
作者&投稿:双晴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Xiao Lin standing in front of the counter
Look at what's inside
He sighed
Because he can't afford to buy
A sharp laughter sounded behind his back
He turned, an old woman is looking at him
"I know you want to do." Old woman said, "what can I do for you."
"Really?" Xiao Lin with a grain of salt
"Hold out your hand." The old woman smiled, look very strange
Xiao Lin held out his hand
The old woman suddenly hard to his hand
"Ah!" A large piece of skin was torn down
"You... what are you doing?!" Xiao Lin almost got away
Old woman pass the piece of leather to the salesman, "I'll take this."
Saleswoman smiles to take the piece of leather, took out the goods
Xiao Lin's eyes got big, his hand is not painful
The old woman handed the things to xiao Lin
"You now have a special ability, can your skin when money."
"As long as you put it off gently, you can buy anything."
"Just the skin long too slow, you must plan carefully used with caution."
Xiao Lin from that day will live a happy life
He began to buy luxury things casually
The other people all said of his money to burn
Only Lin himself knows the truth
There is no limit to human desire is always
Xiao Lin skin left less and less
But he wants to buy something more and more
"It doesn't matter, always grow out of." He wants to
Xiao Lin in the eyes of the people's body without any exception
Only xiao Lin can see their own physical condition
One night he finally found himself only a instep skin
But he had no money to eat dinner today
He came to the hotel
Called to the waiter for a hearty meal
The meal over, he came to the checkout
Tear off the top of the last piece of skin
"Ah ~ ~ ~ ~! Ghost!"
Around all fled away
A tore heart crack lung pain almost let xiao Lin to faint
Xiao Lin's hands still holding a bloody piece of skin
It is his instep leather
"All skin cannot tear light, such ability can failure."
The old woman doesn't know when to appear behind xiao Lin
"Before I forget to tell you......" Old woman said grin
Xiaolin didn't hear what she said, looking at himself in the mirror screaming...


