
作者&投稿:漳乳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Eva:Oh!Mack!I'm Eva,I'm glad to meet you!Mack:Yeah?I'm glad to meet you,tooWhere are you going now?Eva:ahha..I go to dinner now, do you want to go with me?Mack:It is my pleasureEva:Too good, let's go!餐厅吃饭的英语情景对话:你喜欢喝什么酒 Frank:What would yo...

在外国餐厅就餐时,很多人都不知道怎么用英语表达,下面我为大家带来,欢迎大家学习!一 Could you remend something to drink?能给我们推荐些喝的东西吗?Well,since you have order the roast chicken, I suggest you to order the red wine to go with themain course. It can help you digest t...

1:K: Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?N: Sure. Have you got anywhere in mind?K: I'm starving, so maybe we could go somewhere with large portions.N: That Italian restaurant in the city centre always has large portions. Do you want to go there?K: I'm not re...

餐厅英语情景对话1:Brad:Let me take care of the check today。Lucy:Why? It’s unfair. How about going Dutch?Brad:You paid last time because I didn’t have any money, remember?Lucy:Oh, come on. I almost forgot. Don’t worry about it. I didn’t m...

求一段英语对话:主人邀请朋友去家里吃饭,邀请前,就餐中,就餐后的情景都要描述出来。。大家帮帮忙 邀请:A:Would you like to havfe dinner with us tonight?B:Oh,really?It's my honor to be there.A:Ok.I will see you at 6 o'clock tonight.B:Ok.客人来到主人家 A:Hello!Welcome t...

英语情景口语:Eating out外出就餐
B: yes. I’d like to book a table for Friday evening please. A: certainly. For how many people? B; we’ll be eight or nine people. Could we book a private room? A: I’ll just check. At what time on Friday evening? B: about 7:30. A: yes. That...

\/发音饱满,舌尖轻微卷起。3. 整个词汇的发音需要流畅自然,注意音节的分隔和重音的位置,确保发音准确。总结来说,"dining room"是一个常见的英语词汇,用于描述就餐的场所。发音时需要注意音节的划分和发音的细节,确保发音准确自然。通过正确的发音,可以更好地表达这个词汇所描述的情景。

We hope you can join us.我们已经预定了餐馆,希望您能够和我们一起吃饭。现在让我们跟着老师一起来练习这些句子。We’d like to invite you to dinner.Would you like to come to lunch?We’d be pleased if you could join us for dinner.We’ve booked a table. We hope you can join us.受到邀请...

flight n.飞行,动词为”fly”.家庭聚餐英语情景对话相关 文章 :1. 英语聚会实用情景对话 2. 英语情景对话大全 3. 在快餐厅里就餐的英语情景对话 4. 外贸英语口语:接待客户用语 5. 英语情景会话 租房英语 6. 商店常用购物英语对话及讲解 7. 咖啡厅里常用英语口语情景对话 ​

幼儿英语启蒙——情景对话 吃饭就餐时的英文表达方式

潘亲15596482202问: 关于就餐的英语二人对话(限时2分钟要求简单一点的)? -
达孜县宁泌回答:[答案] Conversation In A Restaurant 餐厅里的对话 Hugh is ordering a meal in a restaurant 休正在餐厅点餐 a few moments later (过了一会儿) Emma:one sparkling water 埃玛:一份带汽的矿泉水.Hugh:Thanks very m...

潘亲15596482202问: 情景对话 英语 食堂 2人 大约十句左右就行 -
达孜县宁泌回答: A :it is time to eat lunch.what would you like? B: i would like some vegetables and rice. A:ok,but what vegetables would you like? B: i would like tomatoes, potatoes,and carrots. A: and would you like some soup? B.no, thanks.i don not like drinking ...

潘亲15596482202问: 求英语情景对话~餐厅顾客2人A1 A2来到餐厅,服务员F1拉开餐厅门对A1 A2说 欢迎光临 请这边走 (来到2楼)服务员F1说 这张位子可以吗?顾客坐下 服务... -
达孜县宁泌回答:[答案] f1 to clients:welcome to XXX,table for two?please follow me f1 to clients:is it OK?have a look on menu,would you like to order some drinks first?(这句一般会接着就问你的:-)让你选喝的,f1 to A2:are you...

潘亲15596482202问: 急求~~英语二人对话, 内容是在餐馆就餐~~ -
达孜县宁泌回答: 有,看你运气好不好

潘亲15596482202问: 就餐对话(英语) -
达孜县宁泌回答: W:Sir,what can I do for you? 先生,需要我为你效劳吗? C: I'd like to have a table around corner, quiet. 我想要一张靠近角落的餐桌,安静点的. W:Ok,please follow me. 好的.请跟我来. C:May I have the menu? 我可以看看菜单吗? W:Sure,...

潘亲15596482202问: 2人英语情景对话 餐厅点餐 2 - 3分钟 要多食物名 -
达孜县宁泌回答:[答案] A: Waiter, please give me a menu! B: Do you often come here for meal? A: Yes, take it easy, choose whatever you want to eat , I will be in charge today. B: What about ginger chicken? A: Ok, it is delicious.Peking duck is also very good. Would you like to ...

潘亲15596482202问: 2人英语情景对话,要在西餐厅和服务员的对话!谢了! -
达孜县宁泌回答: A是服务员B是客人 A: What can I do for you? B: I want some food. But I don't know what to eat.A: Would you like some beefsteak? perhaps you want to try it. Charcoal grilled beef tenderloin with garlic potato and Minestrone soup, OK? B: It sounds ...

潘亲15596482202问: 去餐厅吃东西时的对话(英语) 不同情况的对话方式越多越好(食物除外) -
达孜县宁泌回答: Can I help you? I'd like some noodles,please. What kind of noodles would you like? What kind of noodles do you have We have beef,chicken,mutton,cabbage,potato,I'd like mutton and potato noodles,please.Sure,and what size would you like? What ...

潘亲15596482202问: 去西餐厅就餐的英语对话!一定是对话 -
达孜县宁泌回答: 基本句型: Have you got a table for two, please? 请问您有两个人的桌子吗? Have you booked a table? 您预定餐桌了吗? Have you made a reservation? 您预定了吗? smoking or non-smoking? 吸烟区还是非吸烟区? Would you like ...

潘亲15596482202问: 就餐对话(英语带翻译)不少于150字急用!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
达孜县宁泌回答: Waiter: Good afternoon, how can I help you today? Customer: I'd like a table for one, please. Waiter: Right this way. Here you are. Customer: Thank you. Can I have a menu? Waiter: Here you are. My name's John and I'm your waiter today. Would you ...

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