
作者&投稿:秘葛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
给推荐几首好听的英文歌曲 发声押韵的 旋律动感点的~

Linkin Park-[林肯公园]
Believe me
What I've done
In the end
New Divide
Bleed It out
Somewhere i belong
林肯的都好听 先给你几首

She is my sin (玩游戏吗 玩游戏都知道)
End of all hope
Over the hills and far away
Dead to the world
7 days to the wolves
夜愿的劲爆点 如果你不喜欢吵得就算了

Sum 41
Over my head
No reason
Still waiting
The hell song
fat lip
Open your eyes
Some say
Walking Disaster
个个 极品,,,

不知和不和你胃口 这些都是巨好听的

有的是有的不是吖~比较押韵的有My Love西城男孩的,其他的愿意就押韵不愿意就不用押韵的,没什么讲究。

Wake me up when September ends Green days Summer has come and passed 夏天来了又走   The innocent can never last 那份纯真已经不再   Wake me up when September ends 唤醒我 在九月结束的时候   Like my father’s come to pass 就象父亲的离世   Seven years has gone so fast 七年时间过的如此之快   Wake me up when September ends 在九月结束的时候唤我醒来   Here comes the rain again 这里又下起了雨   Falling from the stars 从星空缓缓落下   Drenched in my pain again 使我再次沉浸于痛苦的记忆   Becoming who we are 成为我和你   As my memory rests 即使我的记忆消亡   But never forgets what I lost 但永远不会忘记我所失去的   Wake me up when September ends 在九月结束时唤我醒来   Summer has come and passed 夏天来了又走   The innocent can never last 这份纯真永不消亡   Wake me up when September ends 唤醒我 九月结束的时候   Ring out the bells again 再次响起钟声   Like we did when spring began 一如往年的初春   Wake me up when September ends 唤醒我 九月结束的时候   Here comes the rain again 这里又下起了雨   Falling from the stars 从星空缓缓落下   Drenched in my pain again 使我再次沉浸于痛苦的记忆   Becoming who we are 成为我和你   As my memory rests 即使我的记忆消亡   But never forgets what I lost 但永远不会忘记我所失去   Wake me up when September ends 在九月结束的时候唤我醒来   Summer has come and passed 夏天来了又走   The innocent can never last 这份纯真永不消亡   Wake me up when September ends 唤醒我 在九月结束的时候   Like my father’s come to pass 就象父亲来到这个世上并离开   twenty years has gone so fast 二十年过的如此之快   Wake me up when September ends 在九月结束的时候唤我醒来   Wake me up when September ends唤醒我 在九月结束的时候   Wake me up when September ends唤醒我 在九月结束的时候

Give me freedom
Give me fire
Give me reason
Take me higher
See the champions
Take the field now

You define us
Make us feel proud
In the streets
Our heads are lifting
As we lose our inhibition
Celebration it’s around us
Every nation
All around us
Singing forever young
Singing songs underneath that sun
Let’s rejoice in the beautiful game
And together at the end of the day.
When I get older I will be stronger
They’ll call me freedom
Just like a waving flag
So wave your flag
And wave your flag
And everybody will be singing it
And we all will be singing it


...怎么翻译成英文,俺的英文水准有限,请路过高手相助!感激不尽_百度知 ...
women's beauty care in three steps: feed your mind,preserve your health, nourish your skin PS 我觉得楼上 热心网友 和 VANESSSSA 的答案也很不错。

英语:怎么判断 it 作形式宾语?? 还望高手朋友不吝相助!
it 作形式宾语有几种形式: It 代替不定式短语时: 1. He feels it his duty to help others. (他觉得帮助他人是他的责任。) 2. The new medicine makes it possible to treat this terrible disease. (这种新药使治疗这种可怕疾病成为可能。) It 代替动名词短语时: 1. We thought it no...




求 明史·列传第四十七 译文 望高手相助 急 古中对应的更好 谢谢...
然而他却能经常召集乡间父老询问疾苦,帮助他们解除,又大力兴办社学,民间子弟年满八岁不往就学,则要处罚他们的父兄。杨继宗每遇到学官时都待以宾客之礼,府内教师儒生竟相劝学,一时文教大兴。 御史孔儒来嘉兴清理军籍,各里老人多被他鞭挞而死。杨继宗张榜告示说:“有被御史杖责致死的,来府衙报告...

