
作者&投稿:政钟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Hello darkness, my old friend 你好 黑暗 我的老朋友 I've come to talk with you again 我又来和你交谈 Because a vision softly creeping 因为有一种幻觉正向悄悄地向我袭来 Left its seeds while I was sleeping 在我熟睡的时候留下了它的种子 And the vision that was planted in my brain...

谁知道Sound Of Silence的中文歌词
the sound of silence-simon garfunkel 寂然之声[毕业生]hello darkness my old friend.嘿,黑夜啊,我的老朋友.i've come to talk with you again.我又来找你聊天了.because a vision softly creeping.因为有个幻影无声无息地爬过.left its seeds while i was sleeping.趁我熟睡时留下了种子.and...

The sound of silence的歌词有翻译过来的吗
People writing songs that voices never share 人们创造歌曲却唱不出声来 And no one dare disturb the sound of silence 没有人敢打扰这寂静的声音 "Fools" said I, "You do not know 我说:“傻瓜,难道你不知道 Silence like a cancer grows”寂静如同顽疾滋长”Hear my words that I might...

the sound of silence什么歌曲
People writing songs that voices never share 人们创造歌曲却唱不出声来 And no one dare disturb the sound of silence 没有人敢打扰这寂静的声音 "Fools" said I, "You do not know 我说:“傻瓜,难道你不知道 Silence like a cancer grows”寂静如同顽疾滋长”Hear my words that I might...

《寂静之声》中文歌词:你好 黑暗 的老朋友 又来和你交谈 因为有一种幻觉正悄悄地向我袭来 在我熟睡的时候留下了它的种子 这种幻觉在我的脑海里生根发芽 缠绕着我 伴随着寂静的声音 在不安的梦幻中我独自行走 狭窄的鹅卵石街道 在路灯的光环照耀下 我竖起衣领 抵御严寒和潮湿 一道耀眼的霓虹灯光刺入...

寂静之声 的歌词的中文意思
《寂静之声》中英文歌词对照:Hello darkness, my old friend,I've come to talk with you again 你好黑暗,我的老伙计,我又来和你海阔天空神侃 Because a vision softly creeping,Left its seeds while I was sleeping 因为有个影子悄悄潜入,趁我熟睡埋下了它的种子 And the vision that was ...

《寂静之声》中英文歌词对照:Hello darkness, my old friend,I've come to talk with you again 你好黑暗,我的老伙计,我又来和你海阔天空神侃 Because a vision softly creeping,Left its seeds while I was sleeping 因为有个影子悄悄潜入,趁我熟睡埋下了它的种子 And the vision that was ...

《寂静之声》歌词 The Sound of Silence 静默之声 Simon & Garfunkel Hello darkness, my old friend (注)哈罗黑暗,我的老伙计 I've come to talk with you again 我又来和你海阔天空神聊 Because a vision softly creeping 因为有个影子悄悄潜入 Left its seeds while I was sleeping 趁我...

The sound of silence-Simon & Garfunkel 寂静之声(保罗·西蒙&加芬克尔)[毕业生]Hello darkness, my old friend你好 黑暗 我的老朋友I've come to talk with you again我又来和你交谈Because a vision softly creeping因为梦幻缓缓涌现Left its seeds while I was sleeping在我熟睡时留下种子And ...

arms that I might reach to you 拉住我伸给你的手 But my words like silent as raindrops fell 但是我的话犹如雨滴般飘落 And echoed in the wells of silence 在寂静的水井中回响 And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made. 人们向自己创造的霓虹之...

郦轰17777211048问: 谁知道Sound Of Silence的中文歌词 -
巩义市爱兴回答: 《The Sound of Silence》(寂静之声) 歌词: Hello darkness, my old friend, 你好,黑暗,我的老友 I've come to talk with you again, 我又来同你谈一谈 Because a vision softly creeping, 因为一种幻觉悄悄来临 Left its seeds while I was ...

郦轰17777211048问: sound of silence中文歌词 -
巩义市爱兴回答: 《Sound of Silence》(寂静之声) 歌词: Hello darkness, my old friend, 你好,黑暗,我的老友 I've come to talk with you again, 我又来同你谈一谈 Because a vision softly creeping, 因为一种幻觉悄悄来临 Left its seeds while I was sleeping,...

郦轰17777211048问: 【求助】《寂静之声》歌词的中文翻译 -
巩义市爱兴回答: The Sound Of Silence毕业生Hello darkness my old friend夜色安谧,我的老朋友I've come to talk with you again我又一次来跟你谈心Because a vision softly creeping因为梦幻静静地蔓延Left its seeds while I was sleeping遗落了它的种子...

郦轰17777211048问: 寂静之声歌词中文翻译 -
巩义市爱兴回答:中文名:寂静之声 英文名:The Sound of Silence 发行时间:1965年9月 演唱:Simon & Garfunkel(保罗·西蒙&加芬克尔) 英中对照歌词: Hello darkness, my old friend...

郦轰17777211048问: 《寂静之声》歌词(中英文都要) -
巩义市爱兴回答: the sound of silence 寂静之声 hello darkness, my old friend 你好 黑暗 的老朋友 i've come to talk with you again 又来和你交谈 because a vision softly creeping 因为有一种幻觉正向悄悄地向 袭来

郦轰17777211048问: 寂静之声的歌词 -
巩义市爱兴回答: 寂静之声 Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence In restless dreams I ...

郦轰17777211048问: 求:奥斯卡《寂静之声》歌词! -
巩义市爱兴回答: 你好黑暗我的老友,我又来和你倾诉衷肠,因为幻影已经悄悄爬过,趁我熟睡播下新种.种植的幻象依然留存在我的脑海,然后慢慢沉入这寂静之声.在不安的梦境里我独自徘徊,在那鹅卵石铺就的狭长街帷.就在街灯的光晕之下,我竖起衣领...

郦轰17777211048问: 寂静之声 歌词 -
巩义市爱兴回答: 寂静之声 演唱:姚斯婷 Hello darkness my old friend love come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains within the sound of silence In restless ...

郦轰17777211048问: The Sound Of Silence 歌词 -
巩义市爱兴回答: The Sound Of Silence 中文名称:寂静之声 外文名称:The Sound of Silence 所属专辑:《sounds of silence》发行时间:1965年9月 歌曲原唱:Paul Simon ,Grafunkel 填 词:保罗·西蒙 The Sound of Silence 寂静之声 Simon & Garfunkel (保...

郦轰17777211048问: 《the sound of silence》的中文歌词是什么意思? -
巩义市爱兴回答: 《The Sound of Silence》(寂静之声) 歌曲原唱 Paul Simon ,Garfunkel填 词 Simon谱 曲 Simon Hello darkness, my old friend 你好 黑暗 我的老朋友 I've come to talk with you again 我又来和你交谈 Because a vision softly creeping 因为有一种...

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