
作者&投稿:校馥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

先第8题,比较简单,一看上下文,这个年轻人不像他弟弟,他喜欢音乐。Unlike his brother, this young man took an interest in music.按照意思,只有unlike比较妥帖。
再第9题,Passengers must check in at the airport an hour before the plane leaves.只有chenk in 检查比较合适机场登机。
再第10题,If you really want to drop this bad habit, 如果你觉得你真的想改掉这个坏习惯,那么下面半句也就简单了,就要知道真正是你正确要做的,be determined to。
下面第11题放一下,先12题,when you are walking alone in the deep night.你半夜一个人走路要如何?毫无疑问,stay alert,保持警惕。

留下最后2个alternative to,和stand treat,
alternative to要跟宾语的,第11题不合适,第11题应该是Would you go to lunch with me? I'll stand treat.你要和我一起吃午饭?我做东。stand treat,是请客,东道主的意思。

留下最后一个就是第7题,I had no alternative to staying at home because I have no money.我没钱所以我没选着只能呆在家里。

In the international economic and trade activities, commercial contract is an important basis for the legal documents, business English language has become indispensable communication tool, it is also the starting point in English economic and trade contracts. More and more fans of the English and the law also want to familiarize themselves with the contract in English, to accurately understand, translate, prepare English language contract. China's accession to this demand with the WTO (World Trade Organization) and the surge in commercial contracts in English to solve problems more urgent desire will follow. A wide range of international business contracts, covers a wide range and complexity. The nature of foreign trade such contracts are required in English and Chinese versions, so most of the need for translation. Business contract has its own characteristics, that is, be rational, normative, and professional. Business Contracts made on the high quality of the translation requirements, but also increased its difficulty. In this paper, the accuracy of commercial contracts in English, rigor, standardized and common errors in translation and its countermeasures are briefly analyzed and discussed, and analyze the translation should pay attention to.


以压力波浪的形式,声音被传送。 这些
平衡位置。 当微粒被偏移,他们碰到
微粒。 如此,声音通过大气被传送。
基本成分的术语: 巨大、频率和期间。



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我诺成为了李小龙,我会为人们造福;我会帮助任何人;我会路见不平拔刀相助;我会…… 每个人都有梦想。有的人梦想自己将来成为一名医生,为百万人解除病痛。有的人梦想自己将来成为一名科学家,发明一些稀奇古怪的东西。还有的人梦想自己成为一名宇航员,去揭开宇宙神密的面纱。虽然这些梦想都很伟大,但都不是我的梦想...

荷泽市13730385993: 路见不平拔刀相助英语怎么说 -
闫耍奇米: see injustice on the road and and draw one's sword to help the victim. (汉英字典)

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闫耍奇米: 1.goes (主语为第三人称单数,所以动词用单三形式)2.d (意思是“其它的东西”)3.b (固定用法would like表示想要)4.a (表示和朋友一起)5.eats应为eat (因为runners...

荷泽市13730385993: 英语造句,急!!!要用以下几个短语造句,请各位高手鼎力相助:1、
闫耍奇米: He went to great lengths to refrain from showing any sympathy, in case it should reveal the fact that he took a stand of the PLA(=took the PLA's stand). 他努力抑制,不让自己的同情之心表露出来,以防泄露他站在解放军一边的事实! (自己编的句子,呵呵,有点象间谍片)

荷泽市13730385993: 急求翻译,望广大英语高手拔刀相助 -
闫耍奇米: In the international economic and trade activities, commercial contract is an important basis for the legal documents, business English language has become indispensable communication tool, it is also the starting point in English economic and ...

荷泽市13730385993: 求英文高手相助,翻译几句话~!谢谢拉!! -
闫耍奇米: He likes meat,as well as vegetables.However,he is picky about what vegetables he eats,especially carrots and kelp,which he seldom eats.He favors spicy food.He has a peculiarity on diet.When there is no flesh in a dish,he will feel uncomfortable.But...

荷泽市13730385993: 路见不平,拔刀相助用英语翻译 -
闫耍奇米: 路见不平,拔刀相助 At the sight of injustice, draw a sword and render help

荷泽市13730385993: 急!!!!求英文翻译,不要在线翻译工具翻译的,恳请给位高手和大侠拔刀相助,谢谢!! -
闫耍奇米: Laser energy weak 1. Optics lens is clean, if field environment more dirty shall regularly optical route system undert...

荷泽市13730385993: 请英语高手相助
闫耍奇米: A:In my opinion,classic music is better than pop music. B:Well,I think I would preferpop music

荷泽市13730385993: what letter is always big in the sentence?打一英文字母,请好汉拔刀相助,555555555555 -
闫耍奇米:[答案] I 总是要大写

荷泽市13730385993: 英语翻译请高手相助Absolute fishing faults in depths greater than 1000m请问这里的absolute怎么理解,我有点不太明白,谢谢在水深大于1000m的地方发生... -
闫耍奇米:[答案] 捕鱼在水深超过1000米的地方就不能操作了. aboslute 本来就是个只是个形容词,表示绝对,肯定的意思,这里用不着考虑它.

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