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buy sth for sb 或 buy sb sth

注意:cost的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于被动句。3、take后面常跟双宾语,常见用法有:It takes sb+时间+to dosth译为做某事花了某人多少时间。doing sth takes sb+时间译为做某事花了某人多少时间。4、pay的基本用法是:pay sb money for sth译为付钱给某人买某物。

There be句型所有知识
(3)there be 句型的否定句在be 动词后加not , 一般疑问句把be 动词调到句首。(4)there be句型与have(has) 的区别:there be 表示在某地有某物(或人);have(has) 表示某人拥有某物。(5)some和any在there be 句型中的运用:some 用于肯定句, any 用于否定句或疑问句。例:There is ...

1. To a very good price. 2. For someone to buy something (two). 3. To buy something to a person (two). 4. Movement (with) the bag

2023专升本英语常考短语 100个重要基础句型?
65. buy sth for sb 为某人买某物Mother bought a bike for me.妈妈给我买了一辆自行车。66. give sb sth 把某物给某人Jim gave me an English dictionary.吉姆给我一本英语字典。67. give sth to sb 把某物给某人Jim gave an English dictionary to me.吉姆给我一本英语字典。68. get to sp 达到...

不喜欢做某事 为某人买某某物 的英语
dislike doing sth.buy sth. for sb.

depend on的用法?
这要看情况而定。1、 depend on+从句 The amount you pay depends on where you live. 你付多少钱要看你住什么地方。这类句型中的介词on, upon 有时可省略(尤其是在口语中)。如:It depends (on) whether you can afford it. 这要看你是否买得起。2、depend on+某人或某物 I knew I ...

(3)spend money for sth. 花钱买……。例:His money was spent for books. 他的钱用来买书了。cost的主语是物或某种活动, 还可以表示“值”, 常见用法如下:(1)sth. costs (sb.) +金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。例:A new computer costs a lot of money. 买一台新电脑要花一大笔...

从某人得到礼物 给某人买某物 在他生日那天 英语怎么说?
get present from sb.buy present for sb.at his birthday 希望能够帮到楼主

为你解答。(1)需要某物:need sth (2)需要做某事:need to do (3)需要某人做某事:need sb to do sth (4)给某人买某物:buy sth for sb (5)把某物卖给某人:sell sth to sb (5)来某地:come to somewhere (6)和某人玩...:play sth with sb (7)上数学课:have math...

溥岩13679188820问: 给某人买某物的句型? -
雁峰区安坤回答:[答案] buy sth for sb

溥岩13679188820问: 给某人买某物的句型? -
雁峰区安坤回答: buy sth for sb

溥岩13679188820问: 给某人买某物用英语怎么说 -
雁峰区安坤回答:[答案]给某人买某物 buy sb sth buy sth for sb

溥岩13679188820问: 英语句型buy sb sth 和buy sth of sb 和 buy sth for sb 各什么意思 -
雁峰区安坤回答:[答案] buy sb sth 买某人某物 buy sth of sb买某人的某物 buy sth for sb 为某人买某物

溥岩13679188820问: 英语翻译造句:带给某人某物 用bring.sth.to.sb为某人买某物 用buy.sth.for.sb 给某人某物 用give.sth.to.sb借给某人某物 用 lend.sth.to.sb 为某人做某事 用make.... -
雁峰区安坤回答:[答案] 带给某人某物I bring the book to Jim.为某人买某物 I buy a bike for Lucy.给某人某物 I give the rule to Lily.借给某人某物 I lend money to my brother.为某人做某事 She makes a toy for me.

溥岩13679188820问: 给某人买某物用两种方式怎么说
雁峰区安坤回答: 给某人买某物1. buy something for someone2. to buy somebody something3. to purchase something for someone

溥岩13679188820问: buy sth to sb还是buy sth for sb? -
雁峰区安坤回答: ① 翻译和含义解释:- "buy sth to sb":把某物购买给某人.- "buy sth for sb":为某人购买某物.② 语法详解:- "buy sth to sb" 是一个非常不常见的表达方式,通常不符合英语语法规范.正确的语法结构应该是 "buy sth for sb".- "buy ...

溥岩13679188820问: 给某人买某物 英语短语怎么说 -
雁峰区安坤回答:[答案] buy sth.for sb. 请及时采纳,多谢!

溥岩13679188820问: buy…from和buy…for的英语 -
雁峰区安坤回答:[答案] buy from是从某人那儿买某物,buy for 是为某人买某物.

溥岩13679188820问: buy sth to sb 还是for sb -
雁峰区安坤回答: 主要做及物动词,有时也做不及物动词,后面常接双宾语,间接宾语通常放在直接宾语之后,用介词连接.buy sth for sb=buy sb sth:给某人买某物buy sth from some place:从某地买某物

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