(一)It was a cold night in September.The rain was beating on the car roof as George and Marie Winston drove through the empty country roads towards the house of their friends,the Harrisons,where they were going to attend a party.As they drove,they listened to the local radio station,which was playing classical music.
They were about five miles from the Harrisons' house when the music on the radio was interupted by a news announcement:
"The Cheshire police have issued a serious warning after a man escaped from Colford Mental Hospital earlier this evening.The man,John Downey,is a murderer who killed six people before he was captured two years ago.He is described as large,very strong and extremely dangerous.People in the Cheshire area are warned to keep their doors and windows locked,and to call the police immediately if they see anyone acting strangely."
Marie shivered."A crazy killer.And he's out there somewhere.That's frightening."
"Don't worry about it,"said her husband."We're nearly there now.Anyway ,we have more important things to worry about.This car is losing power for some reason --it must be that old problem with the engine.If it gets any worse,we'll have to stay at the Harrisons' tonight and get it fixed before we travel back tomorrow."
As he spoke,the car began to slow down.Finally they rolled to a stop,as the engine died completely.Just as they stopped ,George pulled the car off the road,and it came to rest under a large tree.
"Blast!"said George angrily."now we'll have to walk in the rain ."
"But that'll take us an hour at least ,"said Marie."And I have my high-heeled shoes and my nice clothes on.They"ll be ruined!'
"well,you"ll have to wait while I run to the nearest house and call the Harrisons.Someone can come out and pick us up,"said George.
"But George!Have you forgotten what the radio said?There's a murderer out there!You can't leave me alone here!"
"You'll have to hide in the back of the car.Lock all the doors and lie on the floor in the back,under this blanket.No one will see you.When I come back,I'll koncks three times on the door.Then you can get up and open it.Don't open it unless you hear three knocks."George opened the door and slipped out into the rain.He quickly disappeared into the blackness.
Marie quickly locked the doors and settled down under the blanket in the back for a long wait.She was frightened and worried,but she was a strong-minded woman.She had not been waiting long,however,when she heard a strange scratching noise.It seemed to be coming from the roof of the car.
Marie was terrified.She listened,holding her breath.Then she heard three slow knocks,one after the other,also on the roof of the car.Was it her husband?Shoud she open the door?Then she heard another knock,and another.This was not her husband.It was somebody--or something else.She was shaking with fear,but she forced herself to lie still.The knocking continued--bump,bump,bump,bump.
Many hours later,as the sun rose,she was still lying there.She had not slept for a moment.The knocking had never stopped,all night long.She did not know what to do.Where was George?Why had he not come for her?
Suddenly,she heard the sound of three or four vehicles,racing quickly down the road.All of them pulled up around her,their tires screeching on the road.At last!Someone had come!Marie sat up quickly and looked out of the window.
The three vehicles were all police cars,and two still had their lights flashing.Several policemen leapt out.One of them rushed towards the car as Marie opeed the door.He took her by the hand.
"Get out of the car and walk with me to the police vehicle,Miss.You're safe now.Look straight ahead.Keep looking at the police car.Don't look back.Just don't look back."
Something in the way he spoke filled Marie with fear.She could not help herself.About ten yards from the police car,she stopped,turned and looked back at the empty vehicle.
George was hanging from the tree above the car,a rope tied around his neck.As the wind blew his body back and forth,his feet were bumping gently on the roof of the car--bump,bump,bump,bump…
(二)This is one of the autumn night, it was raining heavily, because the weather is very cold, cool wind blowing, streets have no pedestrian. The house in the suburbs, Billy and his wife, Anna, is a phone call with his brother William, "come to my house, and friends here, everyone wanted to see you, we can drink a night." William during that first shouted. "But it's too late now, outside still raining, I afraid drive road safety, etc. Will we'll see you tomorrow." Telephone the spread again the William shout: "you how so timid? Just under a rain, must now come!" "But..." Don't say, phone etc, Billy was cut off. Then Billy and Anna's reluctance to wear coats, go out to the car and drove his factory of ford cars in the motorway, to live in the city's brother's house. Although not quite like in this environment, but they still driving to quickly see, brothers, in the way of two people talking in listening to the radio, the country music lively unconsciously has reached town. At this time, the music on the radio announcer of female was suddenly voice interrupted! "Emergency notification, attention, just in a mental hospital fled the prisoner, the criminal with brutal tactics have killed seven people, estimates now fled to 4 road nearby, please live in this range of citizens don't walk out, lest being attacked, please note that this is a dangerous man." After repeated several times announcers, radio and the music. "Billy, it can do? We are 4 road, not what happened?" Anna fear and trembling voice asked some. "Ok, we drove, won't have asked..." Billy things haven't finished, suddenly car stalled. "This damned broken car, at this time a problem!" Billy angry call, "I go to see what happened." He checked off, go back to the bus to the wife say: "dear, it seems that this car was badly, there seems to repair a phone booth, we go to call brother, maybe he can drive to meet us, we'll fix it tomorrow." "But now it was raining so big, my shoes?" Anna says while looked at his feet new high-heeled shoes. "I understand, I go, you can wait for me in the car, I'll come back." Billy says. "But the radio? I'm afraid..." Anna seize Billy said. "Well, I walk behind you to sit in the back seat, the door is locked, then lay down a cushion cover yourself, don't sit up, don't give anyone opened the door, and knock: if I return next door, will know that I was so that you can give me. Don't worry, my dear, I'll be back in 10 minutes. Billy is quickly disappear in the rain. Anna to husband car locked, then take the car back cushion cover yourself, waiting to Billy. Ten minutes later, 20 minutes passed, and over half an hour! Billy didn't come back again! Anna frighten not move. At that moment, she heard the door from a knock on the door, the connection. Connection. Connection. Anna was delighted that is her husband came back, just opened, suddenly heard another voice, a connection. Connection. Connection. "No! This is not Billy!" Anna was called out, she wanted to go out and see what is going on, but she wouldn't dare. This strange knock on the door have been ringing, Billy and never came back. Lying in the backseat, Anna, and even can not breathe air. After a while, Anna imperceptibly asleep, only heard from outside the obscuring under the rain and connection. Connection. Connection. The next morning, the rain stopped, Anna was a calm voice woke chaos. She opened the door for a look around, many police car parked, an officer quickly ran to pull her asked: "are you Mrs. Billy?" "I am." Anna confused when she replied, suddenly remind of a night her husband not back! "Good, please go with us, we train station to give you something." Police officers and she went to the direction and say: "you must not look backward, must not see, come with me." When Anna go on the edge of the police, curiosity prompted her looked back and saw her startled. Except Billy neck with a hemp, position in his car was hanging on the branch of a tree, the wind, with the bodies of Billy, banging on the door, the connection. Connection. Connection.

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后叙颈得: It was a foreign language schools in the women's dormitory, there are a number of times at night often have a red woman's clothes to sell door-to-door late at night, do not know how she was downstairs escaped inspection.Every day, all night, a ...

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后叙颈得: A wild guess Our physics professor was srugging to draw the class into discussion of Archimede's principe of water displacement. He told us that Archimede noticed that when he got into a pooi atthe public,the water rose spilling over the edge....

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