes a simple argumentation, frequency, voltage that cooperate, compensate electric capacity parameter, and their signal apparatus in best and working state in order to judge track circuit, can remove a hidden danger in time, guarantee the safe driving of the railway.

A middle school conducted a survey of smokers in their school ,finding that 89% of all students never smoke, 8% of them often smoke and 3% sometimes do.请问看法及建议要英文还是中文

She has always been a feminist and refused to get married and those who, until he met, she would like to be idiots to him, and even want to give him a home of their own, she would like to take care of him at home, has never been done Not done housework, from now ...

is because I like with you in the together feeling.You, affect my mood you, breaks me to ponder you, disturbs my line of sight you, affects my palpitation I to be able always to love you, no longer loves me until you that day.嘿 翻译的不咋好~~~你再自己修改下吧 ...

I'm Li Hua, today it is my responsibility for the reception of our school's visiting British education delegation. In the morning, I took the delegation to visit our school, at noon, we had luch with the students in the school canteen. In the afternoon, the representive ...

哪位日语高人, 帮我把下面这段话翻译成日语吧

喜欢一个人并晤一定要拥有距..只要距过得开心、幸福就得喇..剩下可以为距做噶就系祝福距..做一切可以俾距感觉到距而家好幸福噶事..包括系距噶世界入面消失..留底一句话希望距会知道"果个男仔唔系骗子"PS:有几个字普通话跟广东的意思有点偏差 我换了一下更适合广东口音的字 意思也是一样的 ...

Brand is one of the main culture representations in social consumption. Brand image plays a leading role in consumption and slection.1. Among the many effects from society, cuture, effect from brand symbol system is the leading one.2. Brand was originally serving as a trademark, ...

Therefore, from this century fifty or sixty time begin, some western countries started to organize special environmental problems of investigation and research, related to the outcomes of continuously available, wherein, " Silent Spring ", " the limits to growth " the most tremendous ...

正当王子想着东西,公主等待着的时候,无意中两人又对望,仿佛将两人带回当年...这次无意中的回忆给王子带来了一个办法...于是王子对公主讲:"这样不够刺激,不如我们赌双倍啦." 公主想了一阵,觉得这个王子笨就答应了, 王子说:"我猜你不记得当时我对你讲的第一句话." 公主哈哈笑了一下就说:" 你...


浦口区15686792994: 英语翻译麻烦帮忙把下面这段话翻译成英文:A酒店离他开会的地方太远了,乘地铁也不是直接到达,离外滩也很远,B和C酒店附近的环境比较好,但是离... -
督桦多贝:[答案] A酒店离他开会的地方太远了,乘地铁也不是直接到达,离外滩也很远,B和C酒店附近的环境比较好,但是离地铁比较远,D和F酒店离地铁非常近,里外滩也很近 Hotel A is too far away from his conference venue.Not only that,...

浦口区15686792994: 英语句子汉译英麻烦帮我将下面这段话翻译成英语.在中国,孩子们都喜欢过春节.一到春节,大街小巷、家家户户好不热闹!处处张灯结彩,挂满红灯笼.孩... -
督桦多贝:[答案] In China,the children like celebrating the Spring Festival.One to the Spring Festival,the main street and small alley,each and every family is very lively!Everywhere is decorated with lanterns and col...

浦口区15686792994: 麻烦帮忙将下面这段话翻译成英文,谢谢 -
督桦多贝: I am very interested in this item though I am aware that I am not the only one want it. Such that please inform me of how much you expect or others' offer when you are going to sell it. We can negotiate the price.Besides, I had been planning to buy ...

浦口区15686792994: 求英语翻译: 麻烦帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文.谢谢!急!!!! -
督桦多贝: 因为日本这边节假日休息,今天才开始上班.所以这么晚才给您回信,真是不好意思! Because the Japanese side holidays rest, started to work today. So to your letter so late, really sorry! 我只会说日语,英语现在正在学习中.这将给您带来诸...

浦口区15686792994: 谁可以帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文?
督桦多贝: I hope one day you can put the wedding ring for me

浦口区15686792994: 帮我把下面这段话话翻译成英文
督桦多贝: Anyway, I never regard you as a puppet, I really just joking with you, that's not true, but thank you can forgive me.

浦口区15686792994: 帮我把下面这段话翻译成英语
督桦多贝: 爱着我是真的深爱着:I was really in love with love, 也知道你也是真的:and that you are really,我想牵着你的手走完我们的以后: I would like to hold your hand finish the看着我的眼睛你会相信的: later we looked at my eyes you would believe, 亲爱的我们究竟怎么了my dear how we really had?

浦口区15686792994: (帮我把下面一段话译成英文 谢啦…)急用
督桦多贝: 你好 可以这样翻译: I like reading book and listening music!我喜欢看书听音乐 I'm lively also I'd like to make friends!我很活泼我也喜欢交朋友! I hope we will be the best friend with all of you in the class!我也希望和班里每位同学成为最好朋友!

浦口区15686792994: 麻烦各位朋友帮我翻译下下面那段话,译成英文,十分感谢! -
督桦多贝: At that moment, we hugged tightly, we fell in love, without too many words;At that moment, your hug was so warm and also warmed my heart;the first...

浦口区15686792994: 要写英语作文,麻烦帮我把下面一段话翻译成英语
督桦多贝: I love animals very much,especially the panda.It is quite cute and likes to have bamboo for food.But with the development of nature,the quantity of pandas gets smaller and smaller.There are less than 1000 pandas existing in the world.It will get ...

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