
作者&投稿:冷枝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. Jing Tianming: Twelve years old. He is a mischievous and impulsive young man who is somewhat naive and unaware of the world's complexities. He has some basic martial arts skills. His mysterious background drives the dramatic changes in the story. His father is the legendary swordsman Jing Ke, and his mother is the beautiful Li Ji. He later admires and develops a fatherly bond with Gai Nie. According to official sources, Tianming seems to have great potential in martial arts. His weapons include the "Feigong" obtained from the Mojia forbidden land, and later the Mojia emblem "Mo Mei" inherited from the Mojia Patriarch. He also uses his teeth when necessary. He has a crush on Gao Yue. He has a high level of comprehension.
2. Gai Nie: Thirty years old. A strategist from the Guigu School, known for his calm and composed demeanor. He is known as the strongest swordsman in Qin and is called the Sword Saint in the martial world. However, he defected from Qin and is now a fugitive with the son of a deceased friend, Tianming. His swordsmanship is unparalleled, and his sword "Yuanhong" (formerly the Mojia's Canjohnian sword and Jing Ke's sword) was given to him by Emperor Qin for his service. His ultimate skill is the "Hundred Steps Flying Sword," and he has a mutual love with Duanmu Rong. Yuanhong is the second-ranked sword among the Ten Famous Swords (it has been broken by Wei Zhuang's Shashu). He currently uses a wooden sword.
3. Gao Yue (Ji Rong Qianlong): A twelve-year-old princess of Yan, known as Gao Yue, who is masked. She is naive and cute, gentle and reserved. She lives a normal life like ordinary people, but she has an innate noble demeanor in her speech and behavior. She is proficient in medicine and is Duanmu Rong's assistant. She has no martial arts skills but has extraordinary talent in Yin Yang witchcraft. She has a crush on Tianming.
4. Xiang Shaoyu: A fourteen-year-old strategist from the military school. He is the young Xiang Yu in the animated series (officials say he seems to have great potential). He is the descendant of the famous general Xiang Yan of Chu and has extraordinary talents. He has the strength of moving a thousand catties. He is both wise and brave but is afraid of heights, which he has overcome. Although young, he has the demeanor of a general in battle and is Tianming's good friend and competitor. In "Night is Ending, Day is Breaking," he obtained the "Breaking Formation War Lance" in the Mojia forbidden land.
5. Mojia: "The world is white, only I am black, Feigong Mojia, loving equally."
6. Duanmu Rong: Twenty-four years old. She has a cold and frosty demeanor, but her medical skills are superb. She is the Mojia Medical Immortal and one of the five leaders of the Mojia. She lives alone in the beautiful Mirror Lake Medicine Manor and uses silver needles as her weapon. She has a strong hostility towards Gai Nie from Qin, but gradually develops a good impression of him after getting to know him. She was severely injured while saving Gai Nie in the Mojia core and is currently receiving treatment from Xunzi.
7. Gao Jianli: Twenty-eight years old. The second-strongest person in the Mojia and one of the five leaders. He is called "Little Gao" by the Mojia people. His demeanor is melancholic and elegant, and his zither piece "Yangchun" and Xu Nuo's singing "Baiji" are known as "Yangchun Baiji" and are unparalleled in Yan. In the past, he and Jing Ke became good friends at first sight and became bosom friends. Later, at the Yi River Bank, his "The wind is bleak and the Yi River is cold, the brave man goes and will not return" has become a classic. He uses the famous sword "Shuifan" and his ultimate skill is "Yi River Cold."
8. Xu Fu's: Sixty-eight years old, a thin old man, a famous swordsmith, proficient in the technology of casting five metals and bronze. The famous sword "Mo Mei" is from his hands. "Yuanhong" is his mother's work, and "Shashu" is his father's work. Both are famous swordsmiths. He has always wanted to forge a sword that surpasses Yuanhong in his lifetime.
9. Dao Zhi: Twenty years old, a young man originally named Zhan Xiong, also known as Liuxia Zhi. He was the leader of the slave uprising in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods. One of the five leaders of the Mojia. He is the number one thief in the world, with a slender figure, excellent agility, and outstanding lightness skills. He has a smooth tongue and admires Duanmu Rong. Although his mouth is not clean, he never retreats in danger. He hates Confucius and the Confucian teachings. His ultimate skill is the "Lightning Flash Divine Step." He was severely injured and saved by Duanmu Rong.
10. Da Tie Chui: Thirty-five years old, an unusually burly man, the most impulsive and explosive man in the Mojia. One of the five leaders of the Mojia. He uses a giant iron hammer with a chain and was originally a low-ranking officer in Yan. Due to his difficult temperament, he often clashed with his colleagues and was persecuted. He was rescued by the Mojia Patriarch and has since followed him wholeheartedly. He is wanted.
11. Ban Da Shi: Transferred to Gao Chieh Zen.
12. Mojia Patriarch (Yan Taizu Dan): The previous Mojia Patriarch who passed the title to Tianming. Transferred to Gao Chieh Zen.
13. Pao Ding: Transferred to Gao Chieh Zen.
14. Gongshu Clan (Hegemonic Mechanical Art)
15. Gongshu Chou: Forty-eight years old, the new generation of the Hegemonic Mechanical Art. It is said that his mastery of mechanical arts is close to the founding ancestor of the Gongshu family, Gongshu Ban the Master (Lu Ban). He is cunning and calculating, and he created a snake-shaped mechanical beast. Gongshu Chou has greatly enhanced the offensive part of the mechanical killing power, which is called the Hegemonic Mechanical Art.
16. Chu Country (Xiang Clan) (Military School)
17. Fan Zeng: A seventy-year-old elder who is the military strategist of Xiang Shaoyu. He is also an important strategist who assists Xiang Shaoyu in achieving the status of a warlord in the future. He is cunning, insightful, and has a keen insight into the situation, making him a rare military strategist in the late Qin dynasty.
18. Xiang Liang: A member of the Xiang clan of Chu, Xiang Yu's uncle. He is a heroic and brave general. After the fall of Chu, he relied on his past prestige in Wu to gather talents, secretly recruit soldiers and train descendants, laying a crucial foundation for the Xiang family's future actions and achievements.
19. Yin Yang School
20. Donghuang Taiyi: The highest leader of the Yin Yang School, with profound martial arts skills and a mysterious figure. He always wears a black mask and is shrouded in a black robe. He seems to be the ultimate boss of this series.
21. Yunzhongjun: One of the elders of the Yin Yang School, he is obsessed with alchemy and has made some achievements, so he is highly valued by Emperor Qin who is eager for immortality.
22. Yue Shen: The most trusted Yin Yang School great witch of Emperor Qin. She is proficient in astrology and has the ability to predict the future. She also has the power to control others' minds and unknown powerful destructive power. She placed a Yin Yang curse on Tianming. She and Ji Rong Qianlong (Gao Yue) have the same surname, both surnamed Ji.
23. Da Siming: Da Siming and Sha Siming are both top-notch masters of the Yin Yang School. She is charming and seductive, and her training in the Yin Yang combined palm has caused her hands to turn red, adding to the Yin Yang School's mysterious and eerie atmosphere. Her attacks are sharp and poisonous, and she is

