
作者&投稿:孔屈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


An Outlook on Future
What will the future be?There are likely to be numerous potential breakthroughs and achievements in science and technology.Solutions to current social and economic problems will be found.In the field of industry,agriculture and service industry,possible products and manufacturing methods might be realized.Hi-tech industry could develop faster.The living environment will be cleaner and satisfactory.People will lead a carefree life.Higher education will be available to every knowledge-thirsty person.
It is hard to detail visions on people’s beautiful life.Future is indeed like a riddle,some areas of which are beyond the reach of our imagination.
Nevertheless,one thing is certain:the advancement of science and technology will characterize the future.Only through mastering advanced science and technology can a nation be successful in facing more challenges of technological revolution and social progress。

Look for, look for ... ...
When I was young, always like to stand at the window, looking up at the starry night sky. Night, is so deep, quiet, sweet, give a person a kind of vast feeling. Often, look at this beautiful scene will out of God, because I know, I want to look for the dream, in the boundless world, in this mysterious ocean, I believed that, my future is not a dream.
Look for, look for ... ...
In order to find my future, my dream, my footsteps never stop, from a mischievous young boy, now become a constant search for students, I have been fighting for my dream, but now, in spite of the continuously study, but I know, I every minute, every second, every moment, are playing a solid reinforced for my ideal, built on a solid bricks, for some day in the future better and lay a solid foundation. So I believe, my future is not a dream.
Look for, look for ... ...
Simple and pure pastoral life, is Tao Yuanming looking for the sort of " take-ju tori, the leisurely to see the mountain " artistic conception; for aesthetic diligently study, is Zhu Guangqian looking for art peak; for X ray theory research, is the scientific roentgen lives are looking for ... ... In the history, nation, every person, every life, all in do not stop looking for their own ideal dream, yes, we are looking for, and the dream of for their own efforts, finally climbed the peak in the heart, so I believed that, my future is not a dream!
Look for, look for ... ...
My dream, I know right in front of you, to your desire, longing and yearning, lead me step by step toward you, maybe, some twists and turns, bumpy road, but that did not stop the heart for your sincere heart, I will go to all lengths to you, who let you be my dream?

十万火急 中国银行外汇入账有限额? 私对私 不要结汇 只要入账就可以了...


十万火急额'谁能帮我写个英语的情景对话啊!题目是对未来的展望,出场人 ...
Look for, look for ... ...When I was young, always like to stand at the window, looking up at the starry night sky. Night, is so deep, quiet, sweet, give a person a kind of vast feeling. Often, look at this beautiful scene will out of God, because I know, I wan...

在那里可以小额借款 十万火急呀

写一篇关于辛弃疾的文章,里面要有辛弃疾的词!! 火急,万分火急!
南宋的良心——辛弃疾印象 你用一张四节的篇幅,说你的故事。 说你14岁就两次跑到燕山看地形,以图复土国耻;说你弱冠之年揭竿而起,金戈铁马,气势如虎;说你五十轻骑直入五万兵马的金营,生擒叛徒,押至临安处死...这一节,你说的神采飞扬。 可那毕竟是南渡前的旧时了,再下来,就是...


哪一个成语故事与火灾预防有关 曲突徙薪和十万火急哪个成语与防火有关...
他们才是最值得你尊重的朋友。关于十万火急:十万火急,汉语成语,拼音是shí wàn huǒ jí,意思是形容事情紧急到了极点(多用于公文、电报等)。出自《王昭君》。出处:曹禺《王昭君》第二幕:“启奏陛下!鸡鹿寨十万火急,羽书传到长安,请圣裁。”?


火树银花,花言巧语,语重心长,长生不老,生不如死,信以为真,真知灼见,见义勇为,十万火急.急如星火. 亡羊补牢,牢不可破,老生长谈,心急如焚.

1.形容人急的词语 心急火燎 心急如焚 六神无主 十万火急 坐立不安 急不可耐,急忙忙,急如星火,急得团团转, 急燥.着急.焦急.急切.急不择言, 急扯白脸 ,急煎煎,急如风火,急如星火 心急火燎 心急如焚 六神无主 十万火急 坐立不安 急不可耐,急忙忙,急如星火,急得团团转,~燥.着~.焦~.~切.急...

萧山区17171842259: 十万火急 翻译成英文怎么说?
弥曹赛福: 十万火急:Matter of great urgency.

萧山区17171842259: 十万火急,谁能帮忙翻译成英语?
弥曹赛福:Most urgent

萧山区17171842259: ”一刻也不能等“用英语怎么说?”十万火急“用英语怎么说? -
弥曹赛福: A quarter cannot wait 一刻也不能等 Posthaste 十万火急

萧山区17171842259: 十万火急!!翻译成英语,谢谢~~
弥曹赛福: , Operation Dawn, on the square, the seaside, the yen, people gathered together, learning kung fu fans dancing skills in the fan! Baifacangcang where the elderly, but also the lively and cheerful boy, where Wenzhibinbin scholars, but also Man hands Laojian farmers.

萧山区17171842259: 十万火急翻译两句英文?
弥曹赛福: 比那村(区域)大一点 在血管里涌动!

萧山区17171842259: 英语翻译 十万火急急急急急急!!!!!! -
弥曹赛福: Far and near is near, in all directions everywhere is far the building sea, tree's sea, the green sea! Palace wall also, but already was not half city, was only urban one jiao. The tree is not half city, but is limitless, boundless boundless, everything has ...

萧山区17171842259: 十万火急翻译
弥曹赛福:你好, 参照如下: l'm fixing the hang glider 翻译成汉语为: “我正在修理悬挂滑翔机.“ hurray 翻译成汉语为:"欢呼, 万岁呼声, 加油的意思"." hurray. " 可以翻译成:”好棒呀.“

萧山区17171842259: 十万火急啊~求英语作文
弥曹赛福: Dear Daddy, Happy birthday to you! I am writing to show my deepest love to you, because I have no time to go home to celebrate your birthday. At this moment, I suddenly remember all the things you've done for me. One snow day you walked a ...

萧山区17171842259: 十万火急英语造句 -
弥曹赛福: 1.One day,I went into a barber shop to have a haircut. 2.I get out to find my brother. 3.The plane will take off tomorrow morning. 4.There are many people at the train station. 5.Please come in to talk to me. 6.Beijing International Airport is a famous ...

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