
作者&投稿:中叔嵇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

元音字母a e i o u
与a 字母的组合 很多,例如 ai 读作[ei] train rain 等
与e 字母的组合也比较多 ea 读作[i:] each mean
ee 读作[i:] meet tree 等

3. i字母的组合 ie 读作[i:] piece thief
4. o字母的组合 oo 读作[u:] school fool 在k前读读作[u] look took
5 , u字母 ure 单词例子 sure surely
ur 例词 turn nurse



[ ei] [ ai] [ oi] [ uer] [ eer]
[ ier]
发音组合:ei a ai ay
cake fate naked snake lake make name
paid main
day may
音标对比:[ æ ] [  ] [ e ] [  ]
at eight bed paid
bat bade set say
lab late pen pain
sand same hen hay
[ ]
发音要诀:将口张开略圆,舌后微升,舌尖向后收缩,由[  ]平稳过渡到[  ]音。
开始部分[  ]是个前元音,和普通话 a音相仿,但舌位更靠前,发音时舌尖必须抵住下齿。
发音组合:y i uy
代表单词:cry dry my
kite high bike tight fine time
buy guy
音标对比:[ æ ] [  ]
bat bite
back bike
dam climb
lamp line
sack sign
[ ]
发音要诀:双唇外突成圆形,发[  ]音,逐渐过渡为双唇扁平分开,发[  ]短音。
注意:开始部分舌位在[  ] 和[  ]之间,由上述部分向 [  ]音滑动,由圆唇变成扁唇。
发音组合:oy oi
代表单词:toy boy loyal
noise voice point soil coin oil
音标对比:[  ] [  ]
boy boss
toy top
spoil stop
[ ]
开始部分和[ ]中的[ ]音相同,由[ ]平稳过渡到[ ]音。
发音组合:ou ow
代表单词:house sound out noun
bow town now tower
音标对比:[ ] [ ]
now night
cow kite
sound side
[ ]
发音要诀:口半开半圆,舌后微微上升,过渡成双唇成圆形,发英语字母” O” 的长音。
由[ ] 出发,然后把双唇收圆,滑向[ ]。
发音组合:o ow oa
代表单词:host nose tone hole note coke cope
bowl know low own
boat coat
音标对比:[ ] []
how hole
loud load
shout shown
集中双元音:其第二组成部分为[  ]
集中双元音为:[  ] [  ] [ ]
[  ]
发音要诀:双唇张开,牙床由窄至半开,舌抵下齿逐渐过渡上卷,从[ ]音过渡到[ ]音。
发[  ]时注意用扁平唇,嘴不要张得太大,以免发成[  ],[  ]。
发音组合:eer ear ere
代表单词:beer deer
hear near fear
音标对比:[  ] [  ]
here hill
fear feel
dear deal
[  ]
发音组合:air ear are ere
代表单词:hair fair air chair
bear swear
dare hare
音标对比:[  ] [  ]
hair hire
fare fire
spare spire
[ ]
发音要诀:双唇成圆形,牙床近于半合,舌尖不触下齿,由[ ]音很快向[ ]滑动。
注意[ ] 不要发成[ ]音,或普通话的 u。
发音组合:oor ure our
lure sure
音标对比:[ ] []
poor post
sure sold
lure load

That's an easy task. you aren't all set ,are you? FOLLOW ME,then.

I love you, Easy come, easy go. I bumped into Lily in downtown yesterday.
My kid brother ate two bowls of rice ,so I guess he eats like a horse.He must be very parched for food at that moment. Poor little Billy,he got flunked on the English exam because he didn't study,
There is a bookstore just around the corner.
Excuse me ! nature calls.
Say boy, just come over here!
how many tourists do you take this time, any way ?
who let him in? He is such a bad egg that I can't get along with him all the time!
差不多用这几个句子应该把美式音标的元音都覆盖了,请用句子来学习,不要用孤立的单词来记忆, Say man,got it?

音标对比:[ ] []how hole loud load shout shown 集中双元音:其第二组成部分为[  ]集中双元音为:[  ] [  ] [ ][  ]...

跪求所有英文单元音音标可以组成的单词,如 \/i\/ :eRt(吃,喝)

1、[i:]:sea, he, see, piece, ceiling 2、[i]:sit, build, miss, myth 3、[e]:bed, desk, head,4、[ae](a和e中间是连起来的):bad, land, bank, stamp 5、[ɔ]:hot, want 6、[ɔ:]:door, more, sport, ball, warm, author, court, bought, caught 7、[u...


20个元音音标发音方法 [i:] 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角向两边张开,露出微笑的表情,与字母E的发音相同。[ɪ] 嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,嘴形扁平。[ɜ:] 嘴形扁平,上下齿微开,舍身平放,舌中部稍稍抬高。[ə] 嘴唇微微张开,舌身放平,舌中部微微抬起,...

一,元音:(1)长元音:\/ɑ:\/,\/ɔ:\/,\/ ɜ:\/,\/i:\/,\/U:\/ (2)短元音:\/ ʌ\/,\/ɒ\/,\/ə\/,\/ɪ\/,\/ʊ\/,\/e\/,\/æ\/双元音:\/eɪ\/,\/aɪ\/,\/ɔɪ\/,\/ɪə\/,\/eə\/,\/ʊə\/...

1、being(生物、存在)2、cling(抱住,附着)3、king(国王)4、sing(唱歌)5、song(歌曲)6、thing(事情)7、wrong(错误)8、hang(上吊,倒悬)9、long(长久,长的)10、strong(强壮的)11、morning(早晨)12、 evening(晚上)13、 nothing(没事)14、 something(某物)15、young(年青...

