
作者&投稿:禾超 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. 当我们探讨精神力量时,英语中可以这样表达: It is evident that spirituality holds immense strength in overcoming worry, even in seemingly insurmountable challenges.

2. 避免使用陈词滥调,如“总结”或“最后”,可以这样表达: Instead of resorting to clichés like "in summary" or "finally," opt for fresher alternatives.

3. 对于生活态度,用英语来说是: Most importantly, embrace laughter when you can, apologize when necessary, and let go of what's beyond your control.

4. 描述印度员工的优点,可以这样表达: In conclusion, Indians excel as cost-effective employees when given the appropriate tasks to undertake.

5. 了解设计元素对于提升摄影技巧的意义,可以说: An understanding of design elements may not directly make you a better photographer, but it offers a framework for evaluating and enhancing your images.


6. 描述一个普遍的观察,可以这样表达: A telling truth might be that within each polished man, there lies a hairy voice urging to be unleashed.

7. 对于航天发展中不可避免的错误,英语中有这样的表达: While acknowledging missteps in the journey, the space agency should not solely be held accountable for the setbacks that often accompany rocket advancements.

8. 进入新的十年,你可以这样总结你的投资策略: As we embark on this new decade, I present you with a curated list of ten stocks for the years to come.

9. 自然摄影的价值在于找回与自然的连接,用英语来说是: Natural photography restores to our lives the sense of wonder, discovery, novelty, and awe we once lost in our modern disconnect.

10. 设计师选择屏幕宽度的灵活性,可以用英语这样表述: Designers often opt for a standard width of either 960 or 760 pixels, showcasing the adaptability of the medium.

11. 说到直觉的重要性,英语表达为: While intuition plays a crucial role in our actions, it loses its potency without adequate preparation and execution.


To sum up 也是表达“综上所述”意思的常用英文表达。与 "In summary" 类似,它常常用于总结上文的内容,帮助读者整合信息并理解作者的结论。这个短语可以在不同的语境中使用,既可以用在学术写作中,也可以在日常对话中使用。例如,在讨论一个项目或事件时,有人可能会说 "To sum up, we need to...

不论东西方文化,人们在陈述观点时,往往习惯于列举丰富的数据和多元的思考,提炼核心论点时,常常会用到“综上所述”这一表达。这个习惯与文化背景和语言特性息息相关,而这一词汇在国际交流中也颇为常见。那么,如何用英语来表达“综上所述”呢?1. 当我们探讨精神力量时,英语中可以这样表达: It ...

from the above mentioned From what I have mentioned above, we can draw a conclusion that...

综上所述,文言文翻译,只要平时努力,并注意以上四点,加以灵活掌握,要翻译正确是不难的.文言文翻译得分点把握技巧 2005年语文考试大纲将“与现代汉语不同的句式和用法”列入了高考考试范围,对这一知识点的考查,最大的可能是在翻译题中体现,因此,如何做好文言文翻译题已成为考生们关注的焦点.一、看词性——从词类...

"综上所述"用英语怎么说呀, 谢谢大家!
To sum up, the loading system had rational dynamic characteristic parameters.综上所述,加载系统具有合理的动态特性参数。To conclude, France Resistance Movement made the largest part of contribution to the liberation of France in the wartime.综上所述,法国抵抗运动在战争时期对于法国的解放做出...


On basis of all above , we can draw the conclusion that honesty is very important.

英语写作中in conclusion怎么用?
实际含义: the item at the end 相当于: last; lastly; finally 总结逻辑用语,一般用于句首加逗号与后面分割,如插入语一般。例如:In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.总而言之,散步是一种廉价、安全、愉快的锻炼方式,而且随时随地都...

释义:最后,综上所述 释义:In conclusion, more theoretical and experimental research must be conducted.总之,必须进一步开展理论和试验研究。4、in short 读音:英 [in ʃɔ:t] 美 [ɪn ʃɔrt]释义:简而言之,总之;一句话;简言之 释义:In short, I didn...


昌吉回族自治州19640599210: “综上所述”用英语怎么说 -
穰德健儿: 综上所述 有很多表达方法 一般译为 总之 总而言之 文言文里译为一言以蔽之1.all in all 2. to sum up 3.in a word 4. in conclusion 5.together 6.in short例: 1.To sum up, we rely entirely on our own efforts, and our position is invincible; This is the very...

昌吉回族自治州19640599210: 综上所述用英语怎么说 -
穰德健儿: 综上所述: in conclusion/ in summary/ in a word,

昌吉回族自治州19640599210: 综上所述用英语翻译 -
穰德健儿: 综上所述. In summary/In conclusion/In short/In a word/To sum up/To conclude

昌吉回族自治州19640599210: 综上所述用英语翻译 -
穰德健儿: 综上所述. In summary/In conclusion/In short/In a word/To sum up/To conclude

昌吉回族自治州19640599210: “综上所述”用英语怎么说?(要求是用mention构成的短语) -
穰德健儿:[答案] as mentioned above 终上所述,如上所述的意思.

昌吉回族自治州19640599210: “综上所述”用英语怎么说呢? -
穰德健儿: above all 采纳哦

昌吉回族自治州19640599210: "综上所述"翻译成英语应该是什么? -
穰德健儿: According to the above

昌吉回族自治州19640599210: 谁帮我把“综上所述”四个字翻译成英文?
穰德健儿: 您好! 以下几个均可以: in conclusionto sum upconcluded from above 若有帮助,望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

昌吉回族自治州19640599210: "综上所述"英语怎么说?就是OVER ALL的 正式说法马上就要了,我要的是一种正式的书面用法,不是口语化的 -
穰德健儿:[答案] in conclusion

昌吉回族自治州19640599210: 综上所述用英语怎么翻译 -
穰德健儿: in a word被误用了 事实上在英语中in a word真的只能是一个词.比如 The movie ,in a word , Horrible

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