
作者&投稿:俟胜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

She is a better speaker than
A any boy
B the other boys
in the class .
应该选:A。 any boy
A和B区别 在于 主语She是女生,不是boy。哈哈哈。所以选A any boy。
B the other boys 只有在主语是 男生的时候,可以选。
勤学好问 天天进步!

1.A unless=if not
If I was not very much mistaken...
我们看待问题的时候要么是这个角度,要么是那个角度,这是两者之间进行比较,所以the other way正确。another隐含三种(或以上)的可能。

Jone often sits in a small bar,drinking and smoking considerably more ( )
答案是than is good for his health。
答: 楼主应知道,比较状语从句常用略。只不过省略主语的情况较少而已。
此句完整应为:Jone often sits in a small bar,drinking and smoking considerably more than (what ) is good for his health.
省略了主语what= the amount that


试题答案与解析 1. D)【句意】革命意味着解放生产力。 【难点】mean后接动名词,意思是“意味着”。 2. B)【句意】个人和集体行为的变化使得经济学家几乎不可能精确地预测经济发展趋势。 【难点】空处应填一词作复数名词variables的谓语,同时加上it作其形式宾语,因而选B)项。 3. C)【句意】家就是家,尽...

【难点】此题测试wish后虚拟语气表示的不同含义;wish后面可跟复合结构,只有否定形式的过去虚拟语气D)had not hurt 才符合题意。 11. D)【句意】在学校统一学生着装之前,学生们穿什么的都有。 【难点】standardize 意为“标准化,使合标准,规格化”;manage意为“使用,运用,操纵”;authorize意为“批准,核定,准许...

4)在介词except\/but之后 如果except\/but之前有动词do的某种形式,其后通常用不带to的不定式,否则带to。例如: They did nothing except work. There’s no choice but to wait. 全真模拟试题 1. They feel they are justified ?___? the child because he was not behaving himself. A. to punish B. to ...

她不能在四点钟到那里, 我也不能。Not a man nor a child was to be seen in the village.在村子里, 无论大人小孩一个也看不见。I never saw him again, nor did I hear from him.我再也没有见到他, 也没有收到过他的信。N-silver nor gold can buy it.金和银都无法买到它。The ...

.第一:くらい和ぐらい、这里的くらい和ぐらい可以替换 ,习惯问题 第二:新宿へ映画を见ました。不对。 改成 新宿へ行って映画を见ました。就可以 新宿へ映画を见に行きました。正确 第三:两者都可以用,三つ比较常用 第四:出す是五段动词 第五:これから 是【今后,从此】 的...

四个词组中,只有instead of 后面可接动名词doing的形式。 22. C) 【句意】我想,在吃点心前桔汁和土豆片就足以吃饱了。 【难点】prior to 意为“在…以前,先于”;due to 意为“由于,因为”;as to 意为“至于,关于”; according to 意为“根据,按照”。 23. B)【句意】对多数本科生来说,博士学位...

本题中,答案应该选择D.covered from。因为它是错误的选项。该句子正确的表达应该是:To grasp the magnitude of the vandalism that has been committed,(省略了主语you )imagine every square inch of the Taj Mahal or St. Peter's Square covered with spray paint and graffiti.句子中,covered...

三.语法,没有别的办法,也是大量做题。在此推荐《四级英语语法试题》海潮出版社的,蓝色封面,绝对很棒的一本语法试题书,举一反三,绝对能拿下语法。(当然是在你有兴趣和精力的情况下,否则教材上的题足矣)四.听力,除了真题,《step by step教程》,很棒,不容错过,虽然刚刚起步,有点难,每天...

试题答案与解析 1. A)【句意】没有几位科学家能对世界性的问题提出全新的答案。 【难点】come up with意为“提出”;come out意为“结果是”;come round意为“来,前来”;come up to意为“达到,比得上”。 2. C)【句意】我们正给经理写信,内容是关于近期在上述地点进行修理的事。 【难点】with referen...