发元音时 气流从肺部通过声门冲击声带,使声带发出均匀震动,然后震音气流不受阻碍的通过口腔,通过舌、唇的调节而发出不同的声音。发元音时声带振动,因此属于浊音。元音并非在所有的语言中都与元音字母一一对应,一些元音字母的组合也可以表示特殊的元音,比如汉语中的某些复韵母;某些语言中一些元音字母在...

20个元音音标发音方法:一、单元音:单元音发音时,舌位、唇形、开口度始终不变。将舌面隆起分别放置于口腔的前部,中部和后部。放置于前部是前元音,包括: \/i:\/ \/ɪ\/ \/e\/ \/æ\/;放置于中部是中元音,包括: \/ʌ\/ \/ɜ:\/ \/ə\/;放置于后部是后元音,...

48个英语音标发音如下:一、元音部分:1、单元音:[i:]、[i]、[:]、[u:]、[u]、[:]、[ɑ:]、[e]。2、双元音:[ei]、[ai]、[i]、[u]、[i]、[au]、[u]。注意,元音也可以分为:1、长元音:\/ɑ:\/ \/:\/ \/u:\/ \/i:\/ \/:\/。2、短元音:\/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/\/ \/u\/ \/e\/ \/...

汪清县17260046195: 谁能用所有元音音标各组2个词!50分 -
段干寿舒瑞:[答案] 合口双元音为: [ ei] [ ai] [ oi] [ uer] [ eer] [ ier] 发音组合:ei a ai ay 代表单词:eight cake fate naked snake lake make name paid main day may 音标对比:[ æ ] [  ] [ e ] [  ] at eight bed paid bat bade set ...

汪清县17260046195: 急需!帮忙啊~~英语,我想不难帮忙把每个元音音标举两个单词作例子,3,4个更好,但不要再多拉!谢谢了昂 -
段干寿舒瑞:[答案] 1)[i:] sea,he,see,piece,ceiling 2)[i] sit,build,miss,myth 3)[e] bed,desk,head, 4)[A] bad,land,bank,stamp 5)[a:] car,fast,class,... 17)[Ci] boy,oil 18)[iE] dear,idea,deer,here,fierce, 19)[ ZE] pear,care,there,fair 20)[uE] tour,poor, 3.容易混淆的元音 1)[e] [A] bed ...

汪清县17260046195: 英语音标长元音和短元音写出来 写好后在每个元音的后面顺便写2个和这个元音有关的词 -
段干寿舒瑞:[答案] ʌ cup, luck ɑ: arm, father æ: cat, black e: met, bed ə: away, cinema ɜ: turn, learn ɪ: hit, sitting i: see, heat ɒ: hot, rock ɔ: call, four ʊ: put, could u: blue, food aɪ: five, eye aʊ: now, out eɪ: say, eight oʊ: go, home ɔɪ: boy, join eə: where, air ɪə: ...

汪清县17260046195: 用元音的开音节和闭音节各组两个单词 -
段干寿舒瑞: 展开全部 开:cake late/smile write/like kite/no note/cute use 闭:bat map/egg end/begin big/box frog/must cup

汪清县17260046195: 所有双元音(8个)各组两个单词和音标 -
段干寿舒瑞: 合口双元音为: [ ei] [ ai] [ oi] [ uer] [ eer] [ ier] 发音组合:ei a ai ay 代表单词:eight cake fate naked snake lake make name paid main day may 音标对比:[ æ ] [  ] [ e ] [  ] at eight bed paid bat bade ...

汪清县17260046195: 英标单元音 双元音 每个音标找2个单词例子 标明汉语(要求单词简单) -
段干寿舒瑞: /i:/: me see we he /i/:it bit fit big pig /e/:get debt yet wet neck /æ/:cap map /a:/arm art cart hard fast /o/:top shop what hot /o:/saw law /u/put foot cook book took /u:/too do who you (短音a ) uo cuo bud rough (长音 e) fur sir her shirt hurt (短音e)ago again among above agree

汪清县17260046195: 用元音的开音节和闭音节各组两个单词 -
段干寿舒瑞: 开:cake late/smile write/like kite/no note/cute use闭:bat map/egg end/begin big/box frog/must cup

汪清县17260046195: 带有元音音标的单词各5个(要简单的) -
段干寿舒瑞: 1) [i:] sea, he, see, piece, meat 2) [i] sit, build, miss, myth, swim 3) [e] bed, desk, head, red, let 4) [??] bad, land, bank, stamp, lamp 5) [a:] car, fast, class, calm, glass 6) [??] hot, dollar, dog, doll, not 7) [??:] door, more, sport, ball, warm 8) [U:] good, ...

汪清县17260046195: 英语48个音标每个音标两个单词 -
段干寿舒瑞: 一、元音部分:1)、单元音:[i:]he;she、[i]big;with、[ɔ:]all;ball、[ɔ]what;want、[u:]food;room、[u]book;good、[ə:]skirt;birthday、[ə]about;sofa、[ɑ:]art;car、[ʌ]but;cup、[e]bed;egg、[æ] bag;dad2)、双元音:[ei]game;name、[ai]like;nice、[ɔ...

汪清县17260046195: 所有短元音的发音单词每个2个 左右 -
段干寿舒瑞:[答案] 梅花音 bag map /e/ bed pen /I/ big miss /o/ dog not /∧/ bus cup /∪/ book look /э/ end forget

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