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~   华兹华斯,英国浪漫主义诗人,曾当上桂冠诗人。其诗歌理论动摇了英国古典主义诗学的统治,下面是我为你整理的华兹华斯简介英文版,希望对你有用!
  William Wordsworth (1770-1850), the British romantic poet, was a laureate poet. His poetry theory shook the rule of British classical poetics, which effectively promoted the innovation of British poetry and the development of romanticism. He is one of the most important English poets since the Renaissance movement. His verse "plain living and high thinking" was used as the motto of the University of Oxford's Kibble College.
  Walsworth was born in the lawyer's house, studied at the University of Cambridge, St. John's College, after graduation to travel to Europe, in France, a personal experience of the Great Revolution of the storm. In 1783 his father died, he and his brothers by the uncle care, sister Dorothy (Dorothy) by the grandparents raised. Dorothy is the closest to him.

  In 1787 he went to the University of Cambridge, St. John's College, after graduating from college to France, living in Blois. He is passionate about the French revolution and believes that this revolution represents the perfection of human nature and will save the people under the imperial system in dire straits. In Blois he met many moderates of the Girondes. In 1792, Wordsworth returned to London, still full of enthusiasm for the revolution. But his uncle expressed dissatisfaction with his political activities, unwilling to help. Is desperate, one has been sympathetic and admired his old classmate died, leaving him 900 pounds. So in October 1795, he moved to the country with Dorothy, to achieve close to nature and explore the meaning of life. Dorothy was clever and thoughtful, and created the conditions for his creation. Later she became a poet. Has been with his companion, life is not married.
  From September 1917 to the spring of 1799, Wordsworth and Dorothy went to Germany to live in a small country. He created poems of "picking dried fruit", "Ruth" and short poem "Lucy", and began writing "Overture". In October 1802, Wordsworth and Mary Hutchinson were married for many years.

  During this time, Wordsworth wrote many poems on the theme of the relationship between nature and life. The central thought was that nature was the source of joy and wisdom of life. In 1803, Wordsworth traveled Scotland and wrote "Lonely Harvesters". In 1807 he published two volumes of this collection of poems, which were published, from 1797 to 1807, he created the most productive ten years of life.

  Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey are known as the "Lake Poets". They are also the earliest romantic writers in British literature. They love nature, describe the patriarchal rural life, dislike the capitalist urban civilization and the cold money relationship, they stay away from the city, seclusion in the Quebland Lake and Lake Glasmir Lake, hence the name "lakeside".

  "Lakeside" three poets in the highest achievements for the Wordsworth. He collaborated with Coleridge in 1798 to publish a "lyrical ballad", and Wordsworth and Coleridge turned from opposition to the French revolution, and the former fondered the landscape and sought comfort in nature. Exotic and ancient, with a dream for the end. The collection of two poems titled "Lyric Songs", published in 1798, "lyric songs" declared the birth of romantic poetry. After two years of reprint, Wordsworth added a long sequence. In this order, Wordsworth elaborated his Romantic literary claims, advocating the civilian language, the thoughts and feelings of civilians, known as the romantic poems of the declaration.

  In the poem of "Resolution and Independence" (1802), Wordsworth described a fishing and leeches who had to keep abreast of the old body and mind.

  Since then, Wordsworth's poetry has been further developed in depth and breadth, in the description of natural scenery, among the civilian things have deep meaning, sustenance of self-reflection and life to explore the philosophical thinking. Completed in 1805 published in 1850 long poem "Overture" is his most representative works.

  Wordsworth's most productive period was 10 years from 1797 to 1807. After the masterpiece is not much, to 1843 was appointed "laurel poet" when there is no work. However, through his life, his poetry is outstanding, worthy of Shakespeare, Milton after the generation of everyone.

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基本介绍 中文名 :夏萝·兰兹华斯 外文名 :シャロン·レインズワース 其他名称 :大小姐,夏萝小姐,独角兽(莉莉简称) 配音 :花泽香菜 登场作品 :《潘朵拉之心》 生日 :4月13日 年龄 :23岁(外表年龄13岁) 性别 :女 血型 :B型 身高 :157cm ...

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英文名:Sharon·Reinzuwasu CV:花泽香菜\/Drama:堀江由衣 年龄:外表13(实际年龄为23岁) 身高:157cm 喜好:红茶、点心,浪漫小说、说话、逗弄基尔巴特、爱情 讨厌:虫、不好喝的茶 擅长:纸扇 不擅长:文森特、料理、裁缝 最重要的人:扎克席兹·布雷克 兰兹华斯是构成潘朵拉的四大公爵家之一。夏萝是兰兹华斯家的...

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My heart leaps up when i behold 的英文大意 麻烦高人解答
呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:My heart leaps up when i behold 翻译:当我看见你,心为之一震 My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky.“当我看见天边的一道彩虹时,我的心不由地跳了起来”(威廉·渥兹华斯)。百度知道永远给您最专业的英语翻译。


帮取了英文名字,男,要求含义好,好发音,中文名字是伟泽,如果能结合中 ...
爱好和平的朋友。Winston 温士顿 英国, 来自朋友的市镇或居处,石头。Woodrow 伍德洛 挪威, 居住林间小屋的人。Wordsworth, 渥兹华斯, 英国, 在树林中散步的人。Wright, 莱特, 英国, 伐木工人。Wythe, 伟兹, 法国, 小战士。Wade, 维德, 这个英文名不错,与你的名字谐音,推荐一下。


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