
作者&投稿:胡实 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My favourite pet is dog.He is very cute and friendly.People all around the world often compare him to human being's honest friend.He is used to guard at the door.Once meeting his master,he will show his friendliness.More and more people keep him company wherever they go....

My favourite animal is dog.I have a dog. Its name is Bob.It has a long tail.It has two big nice cute eyes.It has a good nose.It can jump very high.It can run very fast,I like it very much.或 Today, I happily home saw two cute little squirrel. They that small...

I like cat.Cat is a cute animal.Cat agile, good jump. Fish, mice and the like. The reason why cats love fish and mice, because cats are nocturnal animals, in order to be able to see things at night, requires a lot of taurine, and in vivo on mice and fish contain ...

1、My family has a lovely little white rabbit, its name is white.我家有一只可爱的小白兔,它的名字叫小白。2、Its ears long,standing on the top of the ...

我最喜欢的狗就是我邻居家的那只京巴狗圆圆和柯利牧羊犬帅帅。下面请大家来看看小钟老师辛苦为大家准备的单元作文《介绍自己喜欢的动物的英语作文》,如果想要更多关于单元作文的讯息,请继续关注我们出国留学网的作文栏目。篇一:介绍自己喜欢的动物的英语作文Dog is my favorite animal. The reason why ...

我们一看见它,就自然会想起直升飞机,难道两者之间有什么必然联系吗?没错,直升飞机的设计师们就是在反复研究了蜻蜓的翅膀后,经过不断改进才使直升飞机的性能达到完美效果的.我的宠物是一条可爱的狗.它的名字是"点点" .因为有很多黑的圆圈在它的皮肤上."点点" 是非常友好的.许多孩子喜欢和它玩.他的...

英文作文:介绍一种你喜欢的动物(外貌,生活习惯,喜欢食物等) (不少于5...
My Favorite Animal Last year, my father bought a lovely pet for me. She has four white paws and a white and short tail. She has two long and big ears, two red eyes and eight whiskers on her face. Her name is Sally and she is one year old. Do you know what it is?

I like animals very much, such as horses,monkeys, cats, tigers and so on. But I like dogs best. Why? Because they are very cute and nice.I have a white dog. Its name is Bobo. She is a female dog.She comes from Beijing,China.She wears white clothes and she has two ...

写作思路:题目要求写最喜欢的动物是熊猫,要写出熊猫的特点,自己喜欢熊猫的原因。正文:My favorite animal is the panda it not only cute, but also the national treasure of China!翻译:我最喜欢的动物是熊猫,它不仅可爱,而且是中国的国宝!Now let me introduce its appearance and habits.翻...

...以“My favorite animal”为题,介绍你喜欢的动物,喜欢它的原_百度知...
My favourite animal is horses. Their beautiful bodies exhibited the most graceful curves and muscles. When they run at full speed, their hair fly in the air and their fur shine under the sun with great splendour that captures ones attention immediately. Horses eat wheat and ...

辛珍15158642721问: 用英语介绍自己最喜欢的动物. -
靖安县丁酸回答:[答案] My favourite animal As we all know,animals are our friends.I like every animal.But I like dogs best.Dogs are not only very lovely,but also very helpful.That's why we all feed dogs at home.I often share happiness and shorrow with it, which belongs to me three...

辛珍15158642721问: 用英语描写我最喜欢的动物 -
靖安县丁酸回答: i like mice.i think they are really cute.their small shiny eyes always appeal to me.besides,they're kind of smart.they can do lots of things all by themselves,such as openning the door,hunting for food and even taking a shower. 把楼上的改了下,觉得这样比较好...仅供参考

辛珍15158642721问: 求《最喜爱的动物》的英语作文. -
靖安县丁酸回答:[答案] My favourite animal Dolphin is my favourite animal. It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about ... My favourite animal My favourite animal is tortoise. Tortoise walk not fast. But I like the tortoise. Why? Because, tortoise is a cute ...

辛珍15158642721问: 我最爱的动物 英语作文60词 谢谢了 -
靖安县丁酸回答:[答案] My Favourite Animal My favourite animal is the giant panda. The giant panda or panda is a bear living in central western and south western China. Most pandas live in Sichuan province. Pandas are adorable because of their distinctive black patches ...

辛珍15158642721问: 我最喜欢的动物英语作文60个单词 -
靖安县丁酸回答:[答案] My Favourite Animal My favourite animal is the giant panda.The giant panda or panda is a bear living in central western and south western China.Most pandas live in Sichuan province.Pandas are adorable because of their distinctive black patches ...

辛珍15158642721问: 介绍自己喜欢的动物英文8句 -
靖安县丁酸回答:[答案] Elephants are very big animals and have a very long nose called a trunk.The lion is the king of the jungle.Monkeys spend a lot of time up in trees and like to eat fruits.Kangaroos are from Australia. ...

辛珍15158642721问: 用英语介绍你喜欢的动物 -
靖安县丁酸回答:[答案] I like small rabbit,because the lovely,

辛珍15158642721问: 英语作文!我最喜欢的小动物(英语作文要有翻译) -
靖安县丁酸回答:[答案] My favourite animal 内容:熊猫是我最喜欢的动物.熊猫是一种很可爱的动物.它是中国的国宝.熊猫非常喜欢吃竹子.熊猫的身体胖胖的,圆圆的,毛是黑色和白色的.这只熊猫来自亚洲中国四川卧龙.她的名字是:雪帆.她是非常可...

辛珍15158642721问: 我最喜欢的动物英语作文 -
靖安县丁酸回答: (My favourite animal) I have two turtles, they are cute. I′ve had them for two years. They carry heavy shells,just like carrying a school bag. They have eyes which shines just like black beans. They are funny. Collected by www They are like to eat the ...

辛珍15158642721问: 英语作文:我最喜欢的动物 熊猫 -
靖安县丁酸回答:[答案] I like a lot of animals,but my favorite animal is the panda.She comes from China,why did I love her?Because she is very cute,but she was very shy.Her body stout like bears,but the first round tail sho...

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