
作者&投稿:贠鲍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

玛丽小说《秘密花园》的主人公玛丽是个印度出生的英国姑娘,她任性自私,10岁时的一场霍乱使她沦为孤儿。于是,她被送回英国约克郡的密素斯维特庄园,和姑父克雷文先生一起生活。在那里,她无意间闯人了一个禁闭已久的花园并在一个阴暗的房间里遇见了总想着自己会成驼背的表兄弟柯林。在农家小伙迪肯的帮助下,她决心把整个花园修葺一番并拯救长期卧床的柯林。在劳动过程中,玛丽逐渐体会到了与大自然接触的快乐,并慢慢变成了一个健康自信的女孩。同时,玛丽还积极鼓舞引导柯林,使他重新燃起对生活的希望,完成了拯救与自我救赎之路。迪肯在小说中,迪肯陪伴着玛丽改造花园,积极引导玛丽健康成长。迪肯是个12岁的与众不同的农家小伙,熟悉沼泽地所有的花草与动物,沼泽地上的动物们都喜欢他。“他跟世界上任何一个人都不一样。他可以像印度土人驯蛇一样驯狐狸、麻雀和鸟,他在短笛上吹出非很轻的音调,它们就会跑来听。尽管他只是沼择地一个很不起眼的男孩,穿着打满补丁的衣服,长着一张滑稽的脸和一头乱糟糟的锈红色头发,而身上却散发着欧石楠,青草和树叶的香味。 柯林柯林和玛丽同龄,但是他过去的十年都是在床上度过的,因为包括他父亲在内的所有的人都认为他会夭折,所以不让他出门甚至下床站立。他骨瘦如柴,吃的极少,什么都不合胃口,时不时会无缘无故大发脾气,一听到令他不快的话就开始歇斯底里地哭闹,直到精疲力尽,然后第二天就会发烧病倒。从未踏出房门半步的柯林认为新鲜空气会让他着凉死掉。后来,玛丽经常去柯林的房间给他讲述春天迷人的景象,使柯林梦想着有一天能亲自一睹春天的美景。终于有一天柯林下定决心在玛丽和迪肯的帮助下走出房间,走进花园的柯林立马被大自然的一切深深地吸引住,柯林像换了一个人似的,苍自的肤色也开始起了变化。在自然中柯林一天比一天结实,他走的距离越来越长了。从来没有胃口的柯林开始常常喊饿,每天吃饭都把盘子舔得干干净净,总期待着火腿能够更厚一点,松饼能更大一只。柯林也很少发脾气了。他脑子里想的都是美好的事物。柯林如蜡般苍自的皮肤渐渐有了玫瑰般温暖的红润。他漂亮的眼睛清澈明亮,凹陷的面庞也丰润起来。头发柔软而又有生机,嘴唇也丰润起来,他完全从病症中恢复了过来,健康成长。克莱文在过去的多年中,克莱文先生在遥远的地方四处周游,从大自然中寻得解脱。在景色宜人的野外,克莱文先生终于摆脱了长期困扰他的丧偶之痛。在静谧的大自然中他感受到一种宁静正占据他的内心,这宁静越来越深沉,冥冥中他听到亡妻和儿子的呼唤,梦醒后终于恍然大悟回归家庭。

Young Mary Lennox is a bad-tempered little girl that no one likes.Mary is orphaned by an earthquake in India and sent to England to live with her uncle in a cold ancestral manor in Yorkshire.Mary's uncle is still mourning for his wife who died ten years ago.
A resourceful and inquisitive girl,Mary soon makes two exciting discoveries.First she finds an overgrown secret garden,the favorite of her aunt.The garden has been locked up since her death.
Second,Mary discovers that she has a cousin,Colin,a sickly boy who has been told he must remain in bed out of the daylight at all times.
Mary and another new friend,Dickon,bring the garden back to life.They decide to bring Colin to see the garden.That fateful decision miraculously change all the people's lives.


Mary Lennox lives with her rich parents in India. No one has ever really cared for her; hardly anyone knows she is even there. One day a cholera epidemic breaks out and nearly everyone dies. Mary hides in the nursery and when she wakes up the next morning, there is no one left. She is sent to England where her uncle, Archibald Craven, lives. A woman called Medlock is sent to take her to the manor. Normally the 500 year old Misselthwaite Manor on the Yorkshire moors isn’t a place for a child to grow up.

Mary Lennox lives with her rich parents in India. No one has ever really cared for her; hardly anyone knows she is even there. One day a cholera epidemic breaks out and nearly everyone dies. Mary hides in the nursery and when she wakes up the next morning, there is no one...

评论秘密花园 英语50字左右

This story has given an account of a little girl Mary who was self-abased has become a lively , open and clear , clever girl's process. During the period of this, she has known Diken and Colin. Colin was a disabled ,but he has finally overcome difficulties and saw the su...

秘密花园读后感 英文
harmonious three person's happy life. I also very much admire Mary, because he gave Corrin the courage, to be joyful and to be self-confident. read this story, let me understand, no matter did any matter, so long as stood out, was wins. Therefore we must for our ideal an...

gradually grew into a strong, cheerful and lively child. Found curled up on the porch sickly, even my father wouldn't see his cousin Colin, Marie guides him, and Dickon change him, teach him to stand, walk, with the "magic" Colin has become a strong and cheerful boy, let...

