
作者&投稿:频服 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As a new/emerging litigation system in China, the development of public interest litigation has experienced a hard and tough process. Taking the opportunity of the modification of Civil Suit Law in 2012, the paper begins from concepts and emphasizes (focuses on) the signature of the addtion of public interest litigation during this modification of Civil Suit Law. It also presents existing problems and suggestions for completing the public interest litigation system, in order to normalize the public interest litigation system asap and perfect the legal construction in China.


Key Words: Public Interest Litigation, Subject Qualification, Onus Probandi, Judicial Independence


Abstract: "Dream of Red Mansions" in the by Cao Lin and Xue are two very different women. Daiyu sentimental, Kiyotaka Juesu, love of literature, no effort, is a talented woman can work with poetry duet. But she also narrow-minded, speech demanding, aloof hard to get along with the problems; Po Chai beautiful, dignified, peaceful, men in general was "good enough" the good wife. One born of a WTO accession, the achievements of the different character of different life.

ndeavor. Anxiety would be extinct.

「君のことは本当に好きだよ~でも、ただ好きだけで何にもならないだろう。君はいつも私が直面できない伤だ。」believe in me btw, the translation before mine is really unprofessional~GOOD LUCK~

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请擅长日语的帮我把下面这段话翻译成日语。语句通顺语法正确即可。_百 ...

求日语高手 麻烦帮我把下面的这段话改成统一时态
ある日、天気が良かったので、トムと友达は公园へ行った。 走る车の中で、彼らは风景を见ながら、トムさんの新しいカメラで写真を撮っていた。“あ!そこ!ほら、墓地だよ!”友达の声に トムさんは“どこどこ?”と闻きながら、车を墓地へ向かって走った。墓地に着いた後、色んな...

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This specialty including the chemical education, the applied chemistry and so on two specialized directions, applied chemistry's student main study chemistry aspect's elementary knowledge, the elementary theory, the basic skill as well as the related engineering technology knowledge, receives ...

1looking at the cleaning classroom.the students smiled,while wapping away the sweat on the forehead.2 :"thank you, kid, and,what's your name?--"I am the red-scarf"3" it is sunshine and cloudiless today,we come to the XXX park for the spring outing . the fake hill ...

1. 麻烦帮我把下面这段话翻译成英文(铁路信号)The railway plays a very important role in the development of national economy. With the development of technology of the railway, the train has been improved a lot on the running speed and ability of carrying. In order to guarantee th...

My favorite book is called "Snow White." This is a very beautiful princess on a story. The heroine is the story of Snow White. Goodlooking by her stepmother's jealous. So stepmother make up into an old lady, swindlers Snow White ate poisoned apples. Then, a handsome prince...

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独孤狡感冒:[答案] A酒店离他开会的地方太远了,乘地铁也不是直接到达,离外滩也很远,B和C酒店附近的环境比较好,但是离地铁比较远,D和F酒店离地铁非常近,里外滩也很近 Hotel A is too far away from his conference venue.Not only that,...

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独孤狡感冒:[答案] Surveys indicate that at 25 precious fishing resources have run out and many rare marine species are at the danger of die out because of overfish, denudation of mangrove forests, ad the contamination of oceans. A wide range of sea creatures are of ...

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独孤狡感冒: 爱着我是真的深爱着:I was really in love with love, 也知道你也是真的:and that you are really,我想牵着你的手走完我们的以后: I would like to hold your hand finish the看着我的眼睛你会相信的: later we looked at my eyes you would believe, 亲爱的我们究竟怎么了my dear how we really had?

天河区17866447386: 请帮我那下面这段话翻译成英文
独孤狡感冒: I used to treat other people the greatest enthusiasm, is the best kind to own! There is no eternal things, the well-being and happiness is just feeling the moment. Sadness and sorrow is but a temporary sigh. Trounced watch, listen to music Zhusheng ...

天河区17866447386: 帮我把下面这段话话翻译成英文
独孤狡感冒: Anyway, I never regard you as a puppet, I really just joking with you, that's not true, but thank you can forgive me.

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