
作者&投稿:琦媚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


open发音['əupən],oval 发音['əuvəl],两个都是开音节,多上网搜下就知道了啦


Although this is a job I experience less 虽然对于这份工作我的经验比较少,But I will try to establish good relationships with the guests,但是我会努力与客人建立良好的关系,By phone, SMS, visit keep in close contact with the guests, including 通过电话、手机短信、登门拜访等方式与客人保持...

public class RMSOpe { private String storeName;private RecordStore rs;public RMSOpe(String storeName) { this.storeName = storeName;} public void openRecordStore() {\/\/ 用于打开记录,或者创建新的 try { rs = RecordStore.openRecordStore(storeName, true);} catch (Exception ex) { e...

Soap Opeeeragame showsports showtalk showhealthy livingkey ringcan’t standdon’t mindthanks for doing sthagree with sbshow sb sthshow sth to sbenjoy doingHow about…?=What about…?baseball capsports newsCulture ChinaChinese cookingAnimal Worldwelcome to…What do you think of TV?=How do you...

Lateintheevening,thephonerang.Itwasastranger. Hewastryingtopronouncemyhusband ’ snameandwasaskinghimalotofquestions.Thenhesaidtheyhadfoundapileofpaper...H opefullythatgivesyouagoodstart.___20___anddon ’ tletabusyschedulediscourageyoufrommakingsomegreatchangesinthewayyoueatandlive! A.Trynewthings...

The three vehicles were all police cars,and two still had their lights flashing.Several policemen leapt out.One of them rushed towards the car as Marie opeed the door.He took her by the hand. "Get out of the car and walk with me to the police vehicle,Miss.You're safe now.Look strai...

- Headphone 2.5mm bung-in General GPS System Specifications - Opeappraisement system: Windows CE 5.0 - Interface: Touch Screen - GUI Interface: YES - 3D blazon - Voice: YES - Maps: via SD agenda - Operating system: compatible with all above GPS software bales Power Supply: ...

我用的SSH怎么解决Hibernate,session is closed
看看你的那个 this.getSession();看你是怎么获取到session的,还有你在这次操作数据库之前是不是也执行了一次其他的sql操作?补充:你要是使用Spring来配置了相应的事务的话,就不需要自己进行session.close()的调用,如果你调用来了,Spring的管理器来对你的事务进行提交时就会出错。

pay phone (投币式)公用电话 near here 这儿附近 on Center Street 在中心街上 next to 在。。。旁边 between…and… 在。。。和。。。之间 across from 在。。。对面 in the neighborhood 在附近 go straight 一着往前走 turn left\/right 向左\/右拐 a big supermarket 一家大超市 at New ...

英语翻译、 中译英 急!!
1 You must develop the good habit of saving money every month.2 The boss decide the future of the company, not your .3 he call me to the airport 4. The train from Beijing to 5 minutes, and we have to hurry 5. He put a stereo, we can't hear each other in what...

南川区19118673632: “phone、open、monkey、no”中“o”字发音与其他三个不同的是? -
鄘秆利脑: monkey

南川区19118673632: 影子系统下无法上网!高手进! -
鄘秆利脑: 网络错误代码查询 错误代码 存在问题 故障原因 解决办法 Error 602 The port is already open 拨号网络网络由于设备安装错误或正在使用,不能进行连接 RasPPPoE没有完全和正确的安装 卸载干净任何PPPoE软件,重新安装 Error 605 Cannot ...

南川区19118673632: 翻译'请保持手机畅通'
鄘秆利脑: 原文:请保持手机畅通 译句:Please keep your mobile phone open 该句句式是常见的的祈使句句型,祈使词加陈述句语序.是由主语、谓语及宾语及宾语补足语组成.主要使用词汇:Keep v.保持,持续 mobile phone n.移动手机,移动电话 open v.打开, 畅通

南川区19118673632: 连网错误代码 -
鄘秆利脑: 宽带拨号错误代码表 错误 602 The port is already open 问题:拨号网络网络由于设备安装错误或正在使用,不能进行连接 原因:RasPPPoE没有完全和正确的安装 解决:卸载干净任何PPPoE软件,重新安装. 错误 605 Cannot set port ...

南川区19118673632: keep your mobile phone 是on还是open -
鄘秆利脑: on open 表示【直接打开】on表示【打开通道,使其运行】 类似的如:The TV is on/off.The light is on/off.The radio is on/off

南川区19118673632: 英语辩音题 分2个音 全是O的发音 -
鄘秆利脑: dog teapot bottle song october socks often stop copy 这一2113组都是短ɔ,october 前面5261的4102o 属于这类,1653后面的o属于下面的一版组 radio notebook open phone mango october only nose smokey clothes 这一组都是双元权音əu, october 后面的o 是əu

南川区19118673632: adsl拨号上网时的错误提示都有什么含义吗?能不能列举几项 -
鄘秆利脑: 错误678: 远程计算机无响应.解决方法是关闭"猫",在"网络连接"窗口中右击本地连接,从弹出的快捷菜单中选择"禁用".5秒后重启本地连接,然后打开"猫"拨号即可. 错误602: 拨号网络由于设备安装错误或正在使用,不能进行...

南川区19118673632: Just as I ( )the window,the telephone rang.(open)用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空 -
鄘秆利脑:[答案] was opening

南川区19118673632: ...went out, left the door open.Don't you talk, keep quite.那请问能不能这么说,就是当句子结束了之后,后面加一个独立的形容词表示主语或宾语的状态,如:... -
鄘秆利脑:[答案] 你说的以上情况是这样的, 在英语中形容词和副词都可以作状语, 到底用形容词还是副词取决于句意, 一般来说, 形容词作状语是说明主语所处的状态, 而副词作状语是强调的动作. Phone rang, she ran out of the bathroom, naked. 这里用 naked ,...

南川区19118673632: 手机不敢离开,只怕错过你的一个电话,打开手机依旧空白 翻译成英文 -
鄘秆利脑:[答案] Mobile phone doesn't dare to leave, afraid to miss you a phone, open the mobile phone is still blank

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