
作者&投稿:军很 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语书面表达 学校要建校史馆~

The school of the historiographers

There is a supermarket in the east of the school.a wide range of goods there, everything. One is selling food, there are Coke, bread, ham, vegetables, and fruits. Floor is selling clothing, there are T-shirt, pants, shoes. Three are selling household appliances, color TV, refrigerator, freezer, computers, water heaters and the like.

Mr.***,nice to meet you,welcome to our school! I'm Lisa, as the old teacher in this school, it's my pleasure to introduce around here.
Well, as you know, there's about one hundred years' history, many famous persons had studied here. You can see how beautiful the school is---teaching building ,laboratory building,labrary,playgruond,gymnasium,and two gardens in the center of it. Years recently the school grows very fast. Lots of teenagies from different areas of country come here to study, as the opening of internet school. Too many excellent students go out from here ,especially to speak,there are more than 20 persons to entry into Beijing University and Qinghua University.

Unlike Black and Grizzly bears, which are primarily nocturnal, the Polar Bear may be active at any time of the day or year, searching for prey on long summer days and sometimes on long winter nights. Adaptations to its Arctic habitat include its fur color, which blends with the...

英语书面表达: 如果你要给你父母打分,你会打多少分呢?请你写一封信给...
I will give you 99. You may ask why it is not one hundred. You are trying hard to make a difference in work for the purpose that only when your work are aprreciated, you will earn a lot of money, and then I can buy whatever I like. We won't suffer cold and hunger...

要求能够正确表达思想,意义连贯,无重大语法错误。写作的内容包括日常生活和一般常识。短文写作部分的目的是测试学生运用英语书面表达思想的初步能力。第二部分:听力理解(Part 1:Listening Comprehension):共30题,考试时间30分钟。 听力部分的每个问句后有约15秒的间隙,要求考生从试卷所给出的每题四个...

英语作文 书面表达 假设你是李华,你的朋友Jenny向你询问如何保持健康...
Dear Lihua,How important is keeping healthy to us? I think most people are in agreement that fruit and vegetables are good for health,I think it's also fine to eat some meat or fish.You had better eat meat that's well cooked. People who eat a balanced diet should be ...

It seems it's not necessary to our middle school student to have one phone. In a word, if we use the mobile phone in a proper way, it can help us a lot without bringing us troubles.如今,手机在当今社会中越来越常用。甚至有些中学生也有属于自己的手机。手机的确给我们带来不少的...

即使不是老师,初中生也是可以写出关于英语书面表达的教案的。下面是我给大家整理的,供大家参阅! 1 一、引言 英语写作教学是初中英语教学的一项重要内容,也是学生掌握比较薄弱的一环。我们应抓好基本功的训练、开展形式多样的写作训练、进行行之有效的讲、评、改,以切实有效地提高学生的英语写作技能。 二、抓好...

2015四川高考英语书面表达 求学霸帮忙写一篇!
Hi Sharon,This is Li Xia. I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin. I am quite interested in it . I think I’m fit for it. As a student, I have been learning Mandarin for many years. In addition ,I am Chinese, which means Mandarin is a must ...

英语书面表达:你的好友Joe 为了迎接高考努力学习,近来病到了。请以...
Dear Joe,I feel very sorry to your illness.Study hard for exam is a must,but keep healthy is the most important case in life.You should take good care of yourself.As a friend of yours,I give you some advice about health and learning.First,we must keep healthy,that is,...


英语书面表达 假如你是李明,就个人爱好带来的困惑给美国朋友Mike写一封...
Dear Mike,How are you doing all these days?I have a hard time for now. You know, I am fond of the knowledge about the travelling in space and I often go to the library to read the books about it. My trouble is, both of my parents do not understand me. They think it...

浑源县13085788567: 高中英语书面表达描写外教Michael.一,从外貌,性格,语言,动作来描述;二,从他的教学方面来描述.120~150词.急. -
辉喻先凌:[答案] Our English teacher,Michael,came to our school in xx.He is from US.He has 2 big blue eyes and long hair.He is very tall and strong.Of course,he is very humorous.He often jokes at his class.He works ha...

浑源县13085788567: 英语作文:把你的外籍教师介绍给你的朋友,,,,,,,, -
辉喻先凌: My Chinese Teacher Of all the subjects,I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher.Though ...enjoy learning Chinese.All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school

浑源县13085788567: 写给外教的英语留言 -
辉喻先凌: DEAR XXX: I have many good things want to tell you! First of all, thank you for your effort for being my teacher , and i will not forget about you and every little thing you tough me! Secondly, you are the best English teacher i have seen. The last thing i ...

浑源县13085788567: 英语书面表达:假如你是王平,代表六班同学给你们班新来的外籍教师MATHEW写一封电子邮件,告诉他大家对他第 -
辉喻先凌: Best wishes大哥啊,是第一次印象吗? Dear Mathew,Good day!I am Wangping, very happy and honored to write to you. And this time I stand for our whole class to welcome you. We think that you are a good, humorous teacher as to the first meeting...

浑源县13085788567: 英语作文,急写作练习作为班级的班长,给外籍教师PeterSmith写一封信.内容:你们班决定本周末去郊区远足.所有班级成员都参加,同时真诚的希望学校每... -
辉喻先凌:[答案] Dear Mr. Smith Our classmates decided this weekend to the outskirts of hiking.All members of the class to attend, and sincerely hope school every foreign teacher can be invited to participate.Our c...

浑源县13085788567: 英语作文:是李华,现在是一名高中生.请给你的初中外籍英语老师Miss Green的一封信 100个单词左右假设你是李华,现在是一名高中生.请给你的初中外籍... -
辉喻先凌:[答案] Dear Miss Green, Hello,long time no see.How are you lately? I am writing to tell you about me.I am in senior one now and I have Chinese,English,maths,physics,politics and so on.I have a good school life.I have four classes in the morning and three ...

浑源县13085788567: 欢送一位外籍英语教师的英语作文Miss Alice是我校的英语外教 下个月就要回美国了 明天有一个欢送会 对她表示感谢 1感谢她两年来得辛勤工作 2平意近人 ... -
辉喻先凌:[答案] Today there will be a send-off. Our English teacher Miss Alice is about to leave. She must return to the United States next month. We are very reluctant to her. Thank her for her on our edu...

浑源县13085788567: 跪求一篇介绍外籍教师Jerry的英语作文 要求:1、杰丽夫人是外教,来自新西兰,31岁. 2、杰丽夫人工作认真 -
辉喻先凌: Hi everybody, It's my honor to introduce Mrs. Jerry(鼓掌). Mrs Jerry is come from New Zealand. She is 31 years old(老外好像不喜欢提年龄,因此这句最好删掉,直接说她已经任教多少年更合适), and has devoted herself to English teaching ...

浑源县13085788567: 假如你的英文名字叫Jenny请你给教过你的外籍老师Miss Rona写封信英文 -
辉喻先凌: Dear Miss Rona: I am ,and i am writing a letter about ..............Best wishes! yours .............

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