大方县18286448962: 专四的语法题58.It is going to be fine tomorrow._______.A.So is it.B.So it is.C.So it does.D.So does it.55.A new laptop costs about - ___ - of a second - hand ... -
仍柴左旋:[答案] 58题,本来就应该选A. 根据翻译:明天将会是个晴天.是这样吧? 所以应是So is it?因为并不能肯定.肯定回答为Yes,it is.否定回答为“No,it isn't.” 59题,选B.这题1楼解释的很详细了,three times就已经表示“三倍于...”,不需要再加个“longer ...

大方县18286448962: 英语专四语法题I am surprised____ - this city is a dull place to live.A.that you should thinkB.that you would think为什么? -
仍柴左旋:[答案] 因为,surpirsed 后面跟的宾语从句要用虚拟语气 而这种虚拟很固定,就是should do ,should 还可以省略

大方县18286448962: 专四英语语法1.The minister of Finance is believed___ - of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.A.that he is thinking B.to be thinking这题应该选B A为什... -
仍柴左旋:[答案] 1.The minister of Finance is believed to be thinking of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.原题为被动语态,改回主动就会一目了然:People believe the minister of Finance to be thinking of imposing...

大方县18286448962: 英语专四的一道语法题,Britain's press is unusual( ) it is divided into 2 very different types of newspaper:the quality press and the popular press.A in how B in ... -
仍柴左旋:[答案] in that 表示因为 所以选它 in how 没有这样的说法

大方县18286448962: 求专4英语语法题详解1.Fibers of hair and wool are not continous and must normally be spun into thread____woven into textile fabrics.(C)A.as they are B.when ... -
仍柴左旋:[答案] 我帮你一下吧.1.羊毛和其他动物毛都不是连在一起的,必须先把它们都纺成线,而后做成毛织品.(意思都明白,就是不太好翻)2.与大多数人观点不同,只有天才认为古典音乐能被演绎的简单明了,而不是过于复杂.1.that 后面...

大方县18286448962: 一道03年专四语法题 定语从句 求语法牛人解答专四2003年52题He is quite worn out from years of hard work.He is not the man - ___he was twenty years ago.A.... -
仍柴左旋:[答案] 答案B,that是正确的. that 引导的定语从句在指人时: 1.泛指某人时.如:He is a man that is never at a loss. 2.主句是以作主语的who开头的特殊问句,为了避免重复时.如: Who is the person that is talking with our headmaster? 3.先行词前有the same时....

大方县18286448962: 一道专四词汇语法选择题 It was a physician that he represented himself,and______he was warmly received. -
仍柴左旋:[选项] A. as such B. such as C. as that D. so that 为什么不选C或者D?

大方县18286448962: 专四英语语法(subjunctive mood)if there were no subjunctive mood,English - _ - be much easier to learn.(b)a) could have been b) would be c) will be d) would ... -
仍柴左旋:[答案] 第一题因为是对现在的虚拟,所以用would+动词原形. 第二题是对过去的虚拟,主句用could have done. Be在第一句中表状态.Get在第二句里是动词.

大方县18286448962: 请帮忙解析下几道专四语法题1.Land belongs to the city,there is_____ - thing as private ownership of land.A.no such a B.not such C.not such a D.no such此题... -
仍柴左旋:[答案] 1,such a是固定搭配,大概表“这样一个”的意思.a 必须接在such 的后面,但是当需要对其作否定时,就只能在前面加no ... 只需要一种太阳能产品就足够了. 4,本题很简单,只是可能你还没有了解其中的语法点.if only 引导的是虚拟句,后面跟完成时...

大方县18286448962: 一道专四词汇与语法题 - ___________________,he is ready to accept suggestions from different sources. -
仍柴左旋:[选项] A. instead of his contributions B. for all his notable contributions C. his making notable contributions D. however his notable contributions 为什么此题选B,不选C或者A?

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