
作者&投稿:靳侍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Lily is my best friend. She's a lovely girl. She's my classmate and we sit together. She has very good habits in study. Every morning, she gets up early and reads. When we have classes, she always listens to the teacher carefully. And she likes helping others. I really like her.

形容词成分。英语冠词(article)是虚词,在句子中不能独立使用,只能放在名词前帮助说明名词所指的人或事物。英语冠词只有两个:a 和 the。a 用于可数名词单数,非特指;the 用于特指各类名词,包括单复数。

the apple 这(那)个苹果the books 这些(那些)书
the red one 那个红色的 the bigger one 那个更大的
不定冠词a(an)仅用在单数可数名词前,表示“一”的概念,但不强调数目,只表示该名词不是“特定者”。a(an)表示“一”不如one的数字概念强。例如:a pen 一只钢笔 an egg 一只鸡蛋 a student 一个学生 an apple 一个苹果
He has a new pen. The pen was bought in America. 他有一支新钢笔。这支钢笔是在美国买的。
There is a book called “Gone with Wind”on my shelf. The book was written by a foreign writer. 我的书架上有一本叫《飘》的书。这本书是一位外国作家写的。
I saw a film last night. The fiim is very interesting.昨天晚上我看部电影。这部电影非常有趣。
The bag on the desk isn’t mine.桌子上的书包不是我的。
The angry man on the screen is David.在荧屏上出现的那个生气的男人是大卫。
Is the city of Nanjing beautiful? 南京城漂亮吗?
The moon is our satellite. 月球是我们的卫星。
The world is changing always.世界一直在变化着。
The sun is far away from the earth.太阳离地球很远。
The first lesson is as difficult as the last one.第一课和最后一课一样难。
This moon cake is the nicest of all.这种月饼是所有的月饼中最好吃的。
She is the only person who was late today.她是今天惟一一个迟到者。
the Summer Palace 颐和园the Communist Party of China 中国共产党
the USA 美国 the People’s Republic of China 中华人民共和国
the Great Wall 长城 the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会
the Yellow River 黄河the Black sea 黑海 the West Lake 西湖
the Himalayas 喜马拉雅山the Tianshan Mountains 天山山脉the Indian Ocean印度洋
the Greens 格林一家人 the Wangs 王家 the Kings 肯一家人 the Lis李家
The Greens are watching TV at the moment.格林一家人现在正在看电视。
The Whites do their cooking at home only at the weekend. 怀特夫妇仅在周末才在家做饭。
the old 老人 the young 年轻人the rich 富人
the poor 穷人 the clever 聪明人 the blind 盲人
the piano 钢琴 the violin 小提琴
The more trees, the better. 树越多越好。
The more exercise you take, the healthier you will be. 你锻炼得越多,身体就越健康。
The more we get together, the happier we are.我们越是在一起,就越高兴。
The man under the tree is my grandfather.在树下的那个男人是我的爷爷。
The one on the left is a new kind of machine.在左边的那一个是一种新型机器。
The girl in white is Mary.那个穿白色衣服的女孩是玛丽。
in the east 在东方in the west 在西部
in the northeast of China 在中国的东北部 in the south 在南方
The tree is a kind of plant. 树是一种植物。
The camel is a useful animal.骆驼是一种有用的动物。
The computer is an interesting tool.电脑是一种有趣的工具。
in the morning 在早上(上午)in the early morning 一大清早
in the evening 在晚上in the beginning 在开头(端)
in the afternoon 在下午by the way 顺便问
in the end 最后,终于the next day 第二天
at the end of 在……快结尾的时候the day after tomorrow 后天
at the age of 在……岁的时候in the front of 在……(内部)的前面
the day before yesterday 前天on the right(left)在右(左)边
Your mother is a nurse. 你妈妈是一名护士。
Please pass me a chair. 请递给我一把椅子。
A child needs love in his early life.一个孩子在早期生活中需要关爱。
A visitor called me up just now.一位游客刚给我打了个电话。
He borrowed a dictionary yesterday.他昨天借了一本词典。
A book can help you understand the world.书可以帮助你了解世界。
The cage is about a metre high, a metre wide.这个笼子有一米高,一米宽。
An old man is waiting for you.一位老人正在等你。
Here is a present for you. 送给你一件礼物。
I write to my pen friend once a month.我每月一次给我的笔友写信。
Take this medicine three times a day.这药一天吃三次。
My uncle gave me a thousand pounds last time.上次我叔叔给了我1000英镑。
A Mr Black rang you up just now.一个名叫布莱克的人刚才给你打过电话。
A Li is looking for you. 一位姓李的人在找你。
A Miss Chen borrowed money from me.一位姓陈的女士借过我的钱。
⑥在月份、星期及morning, afternoon, evening, night等名词前有修饰语时,一律用a(an)。例如:
on a cold morning在一个很冷的早上in a sunny Sunday 在一个晴朗的星期天
in a hot month 在一个很热的月份 on a terrible night 在一个可怕的夜晚
