
作者&投稿:唐承 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




  In the 12 earthly branches of the monkey in the code is "" ". "" "belongs to pictographs, originally is the shape of "Chu", as if is two hands holding a bar. "" "word by word and people, is a "stretch", a stretch of idea. Represents their intelligence development-and rabbit, born the same time retractile, full of elasticity of idea.

  "The twelve earthly branches in, row in the ninth to season terms, it is hot dreadful in August, time around 4 PM (afternoon three ~ 5 PM), the sun going down the mountain west. Position is southwest west.

  People born in the year of the monkey, has many talents, when young namely social sure and by coming to the forefront. In general, the life is very good luck. After the middle-aged, social status has been determined, but must pay attention to fill a and failure. Not content with a small, often set new goals unremitting, the monkey is born the advantages of the people. But, be quick-tempered and self-righteous, easy to attract others dislike, and cause failure.

  In the animal kingdom, the male monkeys are energetic symbol. But, the monkey but not all energetic. Male character stubborn, everything is not fall after people. Women cope with the housework, make her husband do not have trouble back at home and abroad to concentrate on development of the cause, is a wife and mother. But, she's not a Mr. As long as children of the traditional women, she can still play out to help her husband business expansion, rabbit baby in the nets. Even replace the human as the head of a family, also is the reasonable good wife, will never be bossy ignorant diao daughter-in-law.

下面的是英文描写: Mary 14 years old, is a second year student. She is a lovely girl, she and her classmates like to play with. Mary likes to help students, as long as any difficulties the students need help, she was always the first out of everyone. She also liked the joke, often students uproar.
Mary is not only a good character. Academic performance is also good. Mother and teacher in the eye is a good student. 下面的是中文的意思: 玛丽14岁,是一名初二的学生。她是一个活泼可爱的女孩,她的同学都喜欢和她一起玩。玛丽很喜欢帮助同学,只要同学有什么困难时需要帮助时,她总是第一个出来人人。她还很喜欢开玩笑,经常把同学逗得哈哈大笑。

The Dragon is omnipotent. He/she is flamboyant, attractive and full of vitality and strength. In China, the Dragon is the sign of the Emperor of China or the male element Yang. The Dragon is the symbol of power and wealth.

It would be right to say that people born in the year of the dragon have a natural charisma and are certainly gifted with power and luck. It is unlikely for them to escape unnoticed from a party or to take second place in a competition. The dragon person has an active mind and shows an unfeigned interest in the world around him/her. This person is also self-confident enough to know how to create a necessary impression. Because they are larger than life themselves, dragon people like to do everything on a grand scale. They are egotistical self-grandising and ambitious, almost to the point of megalomania. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. A person born in this year wears the crown of destiny, and is capable of great achievements if he or she knows how to harness his or her tremendous energy, intelligence and talent. While these people enjoy being the center of attention, they also have a brave and charitable side to their personality. If a dragon's friend faces a problem or dilemma, he or she will be there to offer help, and when others leave the field of battle the dragon takes a step forward to solve the problem with authority and dignity. Dragons set a high standard of actions for themselves as well as for other people and are surprised when others cannot cope with a task; they are so carried away by the process that they fail to see other people's weaknesses.

Ideal jobs for dragons include kings, military officer, politician, musician, buffers, poet, artist, biological and environmental engineer, stockbroker, athlete, trade union leader, company director, explorer, and attorney.

The Dragon is most compatible with the Rat, Monkey, Snake and Rooster.

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The Dragon is omnipotent. He\/she is flamboyant, attractive and full of vitality and strength. In China, the Dragon is the sign of the Emperor of China or the male element Yang. The Dragon is the symbol of power and wealth.It would be right to say that people born in the ...

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把 在龙年里,我要大展鸿龙,步步高升! 翻译成英语
In the year of the dragon, I will reveal the splendor of the future and promot myself step by step,thus, be higher and higher.是我自己写的哦机器搜不到的。新年快乐,给你和家人拜年啦~~

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季彪藿龙: 您想问哪方面的特点?属龙的人性格表面看起来是十全十美的,但较爱挑剔,脾气比较急躁.属龙的人资质很高,爱学习,一学就会,因此常常会对别人炫耀说:“我又学会了……”.属龙的人因为智商极高,又生性带有孤独感,所以一但走上...

芳村区13828125002: 属龙的有哪些特点啊~? -
季彪藿龙: 优 点: 有强壮的体魄,精力充沛活力无穷朝气勃勃,有高尚的理想,富罗曼蒂克气氛,是爱面子派头的人. 凡事不服输,做事过於自信,自我意识强烈,有远大目标,个性坦率,有领导才能有强运势. 为人坦诚绝少有卑鄙恶劣的虚伪行为,更...

芳村区13828125002: 描述人的外貌特征和性格特征的英语单词短语,最好配有图片 -
季彪藿龙: short矮 tall高 plump丰满 thin瘦 slim苗条 plain 长的一般 good looking美丽 tubby 矮胖 beautigul 美丽 lazy懒的 kind善良 lovely可爱 strict 严厉patient耐心 forgetful健忘 boring乏味

芳村区13828125002: 龙年的性格详细资料? -
季彪藿龙: 我是属龙的,我的朋友也是属龙的,我们的性格不一样,是,有的网络写的和你的性格有相方之处但那只是一方面,自己心里清楚自己就行了!

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季彪藿龙: 属鼠的人容易相处,工作努力,生活非常节省,除非他十分喜欢的人,他是不会大方解囊的. 牛年出生的人义务感强,勤奋踏实,所以工作中很受上司的赞扬和信任.即便工作中发作一些艰难,他那刚强的耐力也会打破难关而坚持到底. 虎在...

芳村区13828125002: 用英语介绍今年生肖的外表特征丶生活习性丶能力丶饮食爱好等.
季彪藿龙:马,头面平直而偏长,耳短.四肢长,骨骼坚实,肌腱和韧带发育良好,附有掌枕遗迹的附蝉(俗称夜眼),蹄质坚硬,能在坚硬地面上迅速奔驰.毛色复杂,以骝、栗、青和黑色居多.马心情很好时会笑 .马最讨厌的动物是胡蜂.马站着打...

芳村区13828125002: 描述人的性格特征的英语单词有那些
季彪藿龙: able 有才干的,能干的 active 主动的,活跃的 adaptable 适应性强的 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 aggressive 有进取心的 alert 机灵的 ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的 ...

芳村区13828125002: 1976年11.30分生的龙的性格特点 -
季彪藿龙: 属龙人的性格神话传说中那巨大、宏伟的龙使人们产生无限遐想.所以龙那神奇的品质,不管虚幻与否,肯定也包含在那些出生在龙年人们的心中.在中国,龙象征着皇帝或男性,它代表着权力.在龙年出生的人据说都带着命运之角.属龙的...

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