Literary speaking, the "secret garden" is not perhaps the best of classic literary works, but it is the most profound impression on people, or even is the Jingju. In the novel's beginning, a group of poets, scientists, explorers, doctors in the living room in the chat - and...

典范英语 名著 秘密花园 英文缩写 悬赏20 急急急←_←
is tyrannical and hysterical.In the garden,Colin strives to gain his health and happiness.At the end of the book,Mr.Craven returns to the garden and Mr.Craven, Mary and Colin are reunited happily in the beautiful garden.我写这个的英语论文 有一堆中英文资料 想了解都可以发给你 ...

典范英语 名著 秘密花园 英语缩写 大概三百词 急急急!!!
the garden,Colin strives to gain his health and happiness.At the end of the book,Mr.Craven returns to the garden and Mr.Craven, Mary and Colin are reunited happily in the beautiful garden.网上当的...话说可以先百度中文版的再逐句翻译啊。我当初典范英语就是这样写的。呵呵 ...

is tyrannical and hysterical.In the garden,Colin strives to gain his health and happiness.At the end of the book,Mr.Craven returns to the garden and Mr.Craven, Mary and Colin are reunited happily in the beautiful garden.我写这个的英语论文 有一堆中英文资料 想了解都可以发给你 ...

The opening chapter in the The Secret Garden finds Mary Lennox an ugly and disagreeable girl.She has a little thin face and a little thin body,thin light hair and a sour expression.Her hair is yellow,and her face is yellow because she has been born in India and has always ...

漠河县18617164881: 秘密花园人物英语评价150字 -
祢晶筋络: Mary Lennox lives with her rich parents in India. No one has ever really cared for her; hardly anyone knows she is even there. One day a cholera epidemic breaks out and nearly everyone dies. Mary hides in the nursery and when she wakes up the ...

漠河县18617164881: 图书《秘密花园》的人物简介(是美国的) -
祢晶筋络: 【玛莉】因为缺少父母的关爱,小小的玛莉刁蛮、任性,是一个以自我为中心的大小姐,但来到米索思斯韦特庄园后善良纯朴的女仆玛莎,以及她贤良的母亲和可爱的12个兄弟姐妹,让玛莉逐渐变成了一个热爱自然的阳光女孩.她可以跳着绳...

漠河县18617164881: 秘密花园读后感英文100字 -
祢晶筋络: 1.is is a foreign masterpiece. This story content is very wonderful , lets person have feeling very much after read it. This story has given an account of a little girl Mary who was self-abased has become a lively , open and clear , clever girl's process. ...

漠河县18617164881: 秘密花园读后感 英文 -
祢晶筋络: 1. Secret garden impressions of after-reading This is a foreign famous work. This story's content is very splendid, after letting the human read, has deep feeling. this story mainly narrated a little girl Mary and felt inferior from the posture gesture ...

漠河县18617164881: 《秘密花园》英语读后感 -
祢晶筋络: To tell the truth, "secret garden" is a good book, no wonder the JK Rowling said: Reading the "secret garden" feeling pretty good. "Secret Garden" is the U.S. writer Frances. Burnett's works. I have read the "Little Princess" is also her ...

漠河县18617164881: 《秘密花园》英语读后感80个单词 -
祢晶筋络: 秘密花园读后感 这个星期,我读了一本叫《秘密花园》的书.读完之后,我深深地感到心灵受到了很大的震撼. 一场可怕的瘟疫使10岁的小玛丽成了孤儿,不得不被送往画眉庄园.画眉庄园是一个古老而充满神秘感的地方,有被锁了10年的花...

漠河县18617164881: 伯内特的秘密花园中主人公玛丽的性格特点 -
祢晶筋络: 最开始不讨人喜欢 体弱多病 尖酸刻薄 爱发脾气 之后结实了狄肯 并且无意中发现了秘密花园 就变得开朗 二人一起帮柯林少爷治好了病

漠河县18617164881: 《秘密花园》的主要内容,要英文的 -
祢晶筋络: Mary Lennox lives with her rich parents in India. No one has ever really cared for her; hardly anyone knows she is even there. One day a cholera epidemic breaks out and nearly everyone dies. Mary hides in the nursery and when she wakes up the ...

漠河县18617164881: 《秘密花园》这本书的主要人物 -
祢晶筋络: 有玛莉,克雷文,科林,迪肯.

漠河县18617164881: 《秘密花园》中的那个人物让你印象深刻 -
祢晶筋络: 【科林】一个抑郁的小男孩,经历很不幸.他一出生,母亲就去世了.父亲经受不住这种打击,从此变得心灰意冷,终年在国外游历,几乎把他忘记了.由于他体弱多病,涨到十岁时竟还不能单独行动,整日被关在屋里看不到外面的世界.整天不出房门,甚至不下床塌半步,虽然有专门的医生、护士、女仆照顾他的身体和起居生活,虽然他在家有绝对的权力,但他面黄肌瘦,郁郁寡欢,感受不到爱,甚至不知道春机昂然是怎样一种感觉,眼里满是并非他这个年龄应有的绝望.在痛苦的煎熬中,他无视一切,唯我独尊,甚至丧失了生活的信心.直到玛莉闯入了他的生活,他才知道外面的世界多么令人兴奋,他才找回了自己,找回了属于他的笑容.

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