
作者&投稿:童段 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Play football 踢足球Play games 玩游戏Play chess 下棋Play soccer 踢足球Play basketball 打篮球Play ball 打球Play baseball 打棒球Play badminton 打羽毛球
Play computer 玩电脑
Play music 制造音乐Play marbles 玩弹珠Play golf 打高尔夫Play cards 打牌Play jokes 开玩笑Play fishing 玩钓鱼游戏Play yo-yo 玩悠悠球
Play the violin 弹小提琴Play tricks 玩技巧类的东西
Play magic tricks 玩魔术
Play with friends 和朋友们玩
Play sports 运动

零基础英语:英语单词 play的相关短语讲解

玩(耍), 游玩[戏]

扮演(角色), 假装; 表演

演奏, 弹奏(on)

开玩笑, 嘲弄, (对人或物)玩弄

(电影)上映, (戏剧)上演, 进行体育或文娱比赛

赌博, 打赌

闪动, 飘动, 摇动, 浮现, 荡漾, 飞舞

(乐器)适于演奏, (戏剧)适于演出

(唱片, 录音机等)放音; (机器零件)自由运转

(连续)发射, (泉水)喷射, (光)照射(on, over, along)


[方]怠工, 罢工

play for money
play on the piano
sunlight playing on the water
play with sb.
A smile plays on her lips.
They are playing at chess.
This violin plays well.
What's playing at the theatre?
allow full play to 使充分活动[发挥]
as good as a play (象戏剧那样)有趣的
be played out 精疲力尽
bring into fullplay 充分利用, 充分发挥作用
call into fullplay 充分利用, 充分发挥作用
put into fullplay 充分利用, 充分发挥作用
children's play 容易的事; 不足挂齿的小事
come into play 开始活动, 开始起作用
fair play 公正的态度, 公平的比赛; 光明正大的行动
foul play 犯规, 奸诈, 暴行, 谋杀
gallery play 迎合观众[听众]趣味的表演, 哗众取宠
give free play to 放任, 自由发挥, 发泄
give (full) play to (one's speciality) 发挥某人的特长, 让(特长)...充分发挥
go out of play 【体】球出界
grand-stand play (打球时旨在博得观众喝采的)花架子动作 哗众取宠的行为
grandstand play (打球时旨在博得观众喝采的)花架子动作 哗众取宠的行为
high play 输赢很大的赌博, 下大笔赌注的赌博
give sb. a play 努力想得到某人的信任
hold sb. in play 使人工作下去, 牵制
keep sb. in play 使人工作下去, 牵制
in play 开玩笑 (与be连用)被卷入, 在起作用, 在产生影响 【体】(足球等)处于比赛状态, 不是死球
in full play 正起劲, 正在繁忙的时候, 正在积极进行中
lucky at play , unlucky in love. [谚]赌场得意, 情场失意。
lucky at play cards, unlucky in love. [谚]赌场得意, 情场失意。
make play (赛马)摆脱追者 加速, 加快 加紧工作; 发生效果 (拳击中)猛击对手 牵制
make play with 过分强调, 过分夸大
make a play for 以色情引诱; 设法引诱
miracle play 奇迹剧; 神迹剧(欧洲中世纪根据耶稣和圣徒生平事迹编写的戏剧)
out of play 失业; (球赛)死球; 暂停比赛
Turn about is fair play. 一人一轮, 天公地道。
play about (同...)在一起厮混; 玩弄; 戏弄
play about with (同...)在一起厮混; 玩弄; 戏弄
play around (同...)在一起厮混; 玩弄; 戏弄
play around with (同...)在一起厮混; 玩弄; 戏弄
play along with [口](同...)合作; 参与... 依照...行事
play around with (同...)在一起厮混; (同....)乱搞男女关系 反复考虑; 斟酌
play at 玩, 打球, 下棋, 打牌
play (at) fast and loose (with) 反复无常; (拿...)当儿戏; 玩弄(某人的爱情等)
play away 赌掉(金钱); 玩掉(时间); 浪费
play back (板球)向后[前]打球
play forward (板球)向后[前]打球
play ball 开始, 正当地做, 光明正大地做 和...合作(与with连用)
play by ear 全靠听来的调子弹奏
play down 降低, 减低, 贬低; 缩小某事的重要性
play down to sb. 故意对某人态度谦和(以显得平易近人赢得支持或好感)
play fair 规规矩矩地比赛; 光明正大地行动, 办事公允
play fair the game 规规矩矩地比赛; 光明正大地行动, 办事公允
play hard 不择手段
play hard to get [口]故意装出不肯合作的样子(以加强自己的地位); 故意装出难以接近的样子(以鼓励对方作进一步追求)
play high 大赌; 出大牌
play in 奏乐迎人
play into each other's hands 互相渔利, 互相勾结
play into sb.'s hands 故意使...占便宜, 为...谋方便
play into the hands 故意使...占便宜, 为...谋方便
play it on sb. (= play low down on sb.) 用卑劣手段骗某人
play it safe 在牌戏中采取稳定的措施; 谨慎行事
play of colours 幻色, 光彩幻想
play of words 诡辩, 玩弄词藻
play off (难分胜负的)延长赛 使出丑 嘲弄 以...冒充 假装有病
play off one against the other 挑拨离间, 从中得利
play off one against another 挑拨离间, 从中得利
play on 利用
play on words 说双关语, 说俏皮话
play out 演完, 结束; 精疲力尽; 陈旧, 过时
play sb. false (在赌博、竞技中)对某人行诈 欺骗某人, 蒙骗某人; 对某人虚情假意
play sb. foul (在赌博、竞技中)对某人行诈 欺骗某人, 蒙骗某人; 对某人虚情假意
play second 奏第二小提琴; 当第二把手
play sharp on sb. [美口]以狡猾的手段欺骗某人
play smash with [美口]撞毁, 摧毁
play up 大肆宣传, 鼓吹, 强调; (使)烦恼; (使)痛; (给某人)制造麻烦
play up to (在戏中)与...配合得好, 谄媚, 求宠
play with玩, 戏弄, 摆弄; 不大认真考虑(某一问题)
play with fire 玩火, 做危险的事

