
作者&投稿:市砍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A [ei] B [bi:] C [si:] D [di:] E e[i:] F [ef] G [d3i:] H [eit∫] I [ai]J j [d3ei] K k [kei] L l [el] M m [em] N n [en] O o [u] P p [pi:] Q [kju:] R [a:]S [es] T [t...

元旦 -- New Year's Day 春节 -- Spring Festival 圣诞节 -- Christmas Day 万圣节 -- Halloween Day 妇女节 -- Women's Day 愚人节 -- Fool's day 植树节 -- Tree Planting Festival \/Arbor day 中秋节 -- Mid-Autumn Festival \/Mid-autumn Day 劳动节 -- Labor Day 儿童节 -- ...

China has many different kinds of climate .In the southern part of China, the temperature changes very little between summer and winter. But the north central states have a very different kind of climate. In those countries , people wear light clothing during the summer, and they...

一、表示称呼或职务的时候首字母要大写。例:Mr Li李先生 二、表示地名、语言名、某国人等词的时候首字母应大写。例: Beijing北京, Chinese汉语、中国人 三、表示星期、月份、节日名称也应大写。例: September九月, Teachers' Day教师节 四、特殊字词,"I"和"OK"在句中的任何位置都应大写。例:...

比较喜欢阿姆的风格`不过Rap都不错`节奏感比较好的就可以`不怕音乐多`就怕你想不到`非主流滚远`... 比较喜欢阿姆的风格` 不过Rap都不错` 节奏感比较好的就可以` 不怕音乐多` 就怕你想不到`非主流滚远` 展开  我来答 25个回答 #活动# 知道商城618年中狂欢节!大连二哥Vlog 2009-04-09 · TA获得...

AUTUMN: born in the fall AVIS: refuge in battle AVRIL, AVERIL, AVERYL, AVRYL: born in April BEDA, BEADU: warrior maid BERENGARIA, BERANGARI: bear-spear maid BERTILDE, BEORHTHILDE, BERTILDA: shining battle-maid BERTRADE, BEORTHTRAED: bright counselor BETHIA, BETIA: ...

我有全部的OP&ED,如果LZ想要,请留下邮箱地址,我把歌曲发过去~~~以后有网球王子歌曲或配乐问题欢迎到这里留言:http:\/\/tieba.baidu.com\/f?kz=624386515 ———所有OP和ED———【TV版】OP1-future (歌:HIRO-X)OP2-Driving Myself (歌:HIRO-X)OP3-Make You Free (歌:hisoca)OP4-LONG...

只有全部的OP&ED,已经发到LZ邮箱里了,请注意查收~~~以后有网球王子歌曲或配乐问题欢迎到这里留言:http:\/\/tieba.baidu.com\/f?kz=624386515 ———所有OP和ED———【TV版】OP1-future (歌:HIRO-X)OP2-Driving Myself (歌:HIRO-X)OP3-Make You Free (歌:hisoca)OP4-LONG WAY (歌...

10.04 オフィシャルファンクラブ『ID-S』発足 10.04 event ID-S発足记念LIVE \/ SHIBUYA-AX 10.12 Single 『Sweet?』 発売 10.12 2005 Autumn Tour “Sweet?”\/ 仙台HOOK 10.17 2005 Autumn Tour “Sweet?”\/ 札幌KRAPS HALL 10.25 2005 Autumn Tour “Sweet?”\/ 福冈DRUM Be-1 10....

要介绍在这个节日,人们都干些什么或有什么特点,要中英文都有,不用很详细!... 有谁知道有关外国人...http:\/\/www.szdmz.com\/word\/Print.asp?ArticleID=179 阳历节日: 1月1日元旦(New Year's Day) ...农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival) 农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival) 农历...

攸软15885873068问: “Mid - autumn Fesyival”是什么意思?
青山区善唯回答: 中秋节

攸软15885873068问: mid - autumn festival还是mid - autumn festiva,到底有没有L -
青山区善唯回答: 中秋节的正确英语是 Mid-Autumn Festival你谷歌 Mid-Autumn Festival 就可以看到这是对的.MId-Autumn's Festival 语法上没错,可以会有人这样说,但这个词组我网上找不到.MId-Autumn's 是所有格单词,严格地说, 虽然听者会理解为 “中秋节” , MId-Autumn's Festival 的意思是 “秋季中部的节日”.希望帮到了你.

攸软15885873068问: Mid - Autumn Festival的音标 -
青山区善唯回答: /mid-'ɔ:təm 'festivəl/

攸软15885873068问: 是什么节日:International Labour Day( ) Mid - autumn Festivai( )
青山区善唯回答: International Labour Day( 国际劳动节) Mid-autumn Festivai(中秋节 )

攸软15885873068问: The middle mid - autumn the is of autumn in festiva -
青山区善唯回答: The mid-autumn festival is in the autumn中秋节在夏季

攸软15885873068问: the Mid - autumn Festival是什么意思 -
青山区善唯回答: the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节; 易混淆单词:the Mid-Autumn Festival 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. 'We chose to take action near the mid-autumn festival because all of them are quite active during this period,' an immigration department spokesman said tuesday. 入境事务处一位发言人周二说,我们选择在中秋节临近的时候行动,是因为他们在这段时期全都非常活跃.

攸软15885873068问: 英语作文 Talk about Mid - Autumn Festival -
青山区善唯回答: The Mid-Autumn Festival is our Chinese tradition festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival that day, our whole family will sit together and eat delicious moon cakes, together about the story of Chang'e, everybody is very happyAs we all know that Mid-autumn ...

攸软15885873068问: Mid - Autumn Festival怎么读??? -
青山区善唯回答: 米的凹特木飞四特ve

攸软15885873068问: Mid - autumn Festival英语作文 -
青山区善唯回答: The Mid-Autumn Festival : the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival Night of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a beautiful, peaceful night. Each and every family have a joyous gathering, eat moon cakes and fruit, and enjoy the happiness of a family union. " ...

攸软15885873068问: Mid - Autumn Festival -
青山区善唯回答: All family get reunioned on the mid-autumn festival, appreciating the full moon, sharing mooncake, and thinking about those familiy members who can not present.every lunar August 15thMooncake.

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