The boy wants to be an engineer when he grows up.这个男孩长大后想当工程师。
Are you a doctor or a nurse? 你是医生还是护士?
Is your grandfather interested in a foreign language?你爷爷对外语感兴趣吗?
⑧用在“such a(an)…”、“quite a(an) …”、“many a(an) … ”、“rather a(an) …”与“so+形容词+单数名词”的结构中。例如:
It is such a tall tree. 这棵树很高。
Many a man comes to work on the farm.许多人来这家农场劳动。
She is rather a painter. 她真是个画家。
What a cold day it was yesterday!昨天真是一个大冷天!
What an interesting picture it is!这是一幅多么有趣的画!
What a difficult problem! 多难的题啊!
a few 一些,少数几个 a bit 一点儿a lot(of) 许多,大量 a little 一点儿
a piece of 一片/块……have a cold 得感冒have a meal 吃顿饭 have a rest 休息一下
have a good time 过得愉快;玩得高兴have a swim 游泳have a walk 散步
①在专有名词前不用冠词。例如:China 中国 John 约翰 Australia 澳大利亚
No.1.Middle School 第一中学National Day国庆节
The radio is on her desk. 收音机在她书桌上。
Are there any birds in that tree?那棵树上有鸟儿吗?
Some young pioneers are working on the farm.一些少先队员正在农场劳动。
My uncle and aunt are both doctors.我的叔叔和婶婶都是医生。
My mother likes cakes. 我妈妈喜欢吃蛋糕。
Horses are useful animals. 马是有用的动物。
Uncle Wang 王叔叔 Mr Green 格林先生 Miss Li 李小姐
Chairman Hu 胡主席 Dr Smith史密斯博士 Professor Chen 陈教授
It’s very hot in summer. 夏季天气很热。
This kind of flowers comes out in February.这种花在二月份开放。
We usually have class meetings on Wednesday.我们通常在周三开班会。
We have Chinese, maths, English, and other subjects at school.
I have lunch at a quarter to twelve every day.我每天11:45吃午饭。
Children love to play football. 孩子们热爱踢足球。
Do you usually come to Guangzhou by plane or by train? 你通常是乘飞机还是乘火车来广州?
We are going to the zoo on foot tomorrow.我们打算明天步行去动物园。
How do you like going there by bike?你觉得骑自行车去那儿怎样?
The girl enjoys music very much.这个小姑娘非常热爱音乐。
Please put sugar into it. 请往里面加糖。
Milk is necessary for children.牛奶是儿童所必需的(食品)。
father and son 父与子 hand in hand 手拉手 day and night 日夜
face to face 面对面 sun and moon 日月 side and side 肩并肩
go to work 去上班 go to school 去上学on time 按时;准时at home 在家
go to college上大学go to church去教堂(做礼拜)by bike 骑自行车
on foot 步行in bed 在睡觉 in front of 在……前面at table 进餐
in future 今后on earth 究竟 in hospital 住院
① in front of 在……的前面(外部)
in the front of在……的前面(内部) 
Don’t put the chair in front of me.别把椅子放在我的前面。
Lin Tao sits in the front of his classroom.林涛坐在教室的前面。
② at table 在进餐 at the table 在餐桌旁
Look! The Whites are at table.看!怀特一家人正在吃饭。
They usually have a rest at the table after meals.饭后他们在桌子旁边休息一会儿。
③ go to school 去上学 go to the school 去学校
The boy doesn’t like to go to school in his father’s car. 那个男孩不喜欢乘他父亲的小汽车上学。
He hurried off to go to the school.他匆匆忙忙离开去那个学校了。
④ in hospital 住院 in the hospital 在医院里
It’s said that his father has been ill in hospital for several months. 据说他爸生病住院好几个月。
My parents both work in the hospital.我父母双方都在医院里工作。
⑤ in future (从今以后的)将来 in the future (较为遥远的)将来
You should be careful with your pronunciation.从今以后你应该注意发音。
We’ll go to the moon by spaceship in the future. 我们将来将乘宇宙飞船去月球。
⑥ next week 下一周 the next week 第二周(过去或将来某个时间之后)
A famous doctor will give us a talk next week. 下周一位著名的医生将给我们做报告。
The singer left Yunnan the next week.第二周那个歌手离开了云南。
⑦ on earth 究竟 on the earth 在地球上
What on earth are you looking for?你究竟在找什么?
Elephants are the biggest animals on the earth.大象是世界上最大的动物。
⑧ in bed 在睡觉 in the bed 在床上
It’s 12.o’clock at night now. And my father has been in bed. 现在是晚上十二点。我父亲已睡了。
We are playing cards in the bed now.我们现在正在床上玩牌。
⑨ go to church 去做礼拜 go to the church 去教堂
The old lady goes to church every week.这位老太太每周都去做礼拜。
The thief went to the church to steal oil.这个小偷曾去教堂偷过油。
⑩ take place 发生 take the place of 代替
What took place last night? 昨晚发生了什么事?
Who will take the place of yours? 谁会来代替你?
【注意】 在一些短语中,有无冠词并无区别。例如:
at least(at the least)至少at most(at the most)至多
turn to right(the right)向右拐in face of(in the face of)面对
on one handon the other hand一方面……另一方面