1)play basketball 打篮球,football 踢足球,volleyball 打排球

2)play games 做游戏

3)play the piano (the violin) 弹钢琴(拉小提琴)

4)play with snow 玩雪

5)play a joke (on) 对……开玩笑

Phrasal Verb(s):

play along (Informal)
To cooperate or pretend to cooperate: decided to play along with the robbers for a while.

play around
To philander.

play at

1. To participate in; engage in.
2. To do or take part in halfheartedly.

play back
To replay (a recently recorded tape, for example).

play down
To minimize the importance of; make little of: played down the defect to protect the troops' morale.

play off
1. Sports
1. To establish the winner of (a tie) by playing in an additional game or series of games.
2. To participate in a playoff.
2. To set (one individual or party) in opposition to another so as to advance one's own interests: a parent who played off one child against another.

play on/upon
To take advantage of (another's attitudes or feelings) for one's own interests: demagogues who play on popular fears.

play out
To use up; exhaust: Our strength was played out early in the contest.

play up
To emphasize or publicize: She played up her experience during the job interview.

play boy花花公子


play at 玩, 打球, 下棋, 打牌 play (at) fast and loose (with) 反复无常; (拿...)当儿戏; 玩弄(某人的爱情等)play away 赌掉(金钱); 玩掉(时间); 浪费 play back (板球)向后[前]打球 play forward (板球)向后[前]打球 play ball 开始, 正当地做, 光明正大地做 和...合作(与...

