
作者&投稿:施疫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

以下是一篇生日派对的对话,希望对你有帮助。朱莉:Hi, Alex. Welcome to my birthday party!嗨.艾力克.欢迎来参加我的生日聚会!艾力克:Hi, happy birthday!Here is a present for you!嗨.祝你生日快乐!我给你带了一个礼物.朱莉:Oh, it`s so kind of you! What is it?哦.你想得真周到!是...

Y:Hello,this is Lily.YF:Hello,this is Lucy Y:Tomorrow is my birthday!I hope you can come!YF:Your binthday?realy?Happy birthday!Y:Thank you!YF:What time do you want to start?Y:Just at 18:00 YF:OK!I will give you a surprise!See you tomorrow!Y:Thank you!See you!聚...

生日聚会 A:梅丽莎?我想请你参加我妻子的生日聚会。B:谢谢,弗兰克。我非常愿意参加。什么时候?A:她的生日是在9号。我们准备在一家墨西哥餐馆吃晚餐,之后也许去跳舞。B:听起来很开心。你可以算上我一个!告诉我那家餐馆在哪。有关生日的英语对话二 朱莉:Hi, Alex. Wele to my birthday party!...

Though words cannot express the thoughts the heart would like to say,still may you know that others care and sympathize today.2、 Love is always my gift to you.Happy Birthday!3You are still young and beautiful in my calendar and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your...

你好 a :Here comes the birthday cake.(All begin singing ”Happy Birthday to You”)B : Wow, what a lovely cake.A : Be sure to blow out all the candles in one puff.B : Oh, they all went out! Did you make a wish?A : Yes, but I doubt if I get it . I've never...


Li Ming: Hello!Liu Dan: Li Ming!What can i do for you?Li Ming: Would you please come to my birhday party?Liu Dan: Oh, I'd love to,when is your birthday party?Li Ming: 16th of December,4pm at my home.It will be a really nice party.Liu Dan: Thank you!See you ...



作文如下:Y:Hello,this is<your name>!你好,我是<你的名字>!YF:Hello,this is<your friend's name> 你好,我是<你朋友的名字> Y:Tomorrow is my birthday!I hope you can come!明天是我的生日!我希望你能来!YF:Your binthday?realy?Happy birthday!你的生日?真的?生日快乐!Y:...

范娜17679402893问: 生日聚会上六人英语情景对话 -
迎江区格岚回答: Michaela : It's Mo's birthday next week. Let's have a party! Wendy : A party? Great idea. I'll make a birthday cake. Tom : I'll bring my dog. Michaela: No, Tom. Don't bring your dog. He'll eat all the food! Tom : Well, OK. What shall I do then? Michaela: ...

范娜17679402893问: 急求关于生日派对的情景对话,要十分钟左右,英文的 -
迎江区格岚回答: 以下是一篇生日派对的对话,希望对你有帮助. 朱莉: Hi, Alex. Welcome to my birthday party! 嗨.艾力克.欢迎来参加我的生日聚会! 艾力克: Hi, happy birthday!Here is a present for you! 嗨.祝你生日快乐!我给你带了一个礼物. 朱莉: Oh, it`...

范娜17679402893问: 表演生日聚会的英语对话台词 -
迎江区格岚回答: Y:Hello,this is Lily. YF:Hello,this is LucyY:Tomorrow is my birthday!I hope you can come!YF:Your binthday?realy?Happy birthday!Y:Thank you!YF:What time do you want to start?Y:Just at 18:00YF:OK!I will give you a surprise!See you ...

范娜17679402893问: 求:一段关于生日聚会的英语对话 -
迎江区格岚回答:[答案] Y:Hello,this is Lily. YF:Hello,this is Lucy Y:Tomorrow is my birthday!I hope you can come! YF:Your binthday?realy?Happy ... I will give you a surprise!See you tomorrow! Y:Thank you!See you! 聚会后的描述: last satauday i came to the hotel to celebrate ...

范娜17679402893问: 关于参加生日聚会的情景对话
迎江区格岚回答:给点情景阿? A:XX呀,生日快乐哦~ B:谢谢哦~... A:哈哈... 《纯属个人抽风...》

范娜17679402893问: 生日宴会的英文对话 -
迎江区格岚回答: happy birthday! thank you! here is you present. oh,thank you very much.waha``,it is very beautiful,i like it very much.

范娜17679402893问: 生日聚会开场白怎么说? -
迎江区格岚回答: 既然是好朋友,那就不在乎这些了,你想说什么就可以说什么啊!或者开始就说感谢你们这么久以来对我的帮助和关心..或者是感谢你们在百忙之中抽出空来参加的我的生日party...然后敬酒时候就说我平时也不怎么说话,也不怎么跟你们沟通,就先敬你们一杯吧!

范娜17679402893问: 为了庆祝我过生日,朋友举行生日聚会的英语小对话,要求七人的 -
迎江区格岚回答: Though words cannot express the thoughts the heart would like to say, still may you know that others care and sympathize today.2、 Love is always my gift to you.Happy Birthday!3You are still young and beautiful in my calendar and the extra year seems indeed to have improved your looks. Happy Birthday to you!

范娜17679402893问: 要一段“聚会”或“生日聚会”的英语对话 -
迎江区格岚回答: A:There you are !I'm so happy that all of you can come.B:(smile),of course ,you are my best friend,happy birthday!A:Thank you!C:This is my present for you!A:oh,it's so nice of you!(open),wow,it;s really very wonderful,i love it ~D:Look ,this is mine...

范娜17679402893问: 我的好朋友过几天要办生日Party,让我当主持人,求一段精彩的开场白和结束语,急急急!!! -
迎江区格岚回答: 尊敬的来宾大家好,欢迎大家来参加我们可爱的XXX的生日Party.在这个晚风习习的夏天,我们踏着月光而来,埋藏已久的期盼,化做今日的喜悦.让我们唱起生日歌,让我们尽情狂欢,尽情的玩吧.时间真的好快,不经意间X个小时过去了,大家肯定还没玩够吧,XXX一定玩得很开心,谢谢大家来参加生日Party,最后我们再次祝XXX生日快乐!拜拜!

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