
作者&投稿:彘邢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 好。查询了解到Mid-Autumn Festival 月饼,又称月团,小饼,丰收饼,团圆饼等,是中秋节家家必备的中国传统美食之一。


A [ei] B [bi:] C [si:] D [di:] E e[i:] F [ef] G [d3i:] H [eit∫] I [ai]J j [d3ei] K k [kei] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [u] P p [pi:] Q [kju:] R [a:]S [es] T [t...

元旦 -- New Year's Day 春节 -- Spring Festival 圣诞节 -- Christmas Day 万圣节 -- Halloween Day 妇女节 -- Women's Day 愚人节 -- Fool's day 植树节 -- Tree Planting Festival \/Arbor day 中秋节 -- Mid-Autumn Festival \/Mid-autumn Day 劳动节 -- Labor Day 儿童节 -- ...

China has many different kinds of climate .In the southern part of China, the temperature changes very little between summer and winter. But the north central states have a very different kind of climate. In those countries , people wear light clothing during the summer, and they...

一、表示称呼或职务的时候首字母要大写。例:Mr Li李先生 二、表示地名、语言名、某国人等词的时候首字母应大写。例: Beijing北京, Chinese汉语、中国人 三、表示星期、月份、节日名称也应大写。例: September九月, Teachers' Day教师节 四、特殊字词,"I"和"OK"在句中的任何位置都应大写。例:...

比较喜欢阿姆的风格`不过Rap都不错`节奏感比较好的就可以`不怕音乐多`就怕你想不到`非主流滚远`... 比较喜欢阿姆的风格` 不过Rap都不错` 节奏感比较好的就可以` 不怕音乐多` 就怕你想不到`非主流滚远` 展开  我来答 25个回答 #活动# 知道商城618年中狂欢节!大连二哥Vlog 2009-04-09 · TA获得...

AUTUMN: born in the fall AVIS: refuge in battle AVRIL, AVERIL, AVERYL, AVRYL: born in April BEDA, BEADU: warrior maid BERENGARIA, BERANGARI: bear-spear maid BERTILDE, BEORHTHILDE, BERTILDA: shining battle-maid BERTRADE, BEORTHTRAED: bright counselor BETHIA, BETIA: ...

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只有全部的OP&ED,已经发到LZ邮箱里了,请注意查收~~~以后有网球王子歌曲或配乐问题欢迎到这里留言:http:\/\/tieba.baidu.com\/f?kz=624386515 ———所有OP和ED———【TV版】OP1-future (歌:HIRO-X)OP2-Driving Myself (歌:HIRO-X)OP3-Make You Free (歌:hisoca)OP4-LONG WAY (歌...

10.04 オフィシャルファンクラブ『ID-S』発足 10.04 event ID-S発足记念LIVE \/ SHIBUYA-AX 10.12 Single 『Sweet?』 発売 10.12 2005 Autumn Tour “Sweet?”\/ 仙台HOOK 10.17 2005 Autumn Tour “Sweet?”\/ 札幌KRAPS HALL 10.25 2005 Autumn Tour “Sweet?”\/ 福冈DRUM Be-1 10....

要介绍在这个节日,人们都干些什么或有什么特点,要中英文都有,不用很详细!... 有谁知道有关外国人...http:\/\/www.szdmz.com\/word\/Print.asp?ArticleID=179 阳历节日: 1月1日元旦(New Year's Day) ...农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival) 农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival) 农历...

浠水县13385732728: 求英语作文解假设你是鲍勃(Bob),去年的中秋节(Mid - Autumn Festival)时,李梅邀请你一起在家过节.请根据提示写一篇小短文介绍过节的情节.提示:... -
挚松外用:[答案] My name is Bob,last Mid-Autumn Festival,LiMei invited me to celebrate the festival at home,I tasted lots kinds of mooncakes and other delicious food.After that,we went outside to see the beautiful moon,sang some songs and danced happily,What a ...

浠水县13385732728: my min - autumn day一般过去式中秋节是中国的传统节日,我在这天和家人,朋友做了许有趣的事情!我先与爸爸一起去买月饼,到了晚上,一家人一起吃月... -
挚松外用:[答案] Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Day(用过人卫版英式英语 老教材、李雷韩梅梅那版本的第一印象会 脱口而出) (the) Moon Festival Mooncake Festival Zhongqiu Festival Harvest Festival(古时庆贺秋收之节日, 亦为中...

浠水县13385732728: 英语作文我喜欢吃月饼 -
挚松外用:[答案] I am very happy,because the Mid-autumn Festival is coming.During the days,there are many moon cakes.I love eating moon cake very much.There are various tastes,such as sweet,salt and so on.I like the sweet ones,especially the fruit-filled moon cakes...

浠水县13385732728: Mid - Autumn FestivalEveryone in China likes Mid - Autumn Festival.It usually comes in September or October.On that day every family eats mooncakes at home.A... -
挚松外用:[答案] 中秋节 在中国大家都喜欢中秋节,中秋节一般在九或十月.在那一天每个家庭都在家吃月饼.月饼是美味的圆形的蛋糕.它看起来像满月.月饼也有很多种,有的有坚果,有的有肉、蛋或冰激淋在里面. 在晚上,人们常常在家附近的空地找一个地方赏月、...

浠水县13385732728: “月饼”用英语怎么说? -
挚松外用: 月饼的英文为:moon cake 读音:英[mu:n keik] 美[mun kek].造句:1. We eat star fruit and moon cake during the mid-autumn festival. 在中秋节,我们会吃月饼和杨桃. 2. The holiday characteristic is eats the moon cake and raises the lantern....

浠水县13385732728: mid autumn day是什么意思 -
挚松外用: mid autumn day是”中秋节“的意思. 例句:1、I like to eat mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Day. 我喜欢在中秋节吃月饼. 2、The full moon on the Mid-Autumn Day reminds people of their families and triggers their longing for a family reunion. 每一当许多人瞅见中秋月圆,这一百口团聚的意味,想念家乡之情就会油然而生. 3、Mid-Autumn Day is an ancient Chinese festival. 中秋是中国古老的节日.

浠水县13385732728: 月饼的英文简介请给我一份关于月饼的简介要英文版的, -
挚松外用:[答案] Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes are the traditional food,moon cakes are round,symbolizing the reunion,and reflects the people's aspiration for family reunion.Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes began in the Yuan Dynasty legend.At that time,the Central ...

浠水县13385732728: 一个英语冠词的问题月饼被视为中秋节不可或缺的美食(The) mooncake is regarded as an indispensable delicacy on Mid - Autumn Festival英语里面冠词,... -
挚松外用:[答案] the 的问题其实真的不是一个小问题 因为光是这一个问题就能一下子看出你说的话 写的文章地不地道. 这里mooncake当然不是特指哪一个mooncake 所以不需要the 还有一些特例 即使是独一无二的东西也不能加the 比如国家 从来没有 the China, the ...

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