
作者&投稿:佟享 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

动词拼音: dong ci 动词解释: 语法上指陈述人或事物的动作、情况、变化的词,如‘走、笑、有、在、看、写、飞、落、起来、上去’。 动词造句: 1、及物动词有一个宾语。 2、这个词是由一个介词和一个动词复合而成的。 3、动词的数和人称与主语一致。 4、动词insist经常与on或upon...

谁可以用I like造句?不少于10句话!
film. 五、How do you like…?句型主要用以询问对方对某个地方或某件事物等的看法,意为“你觉得…怎么样?”例如: How do you like the city?你觉得这座城市怎么样? 六.like后也可跟动词的ing形式作宾语,强调喜欢和爱好的是一般性的行为或事实。例如: Do they like playing games? No....

attract造句如下:attract是一个英语单词,动词,作及物动词时意思是“吸引;引起”,作不及物动词时意思是“吸引;有吸引力”。1、How can I attract your attention?怎么样才吸引你的注意?2、You can only attract someone who is similar to yourself。你只能吸引类似于你自己的某人。3、The ...

drive 及物动词 vt.1.驱赶 He drove the ox hard.他使劲地赶牛。2.驱使, 促使 The ship is driven by large engines.轮船是由大型发动机驱动的。3.敲, 击 They drove a tunnel through the rock.他们凿通一条穿过岩石的隧道。4.驾车(尤指汽车)运送,用车送;驾车经越 I drove her to the...

grow 不及物动词 vi.1.成长,生长;发育 She has grown into a beautiful young lady.她长成一位年轻漂亮的女子。2.增大,增加;发展 John's reputation is growing fast.约翰的名声正在迅速扩大。3.渐渐变得[L][+to-v]His cold is growing worse.他的感冒正在加重。及物动词 vt.1.种植,栽培 We...

The police frustrated the bandits' attempt to rob the bank.警察挫败了匪徒抢劫银行的企图。thwart 指“阻挠某人正在做的事”, 如:The sudden storm thwarted the farmers getting in wheat.突然而来的暴风雨使农民们不能把麦子都收进来。baffle 指“通过混乱使别人受阻”, 如:The absence of clues...

用it +及物动词+宾语+从句造句
用it +及物动词+宾语+从句造句 例句如下:It takes me almost 2 hours to repair the computer that my father bought for me last year.(翻译:为了修理那台我爸去年买给我的电脑,花了我将近2个小时的时间。)【记得给分!】

1、I give you an apple.翻译:我给你一个苹果 2、I lend you a little money.翻译:我借给你一点儿钱 3、He bought me a skirt.翻译:他给我买了条裙子 4、She teaches us English.翻译:她教我们英语 5、I think my teacher so nice.翻译:我觉得我的老师很好 6、I wrote a letter ...

他是个狡猾的孩子。 不可数名词 n.[U] 技巧,狡猾 skill; slyness · He is an artificer of great cunning. 他是个很机巧的工匠。 · Some animals have a great deal of cunning. 一些动物很狡猾。 · a cunning trick 狡诈的诡计 express: 及物动词 vt. 表达 to show something by words or...

一个等于号 5. 名词 [c\/u] (indication,evidence) 迹象 The sky is clear and there's no sign of rain.天空晴朗,丝毫没有要下雨的迹象。6. 名词 [c] [占星术] 星座 7. 及物动词 [+document] 签署 8. 及物动词 [+TV programme] (for deaf people) 用手语演播 9. 及物动词 [足球...

欧阳滕18862728544问: 主语+不及物动词这结构的英语句子,写10句给我,谢谢 -
桐庐县斯利回答: 不及物动词后面不能直接跟宾语主语 + 不及物动词1 The sun rises in east. 2 The moon moves around the earth. 3. Linda is sleeping now. 4 Your brother has already returned. 5 I intend to come by train. 6 I lived in Shanghai 5 years ago. 7. ...

欧阳滕18862728544问: 及物动词和不及物动词意义?分别造句 -
桐庐县斯利回答:[答案] A 有些动词只是及物动词; 它们不可以单独用,后面必须跟宾语. False:They always want after lunch. Right:They always want a cup of tea after lunch. False:He is sending now. Right:He is sending a letter now. B 有些动词只是不及物动词;它们可以单...

欧阳滕18862728544问: 主语 不及物动词的例句有哪些? -
桐庐县斯利回答:[答案] The airport is arrive at Beijing about 11o'clock .不及物动词指后面不直接跟谓语的动词,通常他们要加上介词如to for in 等.即不及物动词+介词+谓语

欧阳滕18862728544问: 谁能用不及物动词造些句子? -
桐庐县斯利回答:It happened in June 1932.这件事发生于一九三;年六月. My watch stopped.我的表停了. She spoke at the meeting yesterday evening. 她在昨天晚上的会上发了言. We arrive...

欧阳滕18862728544问: 及物动词和不及物动词的例句 -
桐庐县斯利回答: 按这个分类,应该分为五类动词: ①本身意思完整的动词称为不及物动词,后面不跟宾语.如: John came. Mary was playing. ②表示动作由主语传到另一人或物的称为及物动词,动作所传及的这个人或物称为宾语,如: John saw a cat. Mary ...

欧阳滕18862728544问: 给我找及物和不及物的动词和动词短语,各10个,总共40个,下午要交,谢谢了 -
桐庐县斯利回答:[答案] 及物动词:allow. follow. send. want. eat. hit. meet. read. make. play 不及物动词:go. live. come. stay. walk. laugh. work . speak. arrive. look 及物动词短语: 1. follow sb. 2. send a letter 3. eat lunch 4.meet sb. 5.play basketball 6. read books 7. grow up ...

欧阳滕18862728544问: 翻译``主谓语[不及物动词]句子~`如下~~1太阳在照耀着.2月亮升起来了.3宇宙长存.4我们大家都呼吸,吃和喝.5管它呢?6他所讲的没有什么关系.7他们谈了半个小时.8这支笔书写很流利. -
桐庐县斯利回答: 1.The sun is shining. 2.The moon has risen. 3.The universe always exists. 4.We all breath,eat and drink. 5.Just let it be. 6.What he said doesn't matter. 7.They talked for half an hour. 8.This pen writes fluently.

欧阳滕18862728544问: speak作不及物动词造句 -
桐庐县斯利回答: 当speak为不及物动词 vi. 时,1 He wanted to speak to me. 他想和我说话.2 Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于言辞.3 They are no longer speaking after the quarrel. 他们争吵后不再交往.

欧阳滕18862728544问: 主语+不及物动词+时间状语或地点状语的20个例句 -
桐庐县斯利回答:[答案] 接时间状语1、he stopped at the crossroad when the bus came. 接地点状语2、he wondered where he would go?

欧阳滕18862728544问: 英文例句:主语+不及物动词的5条例句主语+不及物动词的5条例句 -
桐庐县斯利回答:[答案] 1-We talked a lot that night. 2-The meeting lasted for two hours. 3-In 1919, May Fourth Movement started in Beijing. 4-This box weighs 5 kg. 5-I lived in Beijing 5 year ago. 7-A lot of changes happedn in my hometown during last 10 years

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