9、play chess 下棋 10、play tennis 打网球

play the game 玩游戏 play the violin谈小提琴 play basketball打篮球 play football踢足球 play+the+乐器 play+球类 play一般指儿童的玩耍,一般成年人不用 play后常跟娱乐性的活动 play作为名词是一般指儿童的活动 分类 冠词分为不定冠词、定冠词、否定冠词、部分冠词和零冠词,零冠词指的是不用冠...

play+球,棋,牌,play cards

play hide and seek 玩捉迷藏 play games 玩游戏 feed the fish 喂鱼 fly kites 放风筝 go swimming 去游泳 go climbing 去爬山 take photos 拍照 run and jump 又跑又跳 watch flowers and other beautiful things 观赏花儿和其他美丽的事物 watch animals or animal shows 观看动物或者动物表演 ...

play soccer play ping-pong play basketball play football

1、play 英 [pleɪ] 美 [pleɪ]v.玩耍;游戏;玩乐;(为玩耍)假装,假扮;捉弄;戏弄。n.游戏;玩耍;娱乐;戏剧;剧本;比赛;赛风;比赛中的表现。While the twins played cards, Francis sat reading 那对双胞胎玩扑克牌的时候,弗朗西斯坐着看书。2、player 英 [ˈpleɪə...

play with\/play at\/play for的区别与用法(包括词组)
play with 人或动物 play at 地点 play for 目的

play (.ed )玩;踢 swim(swam)游泳 skate 滑冰 fly(flew)飞 jump 跳 walk 走 run(run)跑 climb 爬 fight(fought)打架 swing(swung)荡 eat(ate)吃 sleep(slept)睡觉 like 像,喜欢 have(had)有;吃 turn 转弯 buy(bought)买 take(took)买;带 live 居住 teach (taught )教 go(went)...


商南县15136206969: 用play开头的词组有哪些 -
爱罚蔗糖: play baseketball ,play the computer ,play sports ,play game ..............

商南县15136206969: play 可以组成哪些词组 -
爱罚蔗糖: play an important role 起到重要作用play in 奏乐迎入play with 与…一起玩play the game 玩游戏;行动光抄明正大;遵守比赛规则play someone as (在比赛中)用某人担任…fair play 公平竞争;公平比赛;平等对袭待give full play to 充分发...

商南县15136206969: 有关play的词组谢谢 -
爱罚蔗糖: play about四出厮混 play away浪费掉 play back播放 play down降低,贬低 play off使出手 play with玩耍 play on利用 play up给…造成麻烦 常用的就差不多够用了(*^__^*)

商南县15136206969: play开头动词词组(小学) -
爱罚蔗糖: play footballplay the piano

商南县15136206969: 有关play的词组谢谢123 -
爱罚蔗糖:[答案] play about四出厮混 play away浪费掉 play back播放 play down降低,贬低 play off使出手 play with玩耍 play on利用 play up给…造成麻烦

商南县15136206969: 小学英语以“play”开头的词组有哪些 -
爱罚蔗糖: 短语:1.play the piano2.play basketball3.play soccer4.play volleyball5.play football6.play the violin7.play the guitar8.look at 看9.look for,寻找10.look like看起来像

商南县15136206969: play的短语是什么? -
爱罚蔗糖:[答案] play with 和……玩 play against 对抗,打比赛 play +运动 play the +乐器

商南县15136206969: 列举play的短语至少十个(运动、游戏、乐器),注意哪些有冠词the,哪些没有,哪种要加with? -
爱罚蔗糖: (1)play the game 玩游戏(2)play the violin谈小提琴(3)play basketball打篮球(4)play football踢足球(5)play with 玩弄(6)play a role发挥作用(7)playthe role扮演角色(8)fair play公平竞争(9)play against对决(10)play hooky 逃学play+the+乐器play+球类play一般指儿童的玩耍,一般成年人不用,play后常跟娱乐性的活动,play作为名词是一般指儿童的活动,

商南县15136206969: play的用法 和一些词组 -
爱罚蔗糖: 您的问题很简单.呵呵.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:play 翻译:vt. 游戏;扮演;演奏;播放;同…比赛;vi. 演奏;玩耍;上演;参加比赛 n. 游戏;比赛;剧本知识补充: play with oneself [口语] 手淫 play an important ...

商南县15136206969: 有play的单词 -
爱罚蔗糖: 答案是:Play the drums ,play the guitar ,play the piano ,play the flute.play the violin ,play basketball/volleyball/football /soccerball /baseball/ play a trick on sb / play a joke on sb☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

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