
作者&投稿:商谦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、选C。“主语进行谓语的动作”这一原理来进行判断:只要一个动作有它的动作发出者,那么它们就互为主谓关系。2、选A。1、下列哪个斜体部分(就括号内部分好啦~)表示主谓关系?a、这个人有一个大家庭要养活。 b、她不想和父母吵架。c、他是最后一个(离开的)客人。d、玛丽需要一个朋友来倾诉。这...

4 A 此句翻译为“脂肪不会转变为肌肉,跟肌肉不会转变为脂肪一样。”any more than ”不比。。好”,no more than“仅仅是”,no less than“不低于,不少于" much more than ”比。。。更多“

1、小学英语语法训练习题一:改写下列句子 Eg, This is my book. --- The book is mine.1. That is her ruler. ___2. These are their footballs. ___3. This is my backpack . ___4. Those are your boxes. ___2、小学英语语法训练习题二:把下列句子改写成复数。1. This is a ...

There is no getting over the difficulty. 这困难无法克服。There is no doing结构:其意为“不可能…”、“无法…”:如:There's no denying the fact. 这一事实不容否认。There is no knowing what he will do next. 无法知道他下一步要干什么。There was no telling when she would be ...

答:这题考错综时间虚拟条件句。真实情况是:I arrived yesterday letting you know beforehand. 我是昨天到的,事先告诉过你的。现在我们见面了,你没有感到讶(You are not surprised)。假如我昨天到了而不给事先告诉你,当我们现在见面的时,你会不会很惊讶呢?主句(问题)问的是现在的情况:If...

答: 楼主应知道,比较状语从句常用略。只不过省略主语的情况较少而已。省略是为了句子的简洁,条件是不引起歧义,很容易能还原。此句完整应为:Jone often sits in a small bar,drinking and smoking considerably more than (what ) is good for his health.省略了主语what= the amount that 题外...

to unlock the door 这句话的谓语和宾语是,Have got the key There are many fruits to choose 这句话的,谓语和宾语是choose fruits Have you got permission to stay here 这句话是have got permission This will be my last Attempt to make noodles 这句话是will be 其他的都是补充成分 ...

B.In C.For D.On ___beforewe depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.A.Had they arrived B.Would they arrive C.Were they arriving D.Were they to arrive ___ conflict among city-states caused the eventual decline of Greek civilization.A.Continuous...

十、定语从句省略结构关系代词在定语从句中做宾语时可以省略 例1:Most crocodiles will eat anything___capture and overpower.(A) can (B) they can (C) which can (D) and 分析:空格前是个完整句子,空格后是两个并列的及物动词,后面却没有宾语,由此可推断出空格处缺能作从句宾语的从句...

4,本题很简单,只是可能你还没有了解其中的语法点。if only 引导的是虚拟句,后面跟完成时态,如果是对现在的虚拟,则if only 后面用现在完成时;如果是对过去的虚拟,则if only 后面需用过去完成时态。本题中,,前面的从句虚拟的是“要是这个病人接受的是另外一种治疗,而非使用抗生素的话,”...

彩花13254977198问: 专四的语法题58.It is going to be fine tomorrow._______.A.So is it.B.So it is.C.So it does.D.So does it.55.A new laptop costs about - ___ - of a second - hand ... -
武都县吡贝回答:[答案] 58题,本来就应该选A. 根据翻译:明天将会是个晴天.是这样吧? 所以应是So is it?因为并不能肯定.肯定回答为Yes,it is.否定回答为“No,it isn't.” 59题,选B.这题1楼解释的很详细了,three times就已经表示“三倍于...”,不需要再加个“longer ...

彩花13254977198问: 英语专四语法题I am surprised____ - this city is a dull place to live.A.that you should thinkB.that you would think为什么? -
武都县吡贝回答:[答案] 因为,surpirsed 后面跟的宾语从句要用虚拟语气 而这种虚拟很固定,就是should do ,should 还可以省略

彩花13254977198问: 一道03年专四语法题 定语从句 求语法牛人解答专四2003年52题He is quite worn out from years of hard work.He is not the man - ___he was twenty years ago.A.... -
武都县吡贝回答:[答案] 答案B,that是正确的. that 引导的定语从句在指人时: 1.泛指某人时.如:He is a man that is never at a loss. 2.主句是以作主语的who开头的特殊问句,为了避免重复时.如: Who is the person that is talking with our headmaster? 3.先行词前有the same时....

彩花13254977198问: 请教大家一道专四语法题There is - __ - telling what the tiger will do when it is cornered.虽然我做对了,可是不清楚它的考点. -
武都县吡贝回答:[答案] there is no telling 固定说法 :it is impossible to know what has happened or will happen

彩花13254977198问: 英语专四的一道语法题,Britain's press is unusual( ) it is divided into 2 very different types of newspaper:the quality press and the popular press.A in how B in ... -
武都县吡贝回答:[答案] in that 表示因为 所以选它 in how 没有这样的说法

彩花13254977198问: 专四语法虚拟语气的例题? -
武都县吡贝回答: would have liked to do sth 等于 would like to have done sth. 表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气.意思是:尽管我很想(当时)借钱给他,...

彩花13254977198问: 请帮忙解析下几道专四语法题1.Land belongs to the city,there is_____ - thing as private ownership of land.A.no such a B.not such C.not such a D.no such此题... -
武都县吡贝回答:[答案] 1,such a是固定搭配,大概表“这样一个”的意思.a 必须接在such 的后面,但是当需要对其作否定时,就只能在前面加no ... 3,A 答案中的some 表示“某种、某样”而非常规的“一些”的意思.solar heating device 表示是“太阳能加热器”,device作为...

彩花13254977198问: 几道专四语法与词汇的题目1.Indigo is a vat color,__called because it does not dissolve in water.A.which it B.it is C.but D.so为啥选D.请分析一下.我选的A2.I ... -
武都县吡贝回答:[答案] 1、翻译是“靛蓝色是一种瓮染料,如此叫法是因为它冬天不会溶解.”A,C,D都不符合语法规定. 2、翻译是“我认为她是故意伤害我的感情,而她却声称是无意的.”A中delicately是"故意地“的意思,所以应该选择A项,而appropriately是”适当地“...

彩花13254977198问: 一个专四语法题Come what may,I'll be on your side.谁能帮我分析一下这个句子,为什么前面要加倒装,这是什么语法点呢 -
武都县吡贝回答:[答案] Come what may :无论如何,不管怎样,无论发生什么事 动词提前 倒装表强调.

彩花13254977198问: 一个专四语法题The business of each day,be it selling goods or shipping them,went quite smoothly.be it selling goods or shipping them 中的be it是什么语法点呢 -
武都县吡贝回答:[答案] 每天的业务,不管是销售物品还是运输物品,都进展得非常顺利. 这里be it是一种倒装省略结构,也有语言学者认为有虚拟语气的成分(但表示的不是假设,而是语气的加强) be it = whether it + be的适当的具体时态形式 相当于一个让步状语从句

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