
作者&投稿:啜奔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Before he came to her, some unprepared to tell her what happened to him earlier, he was afraid that she will be disappointed, afraid she'll hate him, he always said, awkwardly her quiet listen, for a long time, she said: "I see, it's ok, but next year to give me two gifts oh." She looked at him smile, he smiles, hugs her: "no problem."

I have experienced so many things. Out of all of them,the most influential event for me is atending the basketball team as chief mate ,a role of center-forward,when I was in Grade 7.
I was 1.75 high ,at a rare height as an Asia girl.At that time ,basketball was regarded as a game that only boys played ,and I thus was thought poorly of playing basketball as a girl.

I found my pure self when actually I was really poor at basketball at the beginning.But for love,I strengthened my training itensity,and gradually I hardly missed a shoot.I was not a girl
who can clarify what a pure friendship is.But I do it now because of basketball.

I still remember a competition,when time approached last 24s and my team was scored less by 2.The light ablamed stronger ,squezing in to my back.I could draw merely the whole attention.I resisted being nervous and upset.I carryed the ball camly when I can hardly hear
a word except for cheers from my mates.I kicked the ground,highly jumped as trained.When I
heard the voise by the shoot-in ball ,I bursted into tears."I did it" I said to myself.I shoot in twice in the free throws skillfully.When we finally won the game,everybody cheered for me.
I realize the spirit of cooperation ,and it is bastketball that help me get well with others.This memory becomes one of my precious wealth.
When I was grade 8,I took part in a match held by my neighbor district. my team beated
every enemy and got the first award of team matches.However,we lost the final fighting because the last team was very powerful.Each of us cried ,some for loss ,some for friends.
I sweated where it deserves .Our team had voted strong friendship but what's sad was we had
to depart because no basketball matches again when all of us prepared for graduation.We didn't' need training any more .It's lucky but sad.My couch said "the result didn't count.Only if you receive your progress,that is your reward."
Till now I can still remember how it felt when I won and can't help tearing when we were dimissed.You know what,my best friend now is one of my team mate.Lucky but sad.
I regard basketball as my life.When I recall ,I realize although I got my progress,pitis still remained.I wish I could gether my team mates again to restart my basktetball dream.I wish
my pity keeps away.

在中学时期,我像大多数女孩一样,开始注重自己的外表。但是当我进入高中后,广告对我产生了很大的影响。男孩们开始注意女孩子了,而且所有女孩子都想变得漂亮。服装在高中就成为了能够表明你身份的某种东西了。它会把你归为一个特定的队伍里。穿着 Abercrombie<美国的一个有名的服装品牌>的牛仔裤就意味着你是所有美国女孩中的校园女孩了.穿着 Guess T-恤就可以看出你是一个势力的富家女.或者是更糟糕,更难已让人接受的.

Abercrombie :是掀起全球时尚旋风的美国休闲第一大牌,是当今年轻人最青睐的品牌,是美国大学生最IN的品牌之一,更是1892年创立于美国纽约的本土百年老店品牌
Guess :品牌特色:紧身“梦露式”女性牛仔裤


当我上中学的时候,像大多数的女孩一样,我对我的外表越来越关注.但当我踏入高中之后,学校同学彰显自我的风气对我有很大的影响.男孩们开始关注女孩,女孩们希望自己美丽动人.高中生的穿着成为定义一个人的标志.它决定了你所处的队伍.穿着阿伯克龙比牛仔裤意味着你是个全美式的可爱女孩,穿着盖尔斯T恤表明你是个自负的富家女,而且任何比那更糟或者更廉价的衣服都是令人难以接受的. (打完了...请采纳.有啥不清楚请追问噢~)


上中学时,和其他的女孩子一样,我比以前在意自己的外表了。可升入高中后,广告对我的影响变得很大。男孩们开始注意女孩子,而女孩儿们也开始要漂亮了。高中时你穿的衣服,实际上就是你的标签,不同的衣服决定了你所属的特定群体。穿 Abercrombie 牛仔装,表明你是个有点小清新的美国小女生,而穿Guess 衬衫,则表明你是个有点小势利的富家女孩儿,假如你穿的衣服比这些还要差,那是令人无法接受的。

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银海区13894488978: 求大神帮我把这段话翻译成英文!!!十分急!!! -
正媛圣诺: No matter in which era, young people's hearts are always full of dreams and hopes. Nearly nothing is impossible , because the dream of yesterday could be the hope of today ,and could also come true tomorrow. Dream is, far or close, large or small,...

银海区13894488978: 在线等,很急.请高手帮我把这段译成英文,谢谢! -
正媛圣诺: "In my university life, the most impressive of the teaching experience is in a summer vacation. I spent a month's time for the students lessons and l...

银海区13894488978: 哪位大神大仙 帮忙翻译一下这段话,要人工翻译.很急 译成英文 . -
正媛圣诺: About the growing costs of material, our company is still communicating. We hope the supplier can maintain the original price and labor costs. Our company is also coordinating. As a result, we can not agree with the requirements of reduced price ...

银海区13894488978: 求英语高手帮我将这段文字翻译成英语 -
正媛圣诺: Yu Qing River solitary audience, many pedestrian middle tears. Northwest Wang Chang, poor countless mountain. Castle not cover the river from flowing eastward. Jiang later Zhengchou I, deep mountain partridge smell.

银海区13894488978: 求高手帮我把这段文字翻译成英文的谢谢了
正媛圣诺:When we are in the process of application actually will have a lot of details to note that we need to dress up formal, proper clean, the door to knock on the door before in should be allowed to go in after, get an interview if the people sit down in and ...

银海区13894488978: 求大神帮忙把这一段翻译成英语,急!!在线等,谢谢啦.. -
正媛圣诺: "Give China a chance, also a miracle of the world" this slogan actually from the Angle of a bid, revealed a message: maybe now there are many shortage, but only you let me, mobilisation, we just can make it.

银海区13894488978: 求大神把这段话翻译成英文,要英语4级的,不要百度翻译的 -
正媛圣诺: I wish i can do a good job today .i have a strong desire that i can succeed .now let me have a simple introduction .I'm come from liaoning ,Guangxi .I'm 19.As is all know to us ,English is the most widely used language .even if I'm a chinese ,it is also ...

银海区13894488978: 英语翻译我想请各位大神帮我把这段话给我翻译成英文谢谢.baby对不起,我没有不相信你,怀疑并不是不信任,我在乎你才会这样. -
正媛圣诺:[答案] baby, i am so sorry to question you! i do believe in you, the reason why i do this is because i really care about you. 也许你可以加上一句,i can't affort to losing you.(我无法承受失去你的痛苦)

银海区13894488978: 求大神 把这段翻译成英文 万分感谢 -
正媛圣诺: Quixote's failure to weigh and rational analysis, and most people admire him because it is really see his true nature -- stubbornly adhere to idealism, "tears of laughter" was born. Even Hugo's evaluation of Quixote is also very touching". So we ...

银海区13894488978: 求助英语高手,谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英语,大仙帮帮忙,谢谢!
正媛圣诺:The application of food additives and the use of the technical review 【 abstract 】 in recent years, with the rapid development of food industry, promoted the food additive industry fast development, has made food additives be processed foods ...

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