
作者&投稿:苏楠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我想找下斯蒂夫乔布斯05在斯坦福的演讲,最好能是清晰版,英文不好,希望能有中文字幕!同求中文演讲稿。... 我想找下斯蒂夫乔布斯05在斯坦福的演讲,最好能是清晰版,英文不好,希望能有中文字幕!同求中文演讲稿。 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了?侯尕寳kj1 2014-09-15 · TA获得超过...

My fellow citizens:I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown through...

very happy to see so many new faces here.下面是我精心为大家整理的开学典礼学生代表英文发言稿【附译文】,欢迎阅读。更多开学典礼学生代表英文发言稿【附译文】请关注演讲稿栏目! 开学典礼学生代表英文发言稿【附译文】 win at the starting line good afternoon, everyone. very happy to see so many new ...

楼上的是竞选胜利演讲,不对啊。 [size]My fellow citizens: 各位同胞: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosit...

so party datong is debuting in Hong Kong but he only to mandarin or English songs.With the distinctive music talent, party datong was 17 years old, record companies will mean to contract, but for a variety of reasons, datong until party at 22, just formally signed warner's.Pa...

向日本宣战(美国总统罗斯福)-英语演讲,英文演讲稿 汉语翻译(我最喜欢的一篇) FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT'S PEARL HARBOR SPEECHDeclaration of WarDecember 8, 1941 To the Congress of the United States:Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenl...

加50!求the torch has been passed to us的英文演讲稿
加50!求the torch has been passed to us的英文演讲稿 50 题目是thetorchhasbeenpassedtous急用不要翻译软件的文法正确最好能2小时内回答答案好的话有50分加分谢谢了不是肯尼迪的我要英语比赛用... 题目是the torch has been passed to us 急用不要翻译软件的文法正确最好能2小时内回答答案好的话 有50分...

急求一篇英文演讲稿-题目是My Holiday
School is my second home in my life, it provides an opportunity and a nice environment for me to study. I have a lot of friend and school is a wonderful place to hang out with them.In the school building, there are a lot of classroom, teacher offices, computer labs, ...

答案是当然的,但是具体的效果还是因人而异,不能以偏概全,不过只要你努力了,你的英语一定会进步!“TED”是“Technology, Entertainment, Design”即科技、娱乐、设计的缩写,这个会议的宗旨是"用思想的力量来改变世界"。TED演讲的特点是毫无繁杂冗长的专业讲座,观点响亮,开门见山,种类繁多,看法新颖...

这是我的荣幸有机会在此演讲,我非常感谢。前几位竞选人的精彩演说让我大开眼界,而我会向大家证明我自己是学生会主席的最佳候选人。Fist of all, I have a pleasant personality. As a class monitor in my past freshman year, I've been getting along well with all my classmates as well ...

书和18260379639问: 历史上最有名的英语演讲稿有哪些 -
绍兴市六味回答: I Have a Dream---Martin Luther King Inaugural Address ---John F.Kennedy Never give up Blood sweat and tears------Winston Churchill Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation-----Franklin D. Roosevelt

书和18260379639问: 世界名人英语演讲 -
绍兴市六味回答: 奥巴马获胜演讲稿(英文版) If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is a live in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight ...

书和18260379639问: 麻烦推荐几篇比较好的名人英语演讲
绍兴市六味回答: 奥巴马 希拉里 马汀路德金

书和18260379639问: 著名的英语演讲 -
绍兴市六味回答: 八段经典英语演讲节选Man's dearest possession is life. It is given to him but once, and he must live it so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years, never know the burning shame...

书和18260379639问: 推荐一些适合学生听的著名英文演讲
绍兴市六味回答: 丘吉尔就说了这一句话经过如下二战时期的盟国“三巨头”之一、英国前首相丘吉尔是一个非常著名的演说家.他生命中的最后一次演讲是在一所大学的结业典礼上,也许由于丘吉尔太过年迈,演讲的全过程大约持续了20分钟,但全程他只讲了...

书和18260379639问: 求 世界 名人 演讲 英文的 要经典一些的 比如 马丁路德金的 I have a dream 大家推荐我下 ~
绍兴市六味回答: Farewell Address 告别演说--华盛顿First Lnaugural Address--杰斐逊剩下的 由于网络问题 只写汉语了要求对日宣战--罗斯福解放宣言--林肯在法庭上最后的陈述--约翰 布朗不自由,毋宁死--亨利

书和18260379639问: 有哪些著名的英语演讲(适合背诵的更好)最好要 -
绍兴市六味回答: 马丁路德金 I have a dream

书和18260379639问: 麻烦推荐几篇比较好的名人英语演讲,最好能找到音频资料,谢谢! -
绍兴市六味回答: 奥巴马的竞选演讲和就职演说都是很不错的材料.还有布什的卸任演讲.比较经典的还有肯尼迪总统的就职演说,十分经典的,网上应该能有音频,我看过视频.当然还有那个I have a dream. 我也看过视频,应该也很不错.这个还可以直接在网上搜索,会有很多的.

书和18260379639问: 比较出名的英语演讲稿有哪些? -
绍兴市六味回答:[答案] I Have a Dream --------Martin Luther King,Jr.Dare To Compete,Dare To Care---------Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonInaugural Address-----------John F.KennedyFirst Inaugural Address---------Franklin Delano ...

书和18260379639问: 著名英文演讲稿 -
绍兴市六味回答: 罗斯福的四大自由(节选) The Four Freedoms Franklin Delano Roosevelt In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms.The first is freedom of speech and expression -- ...

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