根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。小题1:My name is Jenny Brown. Mr. Brown is my father. I’m his d

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根据句意及产字母提示完成单词。 1.my name is Timmy Brown.brown is my f____name~

1.my name is Timmy Brown.brown is my family name
2.Lida black is a nice girl
3.please answer the question,Tony.
4.--what's this in english?
---it's an IC card

小题1:postcard小题2:beach小题3:capital小题4:waiting小题5:strong 小题6:traditions小题7:sweeps小题8:restaurant小题9:lying小题10:Anyway 小题1:本题的含义为我最好的朋友给我写一张明信片,故本题空格处填明信片的单词postcard。小题2:本题的含义为吉姆喜欢在海滩上玩,故本题空格处填海滩的单词beach。小题3:本题的含义为北京是中国的首都,故本题空格处填首都的单词capital。小题4:本题的含义为我的妈妈正在等一辆公共汽车,本题表示正在进行,故本题空格处填等待的现在分词waiting。小题5:本题的含义为广播说明天将会有强风,故本题空格处填强壮的单词strong。小题6:本题的含义为中国人有许多的传统,故本题空格处填传统的名词形式traditions。小题7:本题的含义为珍妮星期天上午打扫地板,故本题空格处填打扫的单词sweeps。小题8:本题的含义为人们经常去饭馆吃饭喝东西,故本题空格处填饭馆的单词restaurant。小题9:本题的含义为Daming正在吃午饭,并且正躺在太阳下,本题表示正在进行,故本题空格处填躺的现在分词lying。小题10:本题的含义为无论如何,我们都打算参观博物馆,故本题空格处填无论如何的单词Anyway。


sth.“随便吃一些东西”。根据boys可知,应该用复数。故填yourselves。【小题6】考查名词。look作名词时,意为“表情,外貌”。故填looks。【小题7】考查名词。Japanese“日本人”,与Chinese并列。故填Japanese。【小题8】考查名词。pants“长裤,裤子”。故填pants。【小题9】考查固定短语。look after...

二根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺单词,注意其形式7. cthe sentence with...
1.bridge(名词,桥) 2.outside(副词,在外面) 3.across(介词,穿过) 4.light(light a fire生火)。学习英语的技巧如下:1、学好英语的方法和技巧:背单词。最重要的就是记单词。但是记单词不是一个一个字母的背,可以根据单词的发音将单词的几个字母分成几组,什么音对应哪几个单词,很多单词其实...

1、interest, interested, interesting 2、really, real 3、beginning 4、yourselves 5、themselves 6、unlucky 7、greetings 8、final 9、cheer 10、medal 11、over 12、worse 13、having 14、chatting 15、not to make 16、not play 17、to make ...

根据句意和首字母提示写单词完成句子。(10分)。小题1:Can you u...
根据句意及提示,故填understand小题2:当你犯了错误,你应该改正他们,根据句意及提示,故填correct小题3:在上午读英语怎么样,how about doing sth,提建议,故填reading小题4:记住新单词是困难的,根据句意及提示故填difficult小题5:我的妈妈正忙着洗衣服,be busy doingsth ,忙于做某事,故填bus...

1、If you (mix,混合) blue and yellow,you will get green.如果把蓝色和黄色混合在一起,会得到绿色.2、---What is your sister doing now?---She is (cut,切) up the onions.她在把洋葱切碎.3、I can’t use the new (machine,机器) .I hear it can make popcorn.我不会用这...

1.—how many doors___are there in the wall?—only one.2.—what is your mother doing?—she is cooking in the kitchen___.3.—i don’t know the keys___ to these problems.can you help me?—sure.4.—where are the boys?—they are playing in the yard___of th...

根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 根据汉语提示完成句子it will be u...
1、It will be (unusual,不寻常) for her to have no news of her family.2、We (sincerely,由衷地) hope you will have a good time in China.3、The girl makes a (living,谋生) by selling the watches.4、I like wearing sports shoes.i have several (pairs,双).5、Don't ...

1、We can send (messages,信息) to each other on the phone.我们通过电话互发信息。2、Haidian (Theatre,剧场) is beautiful. We often go there to see movies.海淀剧场很漂亮。我们常去那里看电影。3、Tom doesn't like maths. He did (badly,差地) in the last exam.汤姆不喜欢...

1. 填follow 遵守,遵循,听...的话的意思 即:Be sure to follow your parents' suggestions.翻译:一定要听你父母的意见。2. 填itself 它自己,它本身 即:The play itself was not interesting, but the actors performed quite well.翻译:这场戏本身没有什么意思,但是演员演得很好。希望能帮...

根据句意及所给汉语或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词。小题1:My brother...

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巨富枸橼: 1.The doctor tells me to rest_________ for two days.2.The doctor is very famous.He heals many people of diseases________.3.We should keep______ the balance of nature.

登封市13555658856: 初一英语题:根据句意和首字母的提示补全单词 -
巨富枸橼: 1、large2、drink3、menu4、shoes5、size 望采纳

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巨富枸橼:[答案] 1.weight 2.take 3. 4.divided 5.common 6.used 7.encourage 8.richer 9. 10.worried

登封市13555658856: 根据句意和首字母的提示补全单词1.He p - English every morning.2.I bought a s - at the aquarium yesterday.3.Last week,s talent show was a great s - .4.Deng ... -
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巨富枸橼:[答案] beginning see through along

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巨富枸橼:[答案] 1 cross 2 park 3 keep 4 speaks 5 6 quiet 7 rubbish 8 minutes 9 left 10 flowers 二 1sun sunny 2windy wind 3snow snowy 4teachers' 5once 6dangerous 7going 第五个我不会,其他都给你做了..其他的保证对.你写的时候注意形式.

登封市13555658856: 英语题(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词.(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词.1. We should help the sick girl as p______ - as we can. 2. The chemicals ... -
巨富枸橼:[答案] 1 possible 2 bodies 3 cream 4 watermelon 5 diseases 6 tomatoes 7 illness 8 tomatoes 9 Sandwiches 10 surprised 11 article 12 without 13 forced 14 weak 15 necessary

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