
作者&投稿:才罡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  Computer (computer), commonly known as the computer, is a kind of electronic computing machine for high-speed computing, you can perform numerical calculations, and can be carried out logic, but also has the memory function. Is able to operate in accordance with the procedures, automatic, high-speed processing of massive data of modern intelligent electronic equipment. Consists of hardware system and software system, not install any software called bare computer. Can be divided into super computer, industrial control computer, network computer, personal computer, embedded computer five kinds, more advanced computer with biological computer, photon computer, quantum computer, etc..
  John von Neumann, the inventor of the computer. Computer is one of the most advanced scientific and technological inventions in twentieth Century. It has a very important influence on the production and social activities of human beings. And its application field from the initial application of military scientific research extended to each field of the society, has formed the huge size of the computer industry, led to the worldwide technological progress, which triggered a profound social change, computer has spread to the general schools, enterprises and institutions, into the homes of ordinary people become tools essential to the information society.
  The application of computer in China, more and more common, after the reform and opening up to the outside world, the number of computer users in China continue to rise, and constantly improve the level of application, especially good result is obtained in the application of Internet, multimedia and communication field. From 1996 to 2009, the number of computer users from the original growth of 630 million to 67.1 million units, network computer units from the original 2.9 million units up to 59.4 million units. Internet users have reached a mobile phone, wireless Internet subscribers, including mobile Internet users up to one, for the world's first.


Pros and Cons of Computer Technology

In the last couple of decades, compute technology has expanded enormously and has become part of our daily lives. Many of us use computers at work, school and even at home. We are at the point where we can not return to our old lifestyles because we have accustomed ourselves to an easier way of life through computers. There are many advantages to working with computers as well as disadvantages.

The implementation of computers in our society has helped facilitate our lives. Computers can help us create and edit documents very easily and can help us speed up work. It is now easier to communicate and send documents through computers at the push of a button. The Internet and E-mail services are just two examples of many features that computers can offer.

Spending many hours in front of the monitor and not going out enough could also cause social problems thus resulting in them becoming shy and introvert. Apart from that the games developed nowadays happen to be a lot more violent thus the gamers do have a tendency to lose control and become more aggressive.
从网上摘录几段,不够详细: )





Have in touch with your friends and relatives by sending e-mails or means like QQ and MSN.
Get informed of everything that is going on all over the world by surfing the Internet.
Google(search) an army of useful information you expect at any moment and little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened.
Enjoy a sea of melodious classic music

Advantages of Computer:

Computer can connect people all over the world, also it can canculate fast to save us a lot of time.

First of all, computer could benefit us from widening our friend circle, say, we can make more friends by QQ.

Besides, under the help of computer, we could search for more useful information, which , I think, is helpful for updating our knowledge or studying.

Last but not the least, it is easier for us to enjoy some entertainment by computer ,like watching movies or listening musics.


what are the advantages of computer

what are the advantages of computer?


用电脑学习的好处和坏处 英语
用电脑学习的好处和坏处,英语是:The advantages and disadvantages of using computers to study.句子解释:advantage 英[ədˈvɑ:ntɪdʒ] 美[ədˈvæntɪdʒ]n. 有利条件; 益处; 优越(性); 处于支配地位;vt. 有利于; 有...

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加载速度快,游戏流畅性高,不会因为人多卡住,但是现在电脑基本上最少4G 起步,应该带的起来哒。越大越好,但是多了也没啥用,16G基本上就很富裕了。

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茌平县17038956304: 用英语表达电脑的好处 -
邬子克瑞: 从网上摘录几段,不够详细:)Pros and Cons of Computer TechnologyIn the last couple of decades, compute technology has expanded enormously and has become part of our daily lives. Many of us use computers at work, school and even at ...

茌平县17038956304: 电脑有什么好处?用英语回达 -
邬子克瑞: Have in touch with your friends and relatives by sending e-mails or means like QQ and MSN. Get informed of everything that is going on all over the world by surfing the Internet.Google(search) an army of useful information you expect at any ...

茌平县17038956304: 电脑的好处,用英语
邬子克瑞: computer is a very important lajis of our life. it can help us with our study or work. jasdh kakde djdka louke huole held help deer jsjdf sjaer only so it is a very karoul bisskart .

茌平县17038956304: 用英语讲述电脑的好处
邬子克瑞: 1, in modern society, the computer is gaining popularity2, the computer can help people to study and work3, the computer can also provide leisure and entertainment

茌平县17038956304: 用英语表达电脑的好处,简短的,六十字就行了,谢谢咯~
邬子克瑞: with a computer , we can learn much more knowledge than we do at school . we can contact with our relatives and friends at any time we want . also , we can do some shopping on line without going out . in a word . computers make our lives more ...

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邬子克瑞: open our eyes relax ourselves

茌平县17038956304: 电脑的好处英语短文,3句话就好,但要紧扣主题 -
邬子克瑞: One effect of the computer has been its impact on communication. Thanks to the Internet and computer-controlled satellites, it is now quick and cost-effective to communicate over great distances. This has made the world smaller and has had a ...

茌平县17038956304: 10句关于电脑的作用的英语 -
邬子克瑞: People use computers in many ways.Stores use computers to keep track of products and check you out at the cash register. Banks use computers to send money all over the world. Computers help teachers keep track of lessons and grades. They ...

茌平县17038956304: 请写出电脑的好处.要英语的回答!
邬子克瑞: 1.we可以得到一切用手指. 2.we可以广交朋友,与我们的人可能从未见过,在我们的现实生活. 3.it可以把整个世界在你面前. 4.we可以得到什么信息,我们需要从互联网上. 5.i可以使用它来输入我的功课,清楚. 1.We can get everything ...

茌平县17038956304: 用 电脑的好处 写一篇英语短文 80词左右 简单点 急需 -
邬子克瑞: There are many well-known computer benefits to me, the biggest benefit is that we can write side of things while watching VCD. My friends joke is dual-CPU parallel processing. In fact, I can not dual-CPU parallel, it is not a Story, handed ...

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