冠词的使用 英语作文
1.专有名词和不可数名词: China,Class One如特指可与冠词连用。2.泛指的复数名词前:Books are my best friend.3.在星期、月份、季节、节日前 4.一日三餐、球类、学科、语言名词前 5.职务、头衔、称呼前:Doctor,I am not feeling well.6.名词前已有指示代词、物主代词或不定冠词时 7.在...

在英语中,许多情况下名词前不用冠词。 ①在专有名词前不用冠词。例如:China 中国 John 约翰 Australia 澳大利亚 No.1.Middle School 第一中学 National Day国庆节 ②在名词前已有作定语用的指示代词、物主代词、不定代词或名词所有格时,不用冠词。例如: The radio is on her desk. 收音机在她书桌上。 Are t...

在英语中,冠词是用来限定名词的词语,主要分为三种:定冠词(definite article)、不定冠词(indefinite article)和零冠词(zero article)。以下是它们的主要用法:定冠词(the):指特定的人、物或概念,已被提及或上下文中可明确理解的名词:the cat(那只猫),the book(那本书)。指某一类别中...

冠词的英语是article。读音:[ˈɑːtɪk(ə)l]表达意思:冠词;文章,论文;物品;条款,条文;冠词;见习契约,见习期;见习,签约做实习生;进行控告;使……受协议条款的约束。词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。例句 1、The article is full of inaccuracies.这...

比如说《小菜一碟》,可以翻译成A Piece of Cake。另外,如果标题开头是定冠词the,一般都省略。英语文章标题大小写原则:1、题目的第一个单词要大写;2、冠词都不需要大写;3、字母多于三个(不含三个)的介词、连词首字母要大写;4、名词、动词、形容词、副词、代词、感叹词首字母;5、大写所有英语...

英语冠词的一些问题 Ibought(a)bigfishat(the)onlymarketnearmyoffice.是不是名字前面有形容词就能用不定冠词啊那像第二空前面是副词是不是就加定冠词呢?Ireallylike(the)scarfyougavemeyeterday,怎... I bought (a) big fish at (the) only market near my office. 是不是名字前面有形容词就能用不定...

英语文章的标题:题目的第一个和最后一个词应该用大写字母开始,中间的词(包括符合词中在连字符后面的词)也都应该大写,但冠词,并列连词and,or,but,nor,for和介词,不定式to除外 例如:My First Visit to the Palace Museum The People Without a Country 另外诗行不需要每行开头都大写,而是在诗句结束后...

an, a是不定冠词,仅用在单数可数名词前面,表示“一”的意义,但不强调数目观念。a用在以辅音(指辅音音素)开头的词前, an用在以元音(指元素音素)开头的词前,如:a boy an hour a history class an island a university an elephant a hero an old man 不定冠词的用法:1. 表示人或...

