
作者&投稿:缑香 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Second questions to choose a Chinese festival


1 Absoultely no, I am not good at learning new things expect something interesting and fancy, 2 especially I hate those teaching staffs in class,its boring and dizzy, 3 but I do rememeber I have a unforgetable expercice of learnning flute/guitar/harmonica/ .. (choose a instrument you've learned or known about) ”’ I enjoy the music ,so i learned it fast ,

10句中译英!急求翻译大神翻译 英语~
1 This film has bad influence on children 2 please call me when it's difficult for you to make decision 3 There is no other choice for you to get high grade but study hard,4In the last E-mail, Jack asked me whether my English had made progress 5Parents should teach t...

求英语大神帮忙翻译一篇文章 谢谢啦 无尽感谢 中译英
One morning during the summer of 1994, Lee Hom on the back of the luggage, went off alone.To Taipei, Lee Hom quickly contact on the father's younger male cousin Li Jianfu, the first album. Li Jianfu was the famous song"descendants of the dragon" singer, he is very like ...

这是我的回答,若对您有帮助请采纳,谢谢。My war with you for the end, I never retreat, never give up, all the files in front of me, I will break barriers, the numerous difficulties and dangers, the trials of a long journey, the future before you promise to you: I love ...

我在街上闲逛(hang out)【I hung out in the street】2. 在期末,我取得了好成绩英文 【I got a good grades for English on weekend】3.水和糖混合在一起 【Mix water and sugar together】4今天早上我睡过头了 【I overslept this morning】5.今天我们放假了 【We have a day off ...

My love, leave yourself behind. 我的爱人,离开了你的背影 Beat inside me, leave you blind.在我身体里狂妄 离开你而茫然 My love, you have found peace.我的爱人,你会得到平静 You were searching ,for release. 你在寻找,你在召唤 You gave it all, into the call.给予了你的所有 你...

而且不能保证全部用环保回收材料制作,所以我们决定转换思路,限定头脑风暴的范围 But can not guarantee that all made of recycled materials, so we decided to change the way of defining the scope, brainstorming 我们要制作的产品必须符合如下几个要求:We want to make the products must meet ...

求英语大神 句转和汉译英
6.was kept away,was rode 1.considering, for 2.willing to,achieve 3.last 4.handicap and homeless 5.so that 6.have enough, enable us to7. is undepended, 8. volenteers' help

你可以说:Challenge oneself, Fight for one's fate like overcoming a steepy montain.希望帮到你

6.can you go to my party on Friday sorry,I can't I have the piano lesson 7.can you see a movie on sunday sorry I can't I have too much homework this weekend 8.I am so sorry .i have no time 9.Ann can't go to my party 10.he finished the homework until 11o'...

求英语大神,翻译,有用必好评 。。。急
英 [əˈkaunt fɔ:] 美 [əˈkaʊnt fɔr]说明(原因、理由等);导致,引起;(在数量、比例上)占;对…负责 Computers account for 5% of the country's commercial electricity consumption.计算机占去该国商业用电的5%。Now, the gene they ...

阿里地区18762152496: 英语大神们,这个问题该如何用英语回答?1、What are the three functions of the House of Commons? -
陆鸿丹佐:[答案] 1.PRIME POLITICAL FORUM The most general and pervasive function is that the House of Commons provides the prime ... 4.SPECIFIC REDRESS The final task of the Commons is the redress of specific grievances. 第四点最不重要,你去前三个就行....

阿里地区18762152496: 英语四级,请求特别厉害的英语大神解析一下这个英语句子的语法结构. -
陆鸿丹佐: 我觉得 整个句子主句是There is part of this sickening horror of knowing you're walking on the edge with this. that I kind of like, knowing that it could all fall apart at any second 是含有一个分词短语作状语的定语从句.关系代词that, 先行词是(...

阿里地区18762152496: 求求英语协助~!!跪求英语高手漂亮解答!!!一、选择(如图) 希望高手帮帮俺!
陆鸿丹佐: 答案是:1.out of style 过时的,不流行的 2.rather than 3.pick up 4.raising money 5.somewhere warm 6.go for a drive 去兜风 7.concentrate on 8.be polite 9.is willing to 10.hear from ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

阿里地区18762152496: 英语大神们,这个问题该如何用英语回答? -
陆鸿丹佐: The three functions are: 1.to draft laws.2. to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the activities of the government, and 3.to influence future government policy

阿里地区18762152496: 求大神翻译下这3句话的英文版,尽量准确,谢谢 -
陆鸿丹佐: 你好,正确的神翻译是:Flowers, flowerish and fade. Stars are resplendent, yet light is transient. No matter what, the earth, the sun, the galaxy, or the whole universe, everything has its time. Compared to mankind, it's quick. At one moment, born, ...

阿里地区18762152496: 求英语大神、问几个句子,用英语回答几句便可以了.How did you feel about your parents when you were a child?Did your attitude towards them Change when ... -
陆鸿丹佐:[答案] When I was a child,I felt that my parents were over worried about me.They did not give me enough freedom as I wanted,and ... decisions for me.As I grew up,I realized my parents love me more than any one else in the world because they are the ones who ...

阿里地区18762152496: 求求英语协助啊啊啊~!!跪求英语高手漂亮解答!!!一、选择(如图) 希望高手帮帮俺!
陆鸿丹佐: 答案是:1.failed in 2.looking for (H )3.B 4. G 5. C 6.E 7.J 8.D 9.F 10.A 1.-5CCBBD 6--10.ACADB 字太小了,费劲! ~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

阿里地区18762152496: 用what ,where ,who,how填空.求各位英语界的学霸、大神在12分钟内答复!1.——is the bird's name?2.____are you?3.____class is he in 4._____is Li Lei.5.__... -
陆鸿丹佐:[答案] What, who,where, who\where , how, what, who, who.

阿里地区18762152496: 求英语大神、问几个句子,用英语回答几句便可以了.问题如下: -
陆鸿丹佐: When I was a child, I felt that my parents were over worried about me. They did not give me enough freedom as I wanted, and they liked to make decisions for me. As I grew up, I realized my parents love me more than any one else in the world ...

阿里地区18762152496: 请求高手解答英语题
陆鸿丹佐: 一、根据汉语完成句子 1、这是我们新学期的开始This is ( the)(start )( of ) our new term . 2、在第九大道处右转Turn right ( at )(9th )( street). 3、我姐姐正忙着打扫房间My sister is ( busy)( cleaning ) the room . (注意:一空仅限一词) 二、汉译...

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