
作者&投稿:剑炕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. They are green, They are long. They are great bamboo.

2. I like apples. They are sweet.

3. Grapes are my favorite fruit.

4. It is purple. It is long. It is eggplant.

5. They have pork and tomatoes for lunch.(午餐)

6. It can swim in the river. It is fish.

7. It is a vegetable. Some are long. Some are round. They are peppers.



1.aloud 请大声朗读,那样教室里的每个人都能听见你
2.pronunciation 因为他的发音很差,我们无法理解他
3.studying 我经常通过和小一起学习组的方式来学习英语
4. friends 我认为交朋友能帮助我们更好的记单词(我也无法理解,但是实在不知道还能填别的什么词。期待最佳答案!)
5. speaking 和朋友一起练习对话能提高我的演讲技巧

1 aloud
2 pronuciation 发音
3.songs, singing
4 friends/fun
5 speaking


4、came 5、Perhaps 6、crazy 7、true 8、skills 9、opinion 10、development II。11、to go 12、were 13、busier 14、children's 如不明白请追问,如果满意请采纳。手机提问者如果满意,请在客户端右上角评价点“满意”即可, 谢谢!

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1. They are green.They are long.They are g(reen ) b( eans ). 【green beans 四季豆】2.The water in the river is c(lean ). 【clean 干净的】3.There are many f(lowers )and t(rees ) in the park. 【公园里有很多花和树。】4.My v(illage ) is s...

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【小题4】true 【小题5】other 【小题6】shops 【小题7】price 【小题8】much 【小题9】afraid 【小题10】hate 【答案解析】试题分析:这篇短文主要讲述了网络的缺点和优点。网上充满了信息,但很难找到自己想要的,而且很多信息并不真实。但网络也给我们提供了很多其他的东西,例如免费的音乐和...

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都匀市13711698958: 根据首字母提示补全单 根据首字母提示补全单词,使对话恢复完整. A:Hello!Wei Hua!W__________ - are you going?B:I'm going to the b___________.A:W__... -
祝点倍能:[答案] 1.Where 2.bookstore 3.What 4.dictionary 5.Are 6.one 7.too 8.together

都匀市13711698958: wide is the opposite of n__根据首字母提示补全单词 -
祝点倍能:[答案] narrow 狭窄

都匀市13711698958: 根据首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子1.She n__ - some books.2.Tom is w__ - for the bus -
祝点倍能:[答案] 1.needs 2.waiting

都匀市13711698958: 一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词. 1、he works in a factory a________ - a manager. 2、he was taking a walk in the park when he heard the s______ - "... -
祝点倍能:[答案] as,sound,wake,pick,

都匀市13711698958: 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词.1、There are many outdoor(户外的) a____ - in spring.2.My mother didn't have e____ - ... -
祝点倍能:[答案] 1、activities 2. enough 3.wait 4.took 5.umbrella 7.diaries 8.dislike 9.differences 10.nothing

都匀市13711698958: 根据首字母提示,补全单词Mike is e_______.His friend gives him a new model plane -
祝点倍能:[答案] Mike is 【excited】.His friend gives him a new model plane 麦克很兴奋.他的朋友送给他一架飞机模型.

都匀市13711698958: 根据句意和首字母的提示补全单词1.He p - English every morning.2.I bought a s - at the aquarium yesterday.3.Last week,s talent show was a great s - .4.Deng ... -
祝点倍能:[答案] 1.practices(第三人称单数) 2.souvenir(实在不会,抄上一楼的) 3.success 4.(打错了吧,应该是player,不过没多大关系)Chinese(因为是大写,所以不能填champion) 5.ride 6.(又打错,小弟你做题要小心点)quiet 7.close(系表结构) 8...

都匀市13711698958: 根据首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子.1.I like p the guitar.2.She n some books.3.Tom is w for the bus.4.Let's i to the music.5.The rain c from the clouds. -
祝点倍能:[答案] 1、playing 2、needs 3、waiting 4、listen 5、comes

都匀市13711698958: 根据首字母提示补全单词.1,Eating too many sweets is根据首字母提示补全单词.1,Eating too many sweets is bad for your t____________.2.We can,t live w___... -
祝点倍能:[答案] teeth 第二句是without water么 pollution

都匀市13711698958: 根据首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整通顺There is a map of the w-------- - on the wall.There are lots of books in our school l-------.Our first term always begins at ... -
祝点倍能:[答案] world library beginning

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