“文章”的英文是:Articles 读音:英 ['ɑːtɪkl]美 ['ɑːrtɪkl]n. 文章;物品;条款;[语]冠词 vt. 订契约 词语用法 1、article的基本意思是“物件”“物品”,常指一套中之一。2、article还可作“文章”解,指报纸、杂志上的短文。引申可表示“项目”“条款”,指...

定冠词(the Definite Article),冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的含义.英语中定冠词就是the 定冠词的用法:1. 用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物 This is the house where Luxun once lived.这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子.2. 用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或...

阳原县13475779699: 用英语冠词写一篇不少于5句话的短文 -
闻德硫酸: Lily is my best friend. She's a lovely girl. She's my classmate and we sit together. She has very good habits in study. Every morning, she gets up early and reads. When we have classes, she always listens to the teacher carefully. And she likes helping...

阳原县13475779699: 谁有英语冠词的文章呢? -
闻德硫酸: 很立志的: 青春youth 青春不是年华,而是心态;青春不是粉面,红唇,柔膝,而是坚强的意志,恢弘的想象,炙热的恋情;青春是生命深泉的自在奔流. youth is not a time of life;it is not a state of mind;it is not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips ...

阳原县13475779699: 冠词的使用 英语作文 -
闻德硫酸: 冠词:冠词是虚词,放在名称之前,用来说明名词所指的人或事物.英语中的冠词有以下几个特点:最少;用得多;最容易用错. 一.不定冠词的用法: 1.用于可数名词单数前,表示某一类人或事物. This is a ruler.He's a student. 2.指人或事物...

阳原县13475779699: ...要包含较多类型的名词短语(noun phrase),一篇英语短文,不多于100字,但包含的名词词组要比较多类型( 至少10种) ,就是可能名词前面包含定... -
闻德硫酸:[答案] People from single-parent families suffer more or less the same.I think I have suffered almost all hardship a single-parent family can bring.The loss of a parent is more than spiritual pain.It brings ...

阳原县13475779699: 军考英语冠词培训
闻德硫酸: 想象力 比知识更重要,因为知识是有限的,而想象力概括着世界的一切,推动着进步... 除此之外年月日的日期表达也是一个难点.英语定冠词的知识点相关 文章 :★ 小学...

阳原县13475779699: 英语文章标题中定冠词the的用法(急!) -
闻德硫酸: 你看的应该是《模具专业职场英语》这本书吧,我谈一下自己对这几个the的看法:1.标题中的the是不能去掉的,the+adj/n可以表示一类事物,lesson3中的the就是典型,表示塑料这一大类的模具设计,类似的例子还有the poor,the young等.2....

阳原县13475779699: 有一个关于冠词的问题,课文原文:When the fire had at last been put out,the forest authorities ordered several tons of a special type of grass - seed which would... -
闻德硫酸:[答案] 因为后来的seed都不是单用了,是词组搭配使用,自然不需要加定冠词 之前第二句the seed做主语不是加了the 吗 虎门一句是 planting seed 这里就不需要重复加了

阳原县13475779699: 求初中英语冠词短文填空练习 -
闻德硫酸: 针对初三的学生,英语《五三》最好了!里面有分项联系:名词,冠词,数词,等,时态,语法.很好哦!我初三就用的这本书,中考英语考了116.

阳原县13475779699: 短文填空(用冠词填空) -
闻德硫酸: nat lives in___a__small town in london.__The___town is very peaceful. he has never been to other countries. This summer he is going to paris, __the___capital of france. It is also __the___most beautiful cities in ___the__ world. He will stay in __a_...

阳原县13475779699: 为什么冠词和文章都是article呢? -
闻德硫酸: 你这个问题还真是刁钻啊.article 做名词的时候,意思就是 文章, 论文,项目 , 条款,物品; 物件; 商品.而做冠词时,就是(a, an, the)一件, 一种,关节, 环节中文也有一词多义的嘛,英语也是一样,例如 watch. watch 做动词就是 看 的意思,而做名词就是 手表 的意思.

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