
作者&投稿:鄞研 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  Desk clerk: What can I do for you.miss?


  Traveler: Have you a tour bus? I have one day left I think the best way is to take a bus tour.


  Desk clerk: That's right.The bus tour is really efficient and cheap.


  Traveler: What time the next bus leave?


  Desk clerk: 9:OO.Don't worry.miss,we have buses every 15 minutes.



  Traveler: I want to take part in the bus tour.When does the bus leave?


  Driver: Let me see,in 5 minuets.


  Traveler: That's fine. I don't have much time to waste.


  Driver: Don't worry.The bus tour is really worth while.You can enjoy the whole crty in a single day.


  Traveler: How long does the tour last?


  Drrver: It lasts 4 hours from 10:00 t0 14:00.



  Traveler: Have you any evening bus tour?


  Desk derk: Yes.we have.The city is famous for its beautifule evening scanery.


  Traveler: I have heard of that before.When shall we start?


  Desk cierk: It starts at 7:00 and lasts 3 hours.



  Traveler: Is there a bus tour?


  Desk clerk: Yes,of course.We have day tour and night tour.Which one are you more interested in?


  Traveler: I'd prefer the night tour.


  Desk clerk: You are smart.The city is really charming at night.

Traveler: What time the next bus leave?游客:下一班巴士什么时候发车?Desk clerk: 9:OO.Don't worry.miss,we have buses every 15 minutes.接待员:9点,不用担心,小姐。我们巴士每15分钟发一次车。旅游观光英语短对话2 Traveler: I want to take part in the bus tour.When does the bus...

1、Hi, Lucy, long time no see. How is everything going? 好久不见,最近怎么样?;Not so good. 不太好 ;What happened? 怎么啦? You know the final exam is coming and I’m a little worried about my results. 期末考试快到啦,我有点担心我的成绩。2、Cheer up. I believe yo...

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1.我好像晕机了怎么办?A:What's the matter, sir? You look pale.怎么啦,先生?您看起来脸色苍白。Benjamin:I feel dizzy and weak. And I'm having this pain in my ear. I think I am sick.我感觉头晕,虚弱。耳朵也有点疼,我想我是病了。A:Are you often traveling by plane?您...

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2. What’s the best way to get to the museum?去博物馆走哪条路最好?3. What time does it close?什么时候关门?4. Can you recommend a good hotel?你有没有好的旅馆可以推荐?5. I’d like a window seat, please.我想要一个靠窗的座位。6. Is the flight leaving on time?航班...

英语对话介绍一个旅游景点 介绍景点对话英文
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漾濞彝族自治县17039983783: 英语口语对话(关于旅游时的) -
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豆清易路: 写作思路:关于旅游的对话主题可以写“打车”,两人在打车时候的对话,中心要围绕打车进行,避免语法使用错误. 正文:A:Could you please reserve a taxi for me? 你可以为我预约一辆出租车吗? B: Do you think a private vehicle might be ...

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豆清易路: 搭火车旅行 Traveling By TrainGLORIA: I'm glad we took the train. I don't like to ride in buses.KAREN: Yes, I agree. We can see the scenery better. In a bus, all you see ...

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豆清易路:[答案] Bob: Do you have any plan this weekend?你这个周末有什么计划. Tom: We're planning to go camping this weekend.我们这个周末计划去野营. Bob: Where do you plan to go?你们打算去哪里野营? Tom: There is a lake lying in the east of the city.It...

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漾濞彝族自治县17039983783: 关于旅行的英语口语对话?怎么说? -
豆清易路:[答案] A:Would you please rcommend some places for sightseeing? 可以为我们推荐一些参观的地方吗? B:How about the National Yellow Stone Park?It's really worth seeing. 国家黄石公园怎么样?他确实值得一看. A:Anything interesting in this city? 这城市...

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豆清易路:[答案] A:Hi!Long time no see!B:Yes,how are you?A:Fine,thanks.What did you do on vacation?B:I went to Chengdu with my parents.It's so beautiful!A:What did you do?B:I ate somethings delicions and buy something...

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豆清易路:[答案] a: hello, can i ask you some thing about this place? b: sure, i am resident here, what would you like to know? a: glad to meet you, uh...ok, i am pretty new in here, just arrived today morning, would you pls introduce some interesting place here for me to visit...

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