那么突然地 做出了正确的赌注 只有你敢赌 你相信我 就像我的守护神 你不曾犹豫 你也不曾忽略我 你只是更加的信任我 纯手译、除了这个标题cannon不知道有什么别的含义,内容已认真翻译 ```答案有帮助还望及时采纳、谢谢、祝学习进步、

现有一道 C++编程题,请各位高手能够鼎力相助。速求……急!

回答:来设几个特殊的值,找出规律 x=2 y=2 f(4)=f(2)+f(2)=8 x=1 y=1 f(2)=f(1)+f(1)=4 f(1)=2 x=1 y=0 f(1)=f(1)+f(0) f(0)=0 x=1 y=3 f(4)=f(1)+f(3) f(3)=6 找出规律 f(x)=2x

The 21st century IT worlds will be take the network as the central world, China already have also formed very big network community. Enterprise information Melts, already became enhanced enterprise's competitive ability a sharp knife blade. But along with the electronic commerce production...

大丰市18772859125: 哪位音乐高手能介绍点好听的英文歌?比如《Show you off》这样的歌曲 要感觉有点押韵的歌曲 不要DJ舞曲 谢 -
薛桦壮骨: Walk me home All Night Long a place near by burning stay nothing in the world far away from home anyone of us be on you because of you (ne-yo 的) hero one for da money crush on you opoligize what if when you are here cry on my shoulder trouble...

大丰市18772859125: 请各位英语高手帮忙将喜洋洋与灰太狼的主题曲翻译成英文版的,要押韵,流畅.急需,谢了! -
薛桦壮骨: 别看我只是一只羊.Wolf Red. 在什么时间都爱开心 I am happy at any time,Lamb Joy,Lamb Beauty.. 就算会摔倒站得起来永远不会沮丧 Standing up after falling, 懒羊羊. Run after the sun every day,never be depressed,沸羊羊. 每天都追赶太阳,...

大丰市18772859125: 请大侠,高手帮小的写篇英语押韵诗 -
薛桦壮骨: Computer and I doing the best we try a girl told me a lie she will love me forever I had to say goodbye how time fly!ten years passed by I will never leave my computer till I die! 哈哈 小搞一下

大丰市18772859125: 有一首歌知道几句歌词 英文的 节奏感强烈!求高手解答!
薛桦壮骨: 是林肯公园的歌!绝对是

大丰市18772859125: 一首英文歌记得有什么 喔U喔U 喔O 的 求大神相助 -
薛桦壮骨: 我觉得应该是Ke$ha的Tik Tok吧 下面歌词 Kesha - TiK ToK Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy (Hey' what up girl?) Grab my glasses' Im out the door - Im gonna hit this city (Lets go) Before I leave' brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack Cause ...

大丰市18772859125: 很不错的一首歌. 英文怎么说? 求高手相助. -
薛桦壮骨: a great song a wonderful song a very good song a nice song

大丰市18772859125: 请问台湾综艺节目《woman爱旅行》的刚开头的那段背景音乐是什么英文歌曲呢?诚心跪求高手相助! -

大丰市18772859125: 求高手翻译eminem的business歌词,要押韵 -
薛桦壮骨: [Dr. Dre] Marshall, sounds like an S.O.S. [Dr Dre]: Marshall, 听着像是个求救信号. [Eminem] Holy wack, unlyrical lyrics Andre, you're fuckin'right [Eminem...

大丰市18772859125: 求一首歌,是女生唱的,副歌部分的韵脚是ang -
薛桦壮骨: 爱的翅膀 词曲:磊磊 在陌生的国度, 迈着坚强的脚步 我们知道你的付出. 相信幸福在不远处, 在异乡的国土, 跌倒了别认输, 你的梦想有我们守护, 爱你的心永远会为你祝福! 我们的爱是你的翅膀, 给你穿越风雨的力量. 你的微笑是我们...

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