4. 石兰是《秦时明月》中的第二女主角,来自西方蜀山的神秘少女。她在庖丁客栈中伪装成打杂的小伙计,外表柔弱,但内心充满了正义感和民族信仰。她身手矫健,如精灵一般轻盈,实际上是蜀山虞渊的护卫之一,肩负着重要的使命。5. 卫庄是《秦时明月》中的主要角色之一,横剑术的传人,是“流沙”组织的...


荆天明,项羽,石兰(虞姬),高月(姬如千泷),盖聂,荆轲,高渐离,雪女,端木蓉,班大师,盗跖,秦始皇,扶苏,胡亥,赵高,六剑奴,卫庄,赤练(红莲),无双鬼,苍狼王,隐蝠,黑麒麟,太子丹,楚南公,星魂,月神,东皇太一,大少司命,白凤,墨鸦,云中君,张良,伏念,颜路,荀子 ...

青年剑客:与老年剑客有仇。因此赵高收买青年剑客。令其杀死老年剑客。他杀死老年剑客后,去见赵高。赵高令其去桑海办事。(什么事不详) (注:同名网页游戏《秦时明月》里有个和青年剑客长得一模一样的NPC叫龙修。弟弟为龙且,妻子为孟姜女。但暂不确定青年剑客是否真的是龙修。因此请勿乱改)...


