
作者&投稿:裘亮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

解释:1. 动物名称的选择 在众多动物中,我特别喜欢老虎。它们勇猛、威猛的形象让我为之倾倒。无论是在森林中还是传说故事中,老虎总是扮演着令人敬畏的角色。2. 老虎的独特特征 老虎拥有独特的斑纹和强壮的体魄,是食肉目猫科动物中的佼佼者。它们不仅是力量的象征,还展现出了优雅和敏捷。在野外,...

I like 动物 英语作文50次7年级我喜欢兔子
I like animals. Therefore going to the zoo is my favorite passtime. I also keep five animal pets. I keep a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a guinea pig and a hamster. I feed them regularly with good animal food. I walk my dog and cats everyday ...

1,what is your favourite animal?2,i can \/could not agree with you more(就是非常同意对方观点的意思)


我最喜欢的动物。 英语作文。不要多于10句
I have a dog.His name is Bob.He is two years old.He is yellow and very fat.He has two big eyes.And he wears a black coat.I always play with him. My mother and my sister look after him every day. When I come back ,he often walk around me.He is very cute and ...

你喜欢什么样的动物? 英语
Which animals do you like?

1.My favorite animal is a cat.I have a cat in my family.Her name is Mimi, I think she is from China.She is two years old now.She likes to eat fish every day.She is kind of lazy, but she is very cute.I like playing with it after school.(描述猫的)2.Many people ...

Thia is me 介绍自己喜欢的小动物喜欢什么水果喜欢什么玩具英语写?
可以这样来表达自己喜欢的事物,This is my favorite animal\/fruit.

What animals do you like?

why do you like the animals?

一药18398733580问: 英语:你还喜欢什么动物 翻译 -
扬中市脑脉回答: What animal do you like?

一药18398733580问: 英语翻译1音乐教师在五楼.2你还喜欢什么动物?3我经常骑自行车去上学.4银行在第五大街的餐馆对面.5我的家庭作业在书桌里. -
扬中市脑脉回答:[答案] 1.The music teacher is on the fifth floor.2.Which kind of animal do you like.3.I often go to school by bike.或者(I often ride to school)4.The bank is across to the restaurant which is on the Fifth Str...

一药18398733580问: 你还喜欢什么其它的动物? -
扬中市脑脉回答:[答案] What other animal do you like? 这样应该对了,我问过英语老师,准没错,放心采纳吧!

一药18398733580问: 你喜欢什么动物和不喜欢的动物的作文英语 +汉译 -
扬中市脑脉回答: There is a zoo in our city.I like animals a lot.My favorite animals are pandas.I think they are veys beautiful and cute.Pands live only in China.I don't like elephants.Because they are very ugly and lazy. I also like giraffes.They are very interesting.I don't ...

一药18398733580问: 英语翻译 你还喜欢别的什么动物?
扬中市脑脉回答: What other animals do you like?

一药18398733580问: 你还喜欢其他什么动物英语怎么说
扬中市脑脉回答: You also like other what animal?

一药18398733580问: 你还喜欢其他的什么动物?英语怎么写? -
扬中市脑脉回答: (My favourite animal) I have two turtles, they are cute. I′ve had them for two years. They carry heavy shells,just like carrying a school bag. They have eyes which shines just like black beans. They are funny. Collected by www They are like to eat the ...

一药18398733580问: 用英语描写一种你喜欢的小动物. -
扬中市脑脉回答: The Eagle Feather by Randy Macey, MohawkWhen the world was new, the Creator made all the birds. He colored their feathers like a bouquet of flowers. The Creator then gave each a distinct song to sing. The Creator instructed the birds to greet ...

一药18398733580问: 你喜欢什么动物?的英文怎么写? -
扬中市脑脉回答: What's animal do you like ? (很标准,请你采纳我的答案,谢谢)

一药18398733580问: 你还喜欢其他哪些动物汉译英
扬中市脑脉回答: 我喜欢狗,猫,猴子,希望能对你有所帮助!

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