请以"My Holiday"为题目,写一篇小短文,不少于50个单词,用一般过去时书写。(小学水平)

作者&投稿:弘垄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
以“A Farewell Party”为题写一篇小短文 要求:小学水平,不少于50个单词~

It was my holiday.It was a Sunday.I went to a park with my parents in the morning.We went there by bus.There were many paople in the park.We had lunch there.I played happily in the park.I had a very good time.We got back in the afternoon.

Last summer, I went to Dalian for my holiday. This year I plan to spend my summer holiday on sports. If you ask me what my favorite summer holiday will be like, traveling around the world is the only answer. I like traveling so much that I often meet different people and visit different places of interest in my dream. I wish I could have two summer holidays in a year.

It was my holiday. It was a Sunday. I went to a park with my parents in the morning. We went there by bus. There were many paople in the park. We had lunch there. I played happily in the park. I had a very good time. We got back in the afternoon.

以的拼音:拼音yǐ 以读音:yǐ 释义:1、用,拿,把,将:以一当十。以苦为乐。以身作则。以邻为壑。以讹传讹。以往鉴来。2、依然,顺,按照:以时启闭。物以类聚。3、因为:以人废言。勿以善小而不为。不以物喜,不以己悲。4、在,于(指时日):“子厚以元和十四年十一月八日卒...

以后的以是什么意思 文言文
以拼音yǐ 1、用,拿,把,将:以一当十。2、依然,顺,按照。3、因为:以人废言。4、在,于(指时日)。5、目的在于:以待时机。


文言文中“以”的用法如下:1、作动词,译为“认为、以为”。2、介词,相当于“用”。3、介词,相当于“把、拿”。4、介词,可译成“因、因为”。有时与“是”连用为“是以”或“以备卜是”,可理解为“因此”。坦盯镇 5、介词,可译为“凭借”。6、介词,相当于“从、由”。7、介词,...

以 #yǐ 【释义】 ①用;拿:以牙还牙|以卵击石|以毒攻毒|以身作则。②依;按照:以拼音为序。③因为:不以受奖而骄傲。④为了;表示目的:以防不测|以免丢失。⑤用在方位词前,表示时间、方位、数量的界限:以前|以上|以后|以外|一千以内。⑥用在动词后,相当于词的后缀:可...

例句:战国·刘向《邹忌讽齐王纳谏》:“皆以美于徐公。”白话译文:他们都认为我比徐公美丽。以拼音:yǐ 释义:1、用,拿,把,将:以一当十。以苦为乐。以身作则。以邻为壑。以讹传讹。以往鉴来。2、依然,顺,按照:以时启闭。物以类聚。3、因为:以人废言。勿以善小而不为。不以物...

凭、靠的意思。以我酌油知之,出自宋·欧阳修《卖油翁》,白话译文为:凭我倒油的经验就可以懂得这个道理。以拼音:yǐ 释义:1、用,拿,把,将:以一当十。以苦为乐。以身作则。以邻为壑。以讹传讹。以往鉴来。2、依然,顺,按照:以时启闭。物以类聚。3、因为:以人废言。勿以善小...

文言文翻译 以的用法

以字没有近义词和反义词。以拼音:yǐ 释义:1.用;拿:~少胜多。晓之~理。赠~鲜花。2.依;按照:~次。~音序排列。3.因:何~知之?。不~人废言。4.表示目的:~广视听。~待时机。5.于;在(时间):中华人民共和国~1949年10月1日宣告成立。6.跟“而”相同:城高~厚,地广~深...

以往、以前、以后、以为、给以、以下、足以、予以、以致、以免、以外、借以、以来、以期、以便、以内、以次、以上、难以、以及、加以、以还、以资、以故、于以、以此、素以、及以、以近、亡以、若以、欲以、以太、以否、以远、过以、以时、无以、业以、聊以。一、以往[yǐ wǎ...

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