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主角:天明(子明),项羽(少羽,子羽),石兰(小虞),高月(姬如千泷)从横家:盖聂(卫庄师兄,虽然比卫庄小一岁),卫庄(韩非死后流沙的头),鬼谷子 儒家:伏念(桑海儒家小圣贤庄掌门人),颜路,张良,荀子(荀况)秦国:嬴政(秦始皇),公子扶苏,蒙恬,李斯,胡亥,赵高(还有他那六剑奴)韩...

荆天明 荆天明:荆轲、丽姬之子。自小生活在秦王宫。后在荆轲刺秦前,丽姬托韩申、伏念将天明带走。后韩申又托孤盖聂。因年少身世而性格沉稳倔强,曾对荆轲与秦始皇十分愤恨。后经过开导,逐渐识得大义。在仙山境内,被卫庄揭露其秦国二皇子(养子)的身份,结果被江湖众人孤立。在辛雁雁被姜婆婆逼婚时,出面...


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中叔郎十味: 荆天明:十二岁.为人精灵古怪而又有些不知天高地厚,会一些三脚猫的功夫.他迷离的身世牵动着整 荆天明片大地的风云变幻.他的父亲是书中的绝顶剑客荆轲,母亲是美貌的丽姬,不过他后来对盖聂敬仰,渐生父子之情.据官方人士透露,...

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中叔郎十味: 白凤凰(又称“白凤”),中国首部武侠动漫系列剧《秦时明月》中的人物.神秘优雅的美男子,天赋异禀,天生具有控制与指挥鸟类的能力,且容貌俊秀,喜爱穿一身白衣,故被人称为“白凤凰”,是以卫庄为首领的“聚散流沙”组织中成员...

武昌区13392994319: 急求秦时明月的英文介绍,有人物介绍和内容概括两部分,英语演讲使用,时间大概五分钟左右,谢谢! -
中叔郎十味: Gao Yue: 12 years old, Mohist school, naive lovable, gentle composed. From already Yan which perished, with average person same ordinary life, but the conversation manner actually some born that way noble manner, she was skilled in the ...

武昌区13392994319: 求《秦时明月》里所有人物的名字 -
中叔郎十味: 主角的名字怎么能不说呢,天明(子明),项羽(少羽,子羽),石兰(小虞),高月(姬如千泷),还有儒家三杰,伏念,颜路,张良,以及荀子,还有秦始皇这边的,公子扶苏,蒙恬,李斯,赵高(还有他那六剑奴),还有墨家这边的,高...

武昌区13392994319: 秦时明月各部的英文名 -
中叔郎十味: 百步飞剑 hundred flying sword 夜尽天明 night exhaust daybreak 诸子百家 all classes of authors

武昌区13392994319: 《秦时明月》中的人物的介绍 -
中叔郎十味: 天明 少年,男性.热血少年,为人古灵精怪却又有些不知天高地厚.会一些三脚猫的功夫. 对盖聂敬仰,渐生父子之情.盖聂 中年,男性,气质从容淡定,处事冷静绝不参杂私人感情.天下第一剑客,剑术出神入化.一路呵护天明,并...

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中叔郎十味: 荆天明:十二岁,纵横家,为人古灵精怪却又有些不知天高地厚,会一些三脚猫的功夫.他迷离的身世却牵动整片大地风云变幻.他的爸爸应该是荆轲,不过后来对盖聂敬仰,渐生父子之情.武器是一对拳头(后改为非攻,具体见后文解释),...

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中叔郎十味:荆天明:十二岁,为人精灵古怪而又有些不知天高地厚,会一些三脚猫的功夫.他迷离的身世牵动着整 天明 [1]片大地的风云变幻.他的父亲是书中的绝顶剑客荆轲,母亲是美貌...

武昌区13392994319: 求《秦时明月》里所有人物的名字 -
中叔郎十味: 1. 9):男主角,九岁,荆轲与丽姬之子?荆天明(0 2. 盖聂(9): 男,极度冷酷孤傲,尊敬强硬的对手,从不怜悯弱者.剑圣传人, 自从击败了自己的父亲剑圣盖峰之后,便开始艰苦的修行,成为天下第一剑客,使用排名第十的名剑:霜魂 ...

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