
作者&投稿:乌柱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.calves 2.horses 3.watches 4.sheep 5.hats 6.feet 7.toys 8.lions 9.joeys 10.women
11.babies 12.mice 13.shildren 14.geese 15.skirts 16.people 17.boxes 18.classes
19.knives 20.leaves 21.puppies

下列十 原形 和 复数
1、book books
2、box boxes
3、dress dresses
4、orange oranges
5、foot feet
6、tooth teeth
7、bag bags
8、baby babies
9、man men

祝 愉快

1.dress dresses 2.book books 3.coat coats 4.blouse blouses 5.tourist tourists 6.case cases 7.handbag handbags 8.officer officers 9.passport passports 10.brother brothers

1.dresses 2.books 3.coats 4.blouses 5.tourist s 6.cases 7.handbags 8.officers 9.passports 10.brothers



dresses books coats blouses tourists cases handbags officers passport brothers

写出下列所给意思的英语单词。 俄语( ) 滑冰( ) 国家( ) 欧洲( )_百...
俄语(Russian)滑冰(skating)国家(nation)欧洲(Europe)很高兴为你解答,祝你学习进步!一刻永远523 为你解答~~如果你认可我的回答,请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮,谢谢~~如果还有其它问题,请另外向我求助,答题不易,敬请理解~~

电梯 lift \/ elevator 电影 movie \/ film 颜色 color \/ colour

1.dress dresses 2.book books 3.coat coats 4.blouse blouses 5.tourist tourists 6.case cases 7.handbag handbags 8.officer officers 9.passport passports 10.brother brothers

1. died 2. has been 3. hard 4. make 5. danger 6. like 7. to help 8. studies 9. pay 10. decided 参考资料:英语牛人团

1 balte table 桌子 2 dyust dusty 有灰尘的 3 tiaw wait 等待 4 yerv very 非常 5 lalsm small 小的 6 meit time 时间 7 hwtca watch 手表 8 shiw wish 希望 9 newh when 什么时候 10 drow word 单词 11 dogo good 好的 12 neve even 甚至 13 tacf fact 事实 14 yeas easy 简单...

)tirsct→( strict ) ( 严格 )deeps→( speed ) ( 速度 )reay→( year ) ( 年 )htwi→( with ) ( 和 )epoh→( hope ) ( 希望 )neni→( nine ) ( 九 )paitn→( paint) ( 油漆、绘画 )dare→( read ) ( 阅读 )moor→( more ) ( 更多 )...

1.make 制造, 安排, 使成为 2.wish 愿望, 心愿, 请求 3.mite 微小的东西 4.man 男人, 人类, 人 5.tired 疲劳的 6.bus 公共汽车 7.listen 听

1.big:比较级bigger,最高级biggest 2.bad:比较级worse,最高级worst 3.delicious:比较级more delicious,最高级most delicious 4.rich:比较级richer,最高级richest 5.heavy:比较级more heavy,最高级most heavy

(2)be suitable for sb 造句:In my opinion,Lady Gaga's music isn't suitable for the old.我认为Lady Gaga的歌不适合老年人听。(3)provide sth for sb 造句:The government provided daily necessities for the drought victim.政府给旱灾民众提供生活必需品。(4)urge sb 造句:He urged ...

adive,unhealth,outing不是形容词,它没有最高级和比较级 原形 比较级 最高级 weak:weaker,weakest angry:angrier angriest famous:more famous,most famous far:further furthest quick:quicker quickest early:earlier earliest ill iller illest free freer(freeer这个不常用)freest calm calmer calm...

淇县13324836076: 写出下列单词复数形式 -
何选施沛: 人称代词,I ---- we, he/,ch,sh结尾的名词变复数加es以o结尾的名词1、parents 2、pens 3,再加es,如,wife----wives, shelf----shelves大多数以man结尾的名词变复数把a变成e、jackets 4、buses 12、如果把her看成是代词宾格,复数就是...

淇县13324836076: 写出下列所给英语单词的复数形式.1.dress 2.book 3.coat 4.blouse 5.tourist 6.case 7.handbag 8.officer 9.passport 10.brother -
何选施沛:[答案] 1.dress dresses 2.book books 3.coat coats 4.blouse blouses 5.tourist tourists 6.case cases 7.handbag handbags 8.officer officers 9.passport passports 10.brother brothers

淇县13324836076: 写出下列单词的复数形式 1、this― 2、that― 3、he/she/it― 4、i― 5、is/am― 6、you― 7、friend―8、bus― 9、egg― 10、ruler― 11、pen― 12、book― ... -
何选施沛:[答案] these those them we are you同形 friends buses eggs rulers pens books maps apples cakes teachers grades desks buses boxex 你补充的部分都是加s和es的

淇县13324836076: 下列英语单词的复数形式 -
何选施沛: 你好楼主 下列十 原形 和 复数 1、book books 2、box boxes 3、dress dresses 4、orange oranges 5、foot feet 6、tooth teeth 7、bag bags 8、baby babies 9、man men祝 愉快

淇县13324836076: 写出下列单词的复数形式:1、class 2、is 3、this 4、that 5、it -
何选施沛:[答案] classes are these those they

淇县13324836076: 英语题:写出下列单词的复数形式: -
何选施沛: babies days women men geese Chinese radios leaves teeth

淇县13324836076: 写出下列单词的复数形式 1.this 2.that 3.box4.mouse5.foot 6.potato 7.hero 8.a glass of water 9.shepp10.photo -
何选施沛:[答案] these those boxes mice feet potatoes heros glasses of water sheep photos

淇县13324836076: 写出下列单词的复数形式,1.bus 2.that 3.knife 4.it 5.this 6.I 7.pencil - box 8.man 9.woman 9.fly -
何选施沛:[答案] 1 buses 2 those 3 knives 4 they 5 these 6 we 7 pencil-boxes 8 men 9 women 10 flies

淇县13324836076: 写出下列单词相对应的复数形式.(1)this____ - (2)that___ - (3)he/she____ - (6)friend____ --
何选施沛:[答案] this--these that--those he/she--they friend--friends

淇县13324836076: 语法专练:写出下列单词的复数形式.1.is/am 2.you ;he/she/it 3.this ;that 4.(1)desk ;orange :toy(2)class ;bus ;box (3)family最快并答对给分 -
何选施沛:[答案]are you they these those 1.desks oranges toys 2.classes buses boxes 3.families 